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Grab Iron Posts

Cab Chatter Redux – North End Clinic is Thursday, October 6 at 7pm

Ever wonder what it would feel like if you had a party and no one showed up?

If you were at the September clinic you know what I mean. Apparently there was this thing called the Narrow Gauge Convention in Tacoma???

In all seriousness, for those of you who didn’t attend the convention you missed a good time. I am sure that many of you who did attend have lots to share about what you saw and what you learned at the various clinics that were held.

Since we didn’t have many attendees in September (I believe there were a total of five?), we are going try this again. We will have an open forum where members can share any model railroading projects done or rail-fanning trips taken in the months we haven’t seen each other.

The name of the clinic will be Cab Chatter Redux: What I Did This Summer/Early Fall: Model Railroading and Rail-fanning Fun.

(and, don’t worry, if people don’t show up this time, we’ll have another kind of clinic in November….maybe 😉)

If you have something you want to share (like photos) and need any technical help, feel free to contact me. See contact information below.

Here is the zoom meeting info:

Topic: October 4D North End Clinic
Time: Oct 6, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 859 3238 6113
Passcode: 844298

See you soon!

Lisa Murray, clinic chair
206-310-6778 (voice or text)

New Eastside Clinic

Here is the link for Thursday evening, September 22 at 7PM. We will discuss a New Start of an Eastside Clinic and follow with a presentation on rebuilding a 1906 flatcar at DuPont.

Russ Segner is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: New Eastside Clinic
Time: Sep 22, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 813 6311 4864
Passcode: 983108
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,81363114864#,,,,*983108# US (Tacoma)
+13462487799,,81363114864#,,,,*983108# US (Houston)

Dial by your location
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 444 9171 US
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 719 359 4580 US
+1 564 217 2000 US
+1 646 931 3860 US
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 309 205 3325 US
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 386 347 5053 US
Meeting ID: 813 6311 4864
Passcode: 983108
Find your local number:

Eastside Clinic Restarting

Aritcle & Photos By Russ Segner

I am convening the Eastside Clinic this Thursday, September 22 at 7PM. 

We will begin with a brief discussion on the logistics for future Eastside Clinics. A regular site for face-to-face meetings is not set, so we will ask for ideas. The location should be from Bellevue south to Kent reasonably close to I-405.

We will also discuss possible topics and presenters for upcoming sessions.

Please join me for this discussion. I envision that there will be two Zoom meetings a quarter and one face-to-face meeting each quarter.

For out main presentation I will share photos of the rebuild of a 1906 flat car at DuPont. This will include photos not shared before of how we measured, sourced materials and then reconstructed a replica of the 1906 car.

The link for the meeting will be published on Monday in the Grab Iron.

Russ Segner
206 200 2211

Railroads, Art and American Life presentation at the Northwest Railway Museum

You’re invited to explore the unique relationship between Railroads, Art and American Life on September 17th at 3 pm. Railroads provide us with more than just transportation and art shows. This illustrated presentation begins with historical railroad advertising art to remind us of what we once had and gave up. Contemporary rail art then opens a window on what we have now and/or could have. Presented in partnership with the Pacific Northwest Railway Archives and the Northwest Railway Museum, passengers will begin the round trip experience at the Snoqualmie Depot by climbing aboard historic passenger cars to journey west to the top of Snoqualmie Falls, pausing at the crest for a view of the lower river valley. Returning east to the Railway History Center (RHC) for a visit the Train Shed Exhibit Hall, artist J. Craig Thorpe will present a fascinating look at how Railroads, Art, and American Life impact each other in the past, present and future. After the program passengers will hop back aboard to return to the Snoqualmie Depot. Tickets are available at:

J. Craig Thorpe is a Seattle-area artist who, over the course of 30 years, has produced paintings and drawings for noted clients such as Amtrak, General Electric, White Pass & Yukon Route, Grand Canyon Railway and other public and private clients. His realist style invites the viewer to ponder the relationship of the railroad to our national landscapes and the common good.

For more information on train schedules, special events and operating hours, visit: or call 425.888.3030.

Peggy Barchi

Zoom Layout tour this Saturday – NP in Montana in 1956 in HO!

