Please join us for the monthly north end clinic tomorrow night, Thursday, March 3, at 7pm to hear visiting clinician, James Knabb, present Post COVID-19 Model Railroading, a timely presentation about how the pandemic has changed our hobby. James joins us from the great state of Texas so we will be sure to start promptly at 7pm PST. The lobby will open by 6:45pm so folks can join and chat beforehand. Login information for the meeting is below.

About the clinic: The model train industry has changed significantly since the height of the pandemic and there has been a huge amount of people joining the hobby. We will chat about what types of new modelers are out there and how to get them to join the NMRA. We will also discuss what other clubs have been doing to stay active.

About the clinician: James is a junior at the University of Texas at Dallas as a Supply Chain Management major. He has been in the model railroading hobby since he could walk and is currently an NMRA member. He is the social media chairman for his local NMRA division and organized multi-division NMRA Zoom meetings for divisions across the world during the height of the pandemic. He is active in recruiting members at shows for his local division and regularly encourages new modelers to take a more active role in model railroading.  James is active in the organization Youth in Model Railroading (YMR) and presented at their national virtual meet in March of 2021. He created a blog called NextGen Railroaders and sometimes hosts Zoom meetings for college students to talk about trains. James also was the recipient of the 2019 LSR NMRA Youth Award for presenting at the 2019 LSR Convention for CAD design and recently received the NMRA AP Volunteer Certificate at age 19.

Zoom meeting information:
Topic: North Seattle March Virtual Meeting
Time: Mar 3, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 873 0032 8199
Passcode: 392468

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night!