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Grab Iron Posts

It’s Not How Big!

Jim Sabol / Photos by the author

If all your trains do is run around in a circle, a layout the size of an airplane hangar will soon leave you bored and looking for another hobby. But if you emulate Brian Ferris and convert even a modest-sized room into an actual railroad (just smaller), you will have a hobby for a lifetime of interest and enjoyment.

Superintendent Brian Ferris, seated, orients Greg Wright to the Dispatcher's job and tools

Superintendent Brian Ferris, seated, orients Greg Wright to the Dispatcher’s job and tools


Brian’s HO Port Townsend Southern, Third Subdivision, occupies a spare room about 12’x20′ in the Ferris home in Olympia. The PTS is point-to-point (no loop) 54.7 theoretical miles from Centralia to Tacoma, with branches to Union Mills and Maytown, all in Western Washington.

The busy engine terminal and classification yard are designed to receive, classify, block, and dispatch an efficient flow of freight traffic over the road

The busy engine terminal and classification yard are designed to receive, classify, block, and dispatch an efficient flow of freight traffic over the road


Recently, a road superintendent, a dispatcher, a pair of yardmasters, three teams of engineer/conductors, and two station agent/operators combined to move three first class passenger trains, a second class freight, plus eight extra trains and a logger over the main and branches, originating like magic through a hole in the wall leading to staging tracks in the adjacent garage that represented the terminals at Centralia and Tacoma.

As with big brothers NP, UP, GN, and Milw—whose trains regularly use PTS rails as a bridge line–emphasis is strongest on safety for employees and passengers, reliable on-time performance for customers, and meticulous care for company equipment and infrastructure. First time operator Tom Murphy said, “I had no idea that operating a model railroad as much as possible like a full-sized railroad could occupy a person for four hours with no sign of boredom!”

             Operators’ Duties on the PTSRR, 3rd Sub

  1. Create master timetable
  2. Monitor progress of all trains and safe operation of subdivision
  1. Monitor safe and on-time movement of all trains in subdivision per timetable
  2. Record movement of all trains in subdivision
  3. Authorize agent/operators to issue clearance cards for all scheduled and extra trains
  4. Authorize extra trains
  5. Authorize #19 orders (for special movements) of trains
Yardmasters Robert Grove and Charles Ricketts break down arriving freight #674 prior to blocking southbound local #703 for Engineer Jim Elder

Yardmasters Robert Grove and Charles Ricketts break down arriving freight #674 prior to blocking southbound local #703 for Engineer Jim Elder

  1. Prepare yard to receive arriving freight trains.
  2. Classify and block arriving cars for forwarding on departing freight trains
  3. Manage safe and efficient operation of arriving, departing, and switching locomotives within yard limits
Station agent Greg Arndt issues a clearance form to Mike Davison, conductor of Train #1905

Station agent Greg Arndt issues a clearance form to Mike Davison, conductor of Train #1905

Station Agent/Operators
  1. Issue clearance cards for all scheduled departing trains on confirmation from dispatcher
  2. Issue #19 orders as instructed by dispatcher
  3. Register names of crew and train numbers for all arriving and departing trains
  4. Advise dispatcher of all arrivals and departures
Conductors Mike Davison, Scott Buckley, and Ry Bates (with order sheets) go over schedules with yardmasters Robert Grove and Chuck Ricketts

Conductors Mike Davison, Scott Buckley, and Ry Bates (with order sheets) go over schedules with yardmasters Robert Grove and Chuck Ricketts

  1. Verify wheel report (number and identity of all cars in train)
  2. Obtain clearance card from stations agent/operator, confer with engineer
  3. Plan any switching moves with engineer
  4. Monitor on-time and safe operation of train at all points at all times
  5. Protect train from all directions in case of failure to maintain schedule
  6. Advise dispatcher immediately upon failure to maintain schedule.
  1. Verify readiness of motive power assigned to train
  2. Confer with conductor regarding correct current time, timetable, and authority to proceed
  3. Confer with conductor on all switching moves
  4. Conduct sanding brake test (operation of DCC throttle)
  5. Conduct running brake test (verify all cars coupled, DCC brake)
  6. Operate train over the road safely per timetable, speed limits, and special orders
Station Agent Greg Arndt coordinates throttle settings with engineers Jim Elder, Allan Manson, Clint Brown, and Tom Murphy

Station Agent Greg Arndt coordinates throttle settings with engineers Jim Elder, Allan Manson, Clint Brown, and Tom Murphy

Station agent Arndt issues a Form 19 order authorizing Scott Buckley's extra train to meet and pass an opposing extra by virtue of superiority of direction (northbound per company rules) while Enforcer Chuck Ricketts looks on.

