Story & Photos by Ed Liesse

JJ Johnston greeted 35 attendees with his traditional welcome speech of introducing Board members and MMRs. This time we had a few extra “guests,” Raoul Martin (former owner of Northwest Short Line), Fred Hamilton and Mike O’Connell, our featured clinician for the evening.

Announcements included Russ Segner commenting on this Saturday’s Spring Meet and the Layout Tours on Sunday and the fact that 4D would be hosting next year’s PNR Regional convention. He didn’t mention that he is the Chairman for that convention and will be looking for help to put it on!

Jim Sabol snuck in from the Tacoma and Olympia clinics with an invitation to join the G.O.P.H.E.R.S (Greater Olympia Prototype History & Engineering Research Society) at their Excursion and Picnic at the Ballard Locks in Seattle. This includes time to watch the lock activities as well as the BNSF main line bascule bridge on the west end of the lake, hot dogs and fellowship, and then taking a look at the Ballard Terminal Railroad, with maybe a cab ride on their SW-1! If you’re interested, let Jim know at

Frank Dekker announced that his house was sold and will be leaving the area soon. He will be loading a trailer starting Thursday, May 26 for several days and would appreciate any help you could offer. They will be leaving town the first week in June, heading to Holland, Michigan. If you can help, contact Frank at

JJ announced that he is looking for volunteers to do clinics next year and would like to have the schedule full before we break for the summer. If you have a clinic you’ve been wanting to present, now’s your chance! Let JJ know at He also reiterated that Steve Depolo had moved the Inside Gateway hobby shop to Woodinville and had maps to the store available.


Several entries were in the model contest and Mike Laughlin’s nicely lit inside-and-out train station took the prize. Two items displayed by Frank Dekker were 1’ x 2’ dioramas built by Russ Hendrickson many years ago that were donated to 4D after his death by his wife. Frank said they could use some tender loving care to clean them up and get them operational again and was looking for someone to take them home and provide it. They could be used as promotional material at the various shows. Anyone interested should contact Frank (quickly, as he’s moving!).

After the break, Mike O’Connell gave us a slide presentation on Tacoma and Spokane in the ’60s and ’70s. This was a collection of pictures, taken by Mike as a young man, of the Northern Pacific yards in Tacoma, including some aerial shots showing the tide flats. Various pictures of engines, structures, freight and passenger cars brought back memories of a bygone era. These were taken back when the railroads were a little friendlier to railfans. Mike, of course, embellished the pictures with his narration, which gave a little more insight to his “misspent” youth and college days chasing trains! A great time was had by all seeing these vintage photos of fallen flags equipment. Thanks, Mike.


Our door prizes tonight were graciously donated by Mike O’Connell from Chooch. Great flatcar loads!

Our next Get-Together on June 20 will be the last one until September. We look forward to having you join us!