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Tacoma Clinic December Report

Al Babinsky


MMR Gene Swanson opened the “Dirty Santa” clinic on time with 48 modelers present. The normal program was dispensed with the exception of the Bring & Brag (Model of the Month). An announcement was made that we had good donations for the food bank. Gene called for a moment of silence for the casualties of the December 7th attack on Pearl Harbor.

Wain Miller sent the clinic member roster around to make last minute corrections. The roster will be used to make up membership badges.

Herb Buhl called for the owners of the Bring & Brag to describe their entries. Wain Miller operated the video camera to show the entries as the owners described them. Kurt Laidlaw brought a diorama entitled “Crossing the White River.” Gene Swanson brought a removable section for his railroad with a trestle that functioned as a duck-under when in place. Dale Krause had a scratchbuilt clamshell crane to be used in his coaling facility. This month’s winner was Kurt Laidlaw’s White River diorama.


Prior to the Dirty Santa we had an excellent buffet dinner with cake and ice cream, with Dave Liesse entertaining us at the keyboard.

After dinner Dirty Santa arrived and a good time was had by all. Many presents changed hands numerous times, especially the ones that had tools. After the conclusion of Dirty Santa, we had a drawing for door prizes. Gene did a great job of collecting a large number of items and, as it turned out, everyone got a door prize.


We want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and hope to see you in the next year. Our next clinic will be on Jan 9th at 7:30 PM at our usual place in the Pierce County Library Admin. Bldg. the corner of 112th Street and Waller road. The clinic will be on programming with the SPROG and JMRI and programming with DigiTrax DCC on a specially built programming setup and given by Al Babinsky.

Hope to see you there.



4D Board of Director Changes

Russ Segner

The 4th Division Board of Directors has a new member. Congratulations to Stu Rogers who has become a Director following the recent changes in our leadership team. At our November Board meeting, Ken Liesse submitted his resignation. As most of you know, Ken has been attending a very heavy load of classes in GPS technologies. So, Ken will continue to hit the books and some of the rest of the leadership will shift their roles and assume new responsibilities. We thank Ken for his years of service to the Division.

As Assistant Superintendent, I succeed Ken for the balance of Ken’s term through August 2014. Russ’ first official act was to appoint Mike Highsmith to fill the Assistant Superintendent post for a two-year term from last August. That means Stu Rogers comes on to the Board as he was the next highest in votes to Mike in our last election. He will complete Mike’s two-year term which ends in August 2015. Stu will also continue as our Video Librarian, a job he has faithfully fulfilled for many years.

All of these officers will need your full support as the Division moves forward. We have a full plate with the Seattle Center Show in January and the PNR Convention in June. If you want to get more involved, talk to any of these three. They will appreciate it.


David Yadock

Did that get your attention? If so, this is a formal invitation to come and be a part of the Pacific Science Center train show.

We need volunteers to assist all days the show is in operation. Yes, that includes Friday evening. Any or all help will be greatly appreciated. Friday night we need help with load in of the layouts, including door monitoring, guest check-in for badges, and parking check-in. Saturday and Sunday we need folks to help give some exhibitors bathroom and lunch breaks. Many layouts are a group effort but several layouts have only a single person for operation. I admire those folks that are single operators of layouts. Give them a break and come join in on the fun. Think of it, would you want to run a train layout for three days without a bathroom break?

During Saturday, Sunday, and Monday the Break Room needs to be monitored and help will be required for exhibitor Check-In. Monday will require even more help because all the layouts will need to be broken down and packed up that evening after the days show. The more people that we have helping out the easier it will be and the faster things will go!

There will be script to cover parking. I suggest carpooling just to make life a little easier.

The Pacific Science Center train show is the 4D’s greatest financial contributor. It is probably the most attended show in the Seattle area. Last year we had over 14,000 people come and see the trains run at the show. That is a tremendous amount of exposure to the general public. I bet we got more exposure to the public than Kim Kardashian or Miley Cyrus would get if they visited Seattle! (Well, okay, maybe not Miley…)

Anyway, don’t feel shy about volunteering. The PacificScienceCenter train show is a great way to get involved and be an active part of the NMRA. Contact me at or 425-226-7518 (evenings). Thank you.

Oh, yeah: the disclaimer:

*Jeff Moorman will provide Z-scale canned beer! (Z-scale can openers not provided.)

Eastside Get-Together’s Annual Christmas Party is Thursday

JJ Johnston

Remember: this Thursday, December 19, at 7:30 pm, is the Eastside clinic’s annual “Dirty Santa” Christmas Party at the Bellevue Foursquare Church.

Don’t miss your opportunity to get a special railroad gift. Or not. Or the opportunity to take a unique gift from one of your fellow modelers.  That is one of the rules for our annual gift exchange. The others will be explained at the meeting.