Station agent Arndt issues a Form 19 order authorizing Scott Buckley’s extra train to meet and pass an opposing extra by virtue of superiority of direction (northbound per company rules) while Enforcer Chuck Ricketts looks on.


Conductor Clint Brown coordinates heavy switching moves at Union Mills with engineer Scott Buckley. Both boys play nice together which is good . because the mill here is a major shipper on the Port Townsend Southern.

Conductor Clint Brown coordinates heavy switching moves at Union Mills with engineer Scott Buckley. Both boys play nice together which is good . because the mill here is a major shipper on the Port Townsend Southern.


It's not all work! Conductor-Engineer team Ry Bates and Tom Murphy enjoy a seat and a cold one between runs

It’s not all work! Conductor-Engineer team Ry Bates and Tom Murphy enjoy a seat and a cold one between runs

4D Spring Meet Clinic Announced

Russ Segner, Spring Meet Chair


Click image to register!

Click image to register!

Suppose you were able to fill an entire level of your home with a new layout? What would you build? What would you choose for a theme? An era? What if you wanted to model in a large scale but only had limited space? Are you tired of driving that string of beautiful diesels that made no sounds?

Well, we’ve planned a day for you to find answers to these and all sorts of other questions at the Annual 4D Spring Meet! We’ve reserved the Embassy Suites Hotel in Tukwila for May 18. Space will fill up quickly.

Twelve clinics will be led by some of the most talented model railroaders you will ever meet on:

  • Layout Design and Operations
  • Modeling Prototypes
  • Scenic details
  • Electronics
  • Modules
  • Lots more

Register online now or by mail. Please don’t wait, or you’ll be left on the platform, waiting for next year. Check our website now.

Seattle-North Clinic – Railway Express Agency – April 4, 2013

By Jeff Moorman

Join us on Thursday (April 4) for our next clinic. Our topic will be the Railway Express Agency (REA). Tom K, whose father was a long time REA employee, will be our presenter.

Last month we took a video cab ride over Donner Pass in Southern Pacific Cab Forward #4274. The video was edited together from several different films shot during the last cab forward run over the pass in November 1957. You sure do get a great view looking out from the front of one of those engines. And there was some great scenery to look at. Also great were some super shots of #4274 and her train.

There were three folks displaying for show and tell:

  • Dennis T brought a couple of N scale ore cars and a N scale Doodlebug into which he had installed a DCC decoder.
  • I brought some photos of a 12 inches to the foot scale Colorado & Southern caboose I saw in Washougal, WA over Presidents’ Day weekend.
  • Rob J displayed more of his seemingly inexhaustible collection of N scale resin vehicles.
Dennis T's Ore Cars and Doodlebug - March 2013

Dennis T’s Ore Cars and Doodlebug – March 2013

Jeff's Caboose Photos

Jeff’s Caboose Photos

More of Rob J's N Scale Vehicles

More of Rob J’s N Scale Vehicles

We meet at the Ronald United Methodist Church, 17839 Aurora Avenue North, Shoreline, WA. That is on the west side of Aurora (State Route 99) between 175th and 185th Streets and more specifically, between the Cadillac dealer on the south and Deseret Industries to the north. Going southbound on Aurora, make a right-hand turn into the church driveway immediately after passing the Deseret location). The parking lot is at the rear of the church. For regular meetings enter the lower, left side of the church from the rear lot.

Meetings are the first Thursday of each month, except July and August. In June we usually do a tour. Doors open around 7:00 PM and the program starts at 7:30.

Remember the next meeting is April 4 and the one after that is May 2. Hope to see you there or at least sometime on down the line.

Westside Local March Madness

Bill Hupe

This month’s clinic was turned into an interesting experience for all who attended.

It, as always, was good to see the regular crew: Jack Hamilton, Armand Cyr, Jim Byerley, Pete Rowe, Steve Neupert, Steve Avery, Bud Johnson, Glen and Corey Walls, Reed Cranmore and new member Jerry Enders.  Surprise visits from the Superintendent Ken Liesse and the rest of the Liesse clan, Ed, Gay and Dave, made the clinic special.

Our scheduled clinician had to cancel at the last minute, which left me wondering how the clinic would progress.

We started off the meeting with reports from around the NMRA. Reed reported that the Bremerton Northern Model Railroad Club had set up the small configuration of their new layout for the Veterans out at Retsil Veterans’ Home. Said it worked well and once again was appreciated by the Vets. He said they are now working on completing the scenery by the Kitsap County Fair in August. He also said the fair is talking about moving them to the Pavilion from the Presidents Hall.

