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Eastside Clinic for March 2022

Eastside Clinic will be held on THURSDAY, March 17, 2022 at 7:00 PM (lobby opens at 6:45 PM) PDT

The Eastside Clinic is inviting everyone to the March Clinic to be held virtually on ZOOM this Thursday, March 17, starting at 7:00 PM with our virtual lobby opening at 6:45 PM.  So be sure and save the date for the March Eastside Clinic this Thursday!  The log in info for the clinic is below.    

Topic: Eastside Clinic for March 2022
Time: March 17, 2022, 06:45 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join the Zoom meeting at:

Meeting ID: 865 5043 1054
Passcode: 514936

Our Clinic this month is titled “Dupont – The Dynamite Train” and will be presented by Russ Segner.  Russ will discuss the history and potential modeling opportunities of the DuPont Company’s own narrow-gauge railroad. Built in 1906, it was used to deliver materials and explosives from the old DuPont Powder Works Plant to the pier on Puget Sound.  

Alex Brikoff, 03/14/2022    

Whidbey Clinic 9 March 2022 – Double Feature – Restoring Prototype Equipment and a Mini-Layout Tour

Join us this Wednesday 9 March at 7:00 on ZOOM for a special double feature. We start with Jon Wilbert showing some items from his prototype equipment collection that has been nicely restored for display and functionality. Our second feature will be Al Frasch sharing a tour of his new layout in Arizona – the Modesto Empire and Traction in N-scale. Will be an interesting clinic covering a wide spectrum of big and small subjects.

Zoom Link

4dpnrOrganizer SkagitValleyWhidbey is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Whidbey March Clinic
Time: Mar 9, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 828 8900 0829
Passcode: 120810
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,82889000829#,,,,120810# US (Tacoma) +16699006833,,82889000829#,,,,120810# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

4dPNR March Layout Tour Zoom

Join us at 10am PST on Saturday March 12 for a great Zoom presentation. Lee Marsh will give us an explanation how he designed an operating scheme for his highly detailed transition era HO scale Great Northern layout set in the Washington Cascades in the early 1950’s. How he made the transition from a “lone wolf” modeler to a “party animal” modeler.

Here is the Zoom info to join the meeting:

Topic: 4dPNR March Layout Tours
Time: Mar 12, 2022 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 818 1165 4479
Passcode: 260171
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,81811654479# US (Tacoma)
+16699009128,,81811654479# US (San Jose)

Rails To Sails Train Show

By Bud Thompson

What awaits you at the Rails to Sails Train Show?

There will be three different sizes (Scales) operating during the show. 

N Scale

The Centerpiece of the show will be an N Scale modular layout covering an area of approximately 31′ x 36’.  This layout is being assembled and operated by members of the 4dNTRAK N Scale group that represents the National Model Railroad Association in the Pacific NW Region.  The group has been in operations for over 20 years, and no layout has been repeated, and this one is no exception.  For the first time the layout will include ramps for loading cars onto a ferry that will travel across the layout and unload the railcars onto another ramp after the journey.  There will also be a Scavenger Hunt with items located on several of the modules.

N Scale represents model railroading at a size of 1 foot = 160 feet. 

We hope you will come to see this unique modular layout.

HO Scale

A permanent part of the exhibit is a an HO Scale model of the Northern Pacific Railway’s Half Moon yard.  Where, with the push of a button, you can send a train off to Seattle or Portland.  You can see the real rail yard across the street from the museum.

G Scale

Visit the G Scale layout and challenge yourself to “Deliver the Goods” by putting a train together, and going to different companies, deliver full cars, pick up empty cars and return them to each supplier.

Then you can visit one of several booths with representatives from various railroad related organizations. Come by and see us for First Annual Rails to Sails Train Show.  The show runs from March 17 to 20 and is open from 10am to 4pm each day.  Thursday night is “Free Third Thursday” from 5pm to 8pm.

