Russ Segner

123 of you have registered in time for the low fare to the Spring Meet. There is still a little room, but not much. And, we are sorry, but the price is now $30. Lunches will be ordered Tuesday, so this is the very last time to get on board.

All who have registered should have received an email about getting there and where to park. There is plenty of parking, especially at the rear of the hotel. There is an entrance from that parking lot into the lobby which will take you directly to the registration desk.

Coffee and rolls will be available at 8:00 AM. There will be lots of us in attendance, so check in and pay and pick up your badge.  Please make room for those coming later to pick up their badges.

You will need your badge to get into the clinics and to the layouts Sunday.

Over twenty of your fellow model railroaders have given their time to put together some excellent clinics. Thank them for their efforts on your behalf.

A special thanks to Kevin Klettke who put together and maintains our website for the event.