I then passed the floor to Ken, who brought us up-to-date on 4th Division business. Ken also introduced his clan. Most attendees had not met Ken’s family, so it was good to have this opportunity. Ken also brought up the thought of us hosting layout tours on this side of the “Sound” in conjunction with a 4th Division event.

I then passed the floor to Jack Hamilton, who brought us up to date on the NMRA. Jack presented Merit Awards to Jim Byerley for his Structures – Jamestown Station and Lumber Yard. Jim also was awarded a Civil Merit Award for his dual-gauge turnout. Jack then presented Pete Rowe with Merit Awards for his structures:  Coaling Tower, Pennzoil Service Co. and Cycle Shop. Pete doesn’t have a home layout, but his structures show up on other modelers’ layouts.

Jack also brought a couple of new modeling items to share.  First was Balsa Foam, an amazing plastic foam that carves like butter and paints like wood. It’s ideal for sculpting and model making because it can be carved, chiseled, sawed, textured, or embossed with sharp-edged detail. He also shared a set of brushes: “Special Brush Set” from Micro-Mark™ that appeared to be a set of make-up brushes.

Glen Walls entered his first scratchbuilt building, a freelanced engine shop, in the Model of the Month contest. And Pete Rowe shared a diorama created to showcase a trestle built by Dennis Hill (past 4th Division Superintendent) which will be presented to his widow.

We took a short break where the Liesse Clan spent time with clinic members.

Following the break, Jack Hamilton presented a clinic on “Building a Resistance Soldering Machine” based on an article from October 1995 Mainline Modeler™ “Resistance Soldering” by Karl Eiler.

The clinic wrapped up with a drawing for door prizes.

Come join us April 12th at United Way of Kitsap County, 647 6th Street, Bremerton. Clinic starts at 6:30. Clinician Walt Huston will present a clinic on DCC Decoder installation.

Elections for 4D Board Postions

Ken Liesse, Superintendent, 4D/PNR/NMRA

Just a reminder, all candidate statements from anyone who wants to nominate themselves for the 4D Board need to have such statements in to Nominations Chair, Ed Liesse ( by this Saturday, March 30. We hope to have the ballots in the mail by the end of next week.

As a reminder, there are three positions open: the Assistant Superintendent and two Directors. With the passing of the new bylaws and policy manual last year, we no longer vote for Directors in individual positions. The top two vote getters will be the winners.

BEMRC Layout Progress

Al Lowe

BEMRRC  Layout, March 2013

BEMRRC Layout, March 2013

The BEMRC recently posted some photographs of their progress on the Seattle and North Cascasdes Railway at their World Headquarters in Burien, WA. The Boeing Employees Model Railroad Club has completed it mainline, has final wiring in progress, and the sidings and spurs are progressing, too. To see what they’re doing, click here.

Register Now for Spring Meet!

Russ Segner

Click image to register!

Click image to register!

Have you ever wondered why some guys always seem to build outstanding models and are constantly winning model contests, or why their layout is continually featured in train magazines? Do you have questions about how to design your layout or about how to make an interesting diorama?

These and many other questions will be answered at the upcoming 4D Spring Meet. Twenty-one experts will share with you their knowledge and insights about building and operating model trains. Set aside Saturday, May 18 and Sunday, May 19.

Saturday, May 18 you will have a selection of 12 clinics, lunch, and updates on regional and national activities at our meeting at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Tukwila. Sunday, May 19 you will be invited to visit some really great local layouts.

Registration is now open. $20 gets you to all this, plus lunch! More information and registration is available on the website. See who the presenters are and what the clinics will cover. You register online, but pay at the door. Seating is limited, so do not wait. After May 11, the price of registration goes up!

Eastside Get-Together March Meeting Report

Ed Liesse, Photos by Ed Liesse

JJ Johnston welcomed about 35 attendees to the March Eastside Get-Together. After his usual introduction of “notables” in attendance, he turned the floor over to 4D Superintendent Ken Liesse for several announcements before Ken had to leave to get back to work on a final exam for school.

Ken commented on the upcoming 4D Board of Directors election, stating there were three positions up for election: two Directors and Assistant Superintendent. Anyone interested in running for any of these positions send their candidate statement to Ed Liesse by Saturday, March 30. This includes incumbents planning to run for re-election! This is a definite cutoff date since the ballot will be going to press April 1. Ken also mentioned the need for everyone to make sure the NMRA has your current email address in their database. More and more NMRA, PNR and 4D communication will be coming via email. Send your email address to Ed Liesse, PNR Co-Office Manager, when it changes.