BRING A GIFT: In order to participate in the gift exchange, you only need bring a gift. It must be wrapped AND have the scale or gauge written on the outside. That’s it. Of course, “white elephant” gifts are also welcomed. Just kidding, but some do show up. What a fun evening to spend with each other.

DONATION: If you have not had the opportunity to make a donation to our annual collection for the benefit of a church member or two in need , you may bring your donation to the meeting. So far we have collected $599. Thanks to all of you for your generosity.

MORE: Of course CJ will bring Christmas donuts to go with the free Christmas coffee, Clay will be there to greet you, Stu may bring the library, and we’ll have a model of the month competition to see who goes first for the gifts. Maybe even some stuff for sale. See you there.

Why I Couldn’t Run Trains Last Saturday

By Jim Sabol

Dear Lee:

Last summer it seemed like a good idea to bring water from the outdoor standpipe into the barn where we could hook up a hose to reach the stalls. Much more convenient.

So I did.

Fed the feed line from the well through the footing/foundation wall into a stall, across the stall wall, into the center aisle to a spigot and hose. Always enjoy jack-hammering through concrete walls. Wonder what other people do for fun afternoons.

Doctor says cement flake in left eye will work itself out eventually.

Protected total run of new pipe from investigating horses with much stout lumber and screws. Not the horses, the pipe.

Wrapped all new pipe in heat tape. Plugged in heat tape about a week ago.

Didn’t notice horse had kicked plug out of socket several days ago. Or was it nights?

Amazed to see how large a lake that a day and night of free running broken pipe can deliver. Neighbor was amazed, too, when he saw his lawn and his RV inundated with ice. Thought it looked quite beautiful. Still do.

Discovered that neighbor’s sense of humor is considerably smaller than I had always assumed. Same to you, Bob!

Thought of you and guests running trains in nice warm basement while I knelt in ditch bailing water for two hours until I could cut in an emergency shut-off valve in feed line from well.

Artist's Interpretation

Artist’s Interpretation

Chuckled to myself when I noticed that 3/4″ valve from Home Depot didn’t fit 3/4″ line.

Enjoyed yard decorations on return trip to Home Depot. Smiled cheerfully to clerks commenting about returning so soon and possible discount for multiple trips. Great kidders.

Helpfully informed clerk who sold me incorrect valve how I could help him save money on his next colonoscopy. Can’t be too thrifty these days.

Installed shut-off valve with super fast-setting PVC cement. Great stuff. I hear that nail polish will separate thumb from eyebrow.

Opened valve, cut well pump back in, let pipe run clean, shut off valve. Pleased to see valve hold back water flow. End of adventure.

Will tear apart enclosure and repair rupture when freezing weather passes.

Will administer stern lecture to horses about stepping on cords.

Will administer similar lecture to Mary about monitoring her barn.

Me Tarzan. You Jane. Me build. You monitor.

Response from horses: “Yeah, right.”

Response from spouse: “Yeah, right.”

Enjoyed yet another chuckle after putting tools away and grasping gate with wet glove hand. I was never stupid enough as a kid to put my tongue on a frozen gate. Now, a wet glove…

Couldn’t believe how amusing I must have looked as I attempted to crack loose Levi legs frozen from thighs down. Could have sworn that Bob could have heard my cries for help. Response  time  from house not as rapid as your typical 911 call, but not bad. Same to you, Bob.

Well, Lee, I’m leaving out a lot of the more amusing parts, such as how the hot towel I wanted to wrap my hands in caught fire in the microwave oven (note to self: 90 seconds is about it) and how we all chuckled one more time as I tried to squat over the edge of the tub while Mary poured hot water onto the thighs of my frozen Levis. On the whole, it would have worked rather better if we had removed the cat form the tub first. (Note to self: next time wear thermal pants for outdoor jobs in freezing weather.) (Note to cat: how many times do I have go tell you not to play with spiders in the tub?)

And that’s why I missed the train meeting at your house this afternoon, Lee.

I hope you’ll invite me again when we’re not having so much fun in the barn.

I just notice Bob doing acrobatic stunts on his sidewalk. Had no idea he had a background in aerial gymnastics. Wait. He seems to be signaling me he’s O. K. Strange use of finger, though. Same to you, Bob!

Jim here.

Eastside Get-Together Report for November

JJ Johnston

Thirty-two attended the Eastside Get-Together. We had the normal introductions of JJ’s VIPs and three new attendees introduced: Jack Hunter from Bellevue with American Flyer S gauge; Paul Koren, recently moved from Portland to Mount Vernon, in HO; and Aaron Hunt, getting started in HOn3. Aaron also became a door prize winner later in the meeting!