We resume our “Second Saturday” Zoom layout tours with a visit to Steve Rodie’s Northern Pacific HO layout. Steve’s large layout, located in Omaha, Nebraska, includes a 3% helper district for those articulated steam helper locos. As usual, the meeting will open at 9:30am PDT, with Steve’s presentation at 10:00am, followed by Q&A. Steve has built several great layouts, so his presentation will include insights and lessons learned from all of them, as well as a tour of the current layout. Here is the Zoom info to join the meeting:

Time: 10:00am PDT, Saturday, September 10

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 872 1065 7142
Passcode: 805577
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,87210657142# US (Tacoma)
+16699009128,,87210657142# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

Cab Chatter at the virtual North End Clinic on Thursday, September 1, at 7pm

By Lisa Murray

As the end of summer approaches, it’s time to get back to the Seattle North End Clinic.

Many of you have expressed the desire to keep the clinic via Zoom as it allows many to be able to attend without needing to travel into Ballard at night, especially as the weather gets worse, and it gets dark early. So we are keeping it virtual.

We are going to have an open forum where members can share any model railroading projects done or rail-fanning trips taken in the months we haven’t seen each other. The name of the clinic will be Cab Chatter: What I Did This Summer: Model Railroading and Rail-fanning Fun.

Feel free to contact Lisa Murray if you have something you want to share (like photos) and need any technical help. See contact information below.

We understand that many of you may be attending the Narrow Gauge Convention in Tacoma on Thursday and may not be able to attend. However, if you need a break, feel free to join and share your summer fun in real-time.

Looking forward to seeing you all!! Here is the Zoom link information:

Topic: September 4dpnr Seattle North End Clinic
Time: Sep 1, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 881 9128 8309
Passcode: 716203

Lisa Murray, clinic chair
206-310-6778 (voice or text)

Mount Vernon Clinic

By Alan Carter

Hey folks, it has been a long time – too long – since we’ve had any in person clinics. Covid really fouled things up, that’s for sure.

Well, it’s time to rectify that and get back to meeting in person. The first clinic of the year will be Monday, September 19, at 7:00 pm, at the Mount Vernon Senior Center, 1401 Cleveland Street (just south of the post office).

The even better news is that we have negotiated use of the large room at the senior center (the room where we’ve hosted those Saturday events in years past). This gives us plenty of room to spread out.

Our friends from our “sister clinic” over in Oak Harbor currently do not have a meeting space for their clinics, so we are hoping at least some of them can come and join us.

As in the past, please enter through the rear door, off the parking lot. The front door must remain locked. Please come as early as 6:30 to have time to socialize a bit and maybe help setting up chairs and tables.

Rather than having a featured clinician that evening, the plan is for you all to take part – we want to know what you have been up to since we last met a couple of years ago. Sort of a “what I did last summer” theme. Anything railroad related is OK – model or prototype.

Please bring examples of any models you’ve built – we want to see what you’ve done. Photos, too.
Anything you want to sell? Or give away? A table will be set up for just that purpose.

I will have the projector and laptop there (hopefully I can figure that out), so if you have photos to share, bring them on a thumb drive.

I also intend to ask for ideas on what sort of clinics might be of interest. And of course, I’m always in need of clinicians.

Be sure to email me at if you have any questions/suggestions.

Al Carter, Temporary Clinic Chairperson

42nd National Narrow Gauge Convention – less than 2 weeks away

By Robin Peel

The 42nd National Narrow Gauge Convention is less than two weeks away! It will take place from September 1-4, over the Labor Day weekend, at the Hotel Murano in downtown Tacoma, WA. This is a national – international – convention being held in our backyard, sponsored by 4D, and it is NOT just for narrow gauge modelers – we will have 60 clinic sessions, many of which will appeal to standard gauge (and armchair) modelers, too!

The star of the show will be the Hangman Creek Lumber Company modular layout, which will be operating adjacent to our registration desk. This outstanding On3 layout won “Best in Show” at our 2012 National Narrow Gauge Convention (in Bellevue, WA), and has been extensively refurbished since then. It is a great opportunity to view this layout one more time, along with three other great display layouts (two On30 and one HOn3). Details of each are on our website at:

Details on the Hangman Creek Lumber Company in On3
Amazing trestles on Hangman Creek Lumber Company in On3
The Palisades module, from the Arizona Division of the Mudhens, in HOn3

Standard registration for the full, Thursday – Sunday convention is $150, including a free spouse pass, but we are offering a special one-day rate for local modelers for $50 (available only on the day, at the registration desk) that will give access to all convention activities that day (clinics, contest viewing, vendor room, modular displays and 34 home layouts).

We are looking forward to seeing you in Tacoma in just a few days! Head to our website for full details.