Please join us at the Foss Waterway Seaport Museum and Event Center located at 705 Dock Street, between the Northern Pacific Railway’s Half Moon Yard, and the Foss Waterway.  Take I-705 to the 4th Street bridge, turn right and cross the bridge.  4th Street becomes Dock Street as it turns to the right.  The museum is the second building on your left.

We’ll be seeing you at the Train Show!!!!!!


Presenting “Post COVID-19 Model Railroading” at the North End Clinic on March 3, 2022 (virtual)

Please join us for the monthly north end clinic tomorrow night, Thursday, March 3, at 7pm to hear visiting clinician, James Knabb, present Post COVID-19 Model Railroading, a timely presentation about how the pandemic has changed our hobby. James joins us from the great state of Texas so we will be sure to start promptly at 7pm PST. The lobby will open by 6:45pm so folks can join and chat beforehand. Login information for the meeting is below.

About the clinic: The model train industry has changed significantly since the height of the pandemic and there has been a huge amount of people joining the hobby. We will chat about what types of new modelers are out there and how to get them to join the NMRA. We will also discuss what other clubs have been doing to stay active.

About the clinician: James is a junior at the University of Texas at Dallas as a Supply Chain Management major. He has been in the model railroading hobby since he could walk and is currently an NMRA member. He is the social media chairman for his local NMRA division and organized multi-division NMRA Zoom meetings for divisions across the world during the height of the pandemic. He is active in recruiting members at shows for his local division and regularly encourages new modelers to take a more active role in model railroading.  James is active in the organization Youth in Model Railroading (YMR) and presented at their national virtual meet in March of 2021. He created a blog called NextGen Railroaders and sometimes hosts Zoom meetings for college students to talk about trains. James also was the recipient of the 2019 LSR NMRA Youth Award for presenting at the 2019 LSR Convention for CAD design and recently received the NMRA AP Volunteer Certificate at age 19.

Zoom meeting information:
Topic: North Seattle March Virtual Meeting
Time: Mar 3, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 873 0032 8199
Passcode: 392468

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night!

Mount Vernon Gabfest and Swapmeet, April 30, 2022

Mark your calendar, Saturday April 30, 2022. 10am to 3pm.  Location is the Mount Vernon Senior Center, 1401 Cleveland Avenue, Mount Vernon, WA.  Admission is free.

After a two year hiatus the Mount Vernon Clinic is hosting a Saturday event.  These meets are as much about getting together to talk as they are about the clinics.  This year we decided to keep it simple and forgo clinics.  Since the swap tables were so popular in past years there will be swap tables with stuff for sale and freebies.  Table availability is limited but will be available for a nominal fee.  Table reservations will not be taken until announced in a few weeks.

At this time no refreshments are planned so be prepared to bring your own or shop locally.  More details will be available nearer the date of the event.

Covid precautions will be the policy of the City of Mount Vernon and Skagit County in effect on the date of the event.  Much prefer everyone to be fully vaccinated and prepared to wear an approved mask.

For more information contact Ted Becker,

Eastside Virtual Clinic for February 2022

Eastside Virtual Clinic will be held on THURSDAY, February 17, 2022 at 7:00 PM (lobby opens at 6:45 PM) PDT

The Eastside Clinic is inviting everyone to the February Clinic to be held virtually on ZOOM this Thursday, February 17, starting at 7:00 PM with our virtual lobby opening at 6:45 PM.  Be sure and save the date for the February Eastside Clinic this Thursday!  The log in info for the clinic is below.    

Topic: Eastside Clinic for February 2022
Time: February 17, 2022, 06:45 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 834 5167 3804
Passcode: 257601

This month’s clinic is titled is “Lighted Utility Poles: Modeling Lighted Utility Poles on an HO Model Railroad” and will be presented by Paul Rising.  Paul will discuss how he fabricated over 150 lighted utility poles very inexpensively for the PSMRE layout at the Washington State History Museum in Tacoma.  Lighted utility poles are an often overlooked scenic feature on many model railroads, so this should be a great clinic that we can all take some ideas away from and apply them to our own modeling projects.

Alex Brikoff, 02/15/2022