Announcements included: an update on Pacific Science Center show activities from David Yadock; Rob Jones is now working at Eastside Trains and offers a discount to NMRA members; Russ Segner commented that the 2014 PNR convention already has about 25 registrations, three prototype tours available, and the website up and running, including online registration; Russ also mentioned he was doing a model railroad presentation at the Newcastle Library on this weekend at the request of the library. As new 4D Superintendent, Russ said that he’s looking for way to improve communication among the 4th Division members and is setting up a small committee to look at ways to do it.

As usual at this time of year, the group took up a collection to help repay the Church where we meet for their great hospitality in providing the room and kitchen facilities for us. Our donation goes to help several needy members of the Church, especially at Christmas time.

JJ also reminded us that next month would be the Dirty Santa gift exchange and to bring our “gift” wrapped and marked as to category: N, HO, S, O, any or whatever.

George Chambers, MotM Winner
George Chambers, MotM Winner

The contest had three entries: David Yadock with a modified HO Proto-Lifelike flat car with a corrugated pipe load made of aluminum foil wrapped around a carriage both and very carefully “unscrewed”; George Chambers with a modified Bachman On3 steam donkey mounted on a modified Rio Grande Models flat car; and Bob Rorabaugh with a UP switcher that needed a lot of work to get it working – hand-made handrails, clean wheels, rewiring, etc. The winner was George Chambers.

David Yaddock's scratchbuilt freight station

David Yaddock’s scratchbuilt freight station

David Yadock also brought in a scratchbuilt freight station model for AP assessment and earned a Merit Award after Di Voss, MMR, and Max Maginness, MMR, evaluated it. Congratulations, David!

Brian Pickering, Decoder Pro Expert

Brian Pickering, Decoder Pro Expert

Our clinic was “Decoder Pro How To,” presented by Brian Pickering. He explained that Decoder Pro was a free program designed to take the mystery out of programming decoders. It translates Configuration Variables (CV’s) into English and uses various screens for the programming. An interface box of some kind (depending on your DCC system) is required to connect your computer to your DCC system. He used the example of assigning or changing the address of an engine. Using the computer and projector, we could see the Decoder Pro screen and the ease of making the change. He also demonstrated the changing the direction of the engine in case the wiring on the motor was reversed without having to rewire the engine by letting the decoder handle it. Brian answered any questions as they came up and also showed how the lighting on engines could be programmed using Decoder Pro. He emphasized that once the changes are done on Decoder Pro, they are saved in the program so you always have that record. There was more Brian wanted to demonstrate, but we ran out of time so he will reschedule a date in the next several months to continue.

Door Prizes

Door Prizes

Here’s a picture of our door prize selection for the evening. Something for almost anyone!

Next Eastside Get-Together will be on December 19! Don’t forget your “Dirty Santa” gift!

Seattle-North Discusses Decoder Installation on December 5, 2013

By Jeff Moorman

Please join us for our next meeting, this Thursday, December 5, when our topic will be DCC decoder installations.

Last meeting Tom K took on the subject of track planning software. He was going to just cover free track planning programs, but since there only appear to be three contenders in this category he branched out a bit.

Tom started with the three freeware offerings he found: SCARM (, TrainCad (, and XTrackCAD (

SCARM, which stands for Simple Computer Aided Railway Modeller, is the one Tom has spent the most time with. He used it for demonstrating the typical features one can expect in these programs. The very basic drawing features seem about the same, but there is quite a bit of variety in the how they are implemented. But more detailed features, such as the ability to do 3-D drawings, add structures and scenery, or run animated trains over the track plans you create, are not universally available.

And, although the developers of these programs may disagree, none of the features in any program seemed intuitive. You are going to have to dedicate some time to learning whichever automated track planning tool you choose. And, what you learn about one program may not necessarily carry over to another. For example, I personally have a couple of hours into XTrackCAD and do not feel I can really use it to design anything yet.

On the plus side, at least for these three, the price is right. You don’t have to invest any money to give them a whirl.

Tom then briefly covered some of the track planning programs that are for sale. Most of this was based on a MR article, entitled “Guide to Track-Planning Software”, that appeared a few years ago. It covered 3rd PlanIt from El Dorado Software, CadRail from Sandia Software, and AnyRail from DRail Modelspoor Software.

All three of these products have demo versions that allow you to “play” with the product before making a purchase decision. These versions are either limited in size of the layout depicted or in the ability to save results.

There is also another commercial program Tom found that apparently wasn’t available when the MR article was written. It is called WINTRACK ( It was created in Germany, but there is now an English version.

The MR article was not a comparison or review, merely a “guide.” Therefore, there was no clear winner. In fact, the general impressions seemed about the same as for freeware offerings: (1) they do not all implement functions the same way: (2) they do not all have the same specialty features; and (3) you need to invest some time to learn to use them.

Sorry, we couldn’t tell you to just go get a single “magic bullet” track planning package that will do everything. You will need to invest some time analyzing your needs and what the market is offering. It some ways it might be like deciding on a DCC system. They all work, but just what features do you need, at what price,  and is there anyone around that can help you with it? Note that Tom’s research was not exhaustive, so you may find other programs out there.

For Show and Tell Chris F brought some used HO passenger cars he had acquired. They looked as if the previous owner had gotten half way through a truck replacement project before giving up. Chris’ challenge will be to complete the truck replacements and apply a UP paint scheme.

Dennis T brought an N scale Scottish train. There was a locomotive, a passenger car, and a small good wagon. The hobby store clerk in Edinburgh, Scotland, where Dennis got the models, assured him it was a typical contemporary consist in some parts of that country.

We meet at the Ronald United Methodist Church, 17839 Aurora Avenue North, Shoreline, WA. That is on the west side of Aurora (State Route 99) between 175th and 185th Streets and more specifically, between the Cadillac dealer on the south and Deseret Industries to the north. Going southbound on Aurora, make a right-hand turn into the church driveway immediately after passing the Deseret location. The parking lot is at the rear of the church. For regular meetings enter the lower, left side of the church from the rear lot.

Meetings are the first Thursday of each month, September through June. However in June we often do something different, like a layout tour. Doors open around 7:00 PM and the program starts at 7:30.

Remember the next meeting is December 5 and the clinic topic is decoder installation. The meeting after that is January 2. Hope to see you on December 5 or at least sometime on down the line.

November Tacoma Clinic Report

Al Babinsky

MMR Gene Swanson opened the clinic on time and paid honor to the Veterans for their services in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and in the Gulf and Afghanistan. Our annual collection for the Northwest Food Network was presented to their representative in the amount of $1,250.00.

We had 44 modelers attend, including one new modeler, Bill Sandstorm, who models in HO.

Ed Liesse announced that Ken Liesse resigned as 4D Superintendent due to school conflict and Russ Segner will take over his position. Mike Highsmith will take over Russ’s position as Assistant Superintendent. The 2014 convention tours are filling up. The convention dates are June 18-21 and the registration is $59 and after March 1 it will be $79. PNR is looking for volunteers to fill in the president position.

The December clinic will be “Dirty Santa,” but remember to bring your “Bring and Brag.” The date is Dec. 12th.

George Bourcier from Tacoma Trains presented what’s new at the hobby shop with his new helper Bill who will take over for him at the clinic. His display had models from Lionel, Walthers, Atlas, BLMA, Athearn, and Accurail.

We had a great number of “Bring and Brag,” scratchbuilt building, weathered cars, scratchbuilt trees, and a scratchbuilt rail storage building from the Wenatchee Apple yard around 1922.

The winner this month is James Jeffrey with his railroad storage facility in the Wenatchee Appleyard.

This month clinic was presented by MMR Gene Swanson, Mike Shaw and Bob Stumpf and pertained to making a working switch stand target. You can download the PowerPoint slide show in PDF format here. These switch stands were built for the PSMRE layout in the Washington History Museum.

Next month’s clinic will be December 12th at our usual place: the Pierce County Library Administration Building at the corner of 112th Street and Waller Road. The start time is 7:30 PM and, as always, we will have food and drink. Hope to see you there. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Tacoma Clinic 11.14.2013.1

Presentation Available Online for Eastside Get-Together Clinic

Brian Pickering

At the last Eastside Get-Together Clinic I didn’t have time to complete the presentation on Decoder Pro, so I’m making it available online (it has been online before when I presented it for the HO Modular Group).

If you have questions, feel free to e-mail me (Brian) at

The presentation (in PDF format) is available by clicking here.

Eastside Get-Together this Thursday

JJ Johnston

We collect donations at our November meeting to give to needy members of the Church where we meet in recognition of the Church allowing us to use the room at no charge for our monthly clinic meetings, use their kitchen and their donation of coffee and condiments at no charge, and provide a young man to set  up the room each meeting with our tables and chairs and then clean the room and return it to a classroom for the school which uses the rooms daily.

Each year we work with the Church to identify a family or an individual who can benefit from a financial boost. The stories we have shared about the amazing things we have been able to do with our modest amount is significant. I’m always asked what is a good amount to donate. Last year, our donations amounted to an average of almost $20 per person who attended the November meeting. It would be meaningful if we could do that again this year. Of course donations are tax deductible and checks can be made payable to Bellevue Foursquare Church. We appreciate your consideration. See you this Thursday for a great DCC clinic and more.