Ken mentioned the upcoming 4D Spring Meet, but left the details to Chairman Russ Segner, who reiterated the meet will be May 18, at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Tukwila. Cost will be $20, which includes lunch! He has a great assembly of clinicians that will force attendees to decide which of the 12 clinics to attend. Three occur at the same time (in different rooms, of course). There will be 4 presentation times, with no clinics repeated. After the last clinic, the 4D Annual Meeting will be held,  plus the presentation of awards, including the Golden Grab Iron Award. At the conclusion of the meeting, maps will be distributed for Sunday’s layout tours. You must be present and registered for the Meet to get the maps. Your Spring Meet badge should be worn during Sunday’s layout tours. Watch for further announcements in the next few weeks through Internet communications with updates on the Spring Meet.

JJ announced The Inside Gateway hobby shop will move from Bellevue to Woodinville effective the first part of April. He had maps available for the new location. He then asked if we had any new attendees and Alex Brown stood, introduced himself, and said he was just getting back into the hobby after a long hiatus. He was welcomed to the group and, later on, won one of the door prizes!

John Thompson's Superior Company Store

John Thompson’s Superior Company Store

The Model of the Month contest had only two real entries this month. John Thompson won with his model of the Superior Company Store. There were also displays for the upcoming Spring Meet and an attendee’s photo display of a trip to China.

After the break, JJ reminded us that last month we decided to take a collection for the NMRA Display at the CaliforniaStateRailroadMuseum in Sacramento showing the history of model railroading. After passing the hat, we ended up with $180 to send to NMRA from the Eastside Get-Together. Thanks to all! We challenge every other 4D Clinic to do the same for this good cause!

JJ then introduced CJ Riley, MMR, our clinic presenter for the night. The original clinic CJ planned to do, using a PowerPoint presentation, wouldn’t open right on the computer, so he substituted other pictures he had and spoke about them. This turned into an interesting presentation of freight and passenger cars constructed from the 20s to 50s with CJ explaining differences in construction and use. CJ promised to get the original clinic working and come back at a future date to present it. The makeshift clinic was enjoyed by all. Thanks, CJ.

The evening was closed out with our door prize drawings purloined from Steve Depolo at The Inside Gateway hobby shop. The next Eastside Get-Together will be April 18. Come join us!

Save the Weekend: May 18-19

Al Lowe

Spring Meet 2013 Logo

4D Spring Meet 2013

May 18–19, 2013

Mark your calendar! The 4D Spring Meet 2013 is scheduled for the weekend of May 18–19. Chair Russ Segner has put together some great clinics and layout open houses for you. Details will follow over the next few weeks. More information available at the Spring Meet website.

For right now, reserve that weekend for some great model railroading fun, fellowship, and education!

March Tacoma Clinic Report

Al Babinsky / Photos by Chip Van Gilder

MMR Gene Swanson opened the clinic on time as usual with a total of 40 modelers and guest in attendance.

It was reported that the Corkscrew Northern, built by Ken Gentili and others, was destroyed. The CN had been looking for a new home since the Boys and Girls club needed the space.

Model of the Month or, as we call it “The Bring and Brag,” had a number of great entries. Chip brought Eddy Fisher Leasing locomotive which he painted and detailed along with a string of hopper cars most of which he stripped and repainted. Walt brought in 3 NW2’s which modified by adding 3-chime horns, beacons, and removed steps along with 2 depressed-center metal body flatcars. They had the wheels replaced and body mounted couplers installed. He also built 2 MDC boxcar kits and detailed them for his railroad. Dave brought a loggers cabin wood kit. Scott showed an Atlas HO lumber yard kit and a 137% enlarged version scratchbuilt along with a saw house. Chris had a heavily-weathered hopper with graffiti and excursion caboose with a load of passengers. Gene showed a Silver Streak kit to which he added Kadee sprung trucks and couplers. George Bouncier from Tacoma Trains presented “What’s New at the Hobby Shop,” with a number of items in several scales, including a Z scale hopper pack. The Model of Month was won by Scott Groft’s scratchbuilt lumber yard.

After the break Jim Sabot and Robert Grove presented their clinic on the DuPont Narrow Gauge. The E. I. DuPont Powder Works had an extensive 3’ narrow gauge network at their plant to transport raw material and finished product within the plant area and to the deep water wharf. They operated a 12-ton Plymouth diesel with homebuilt rolling stock. A very informative clinic along with a slide show and information on the restoration effort of some rolling stock.

Next month’s clinic by Dale Kraus will an update on decoders. We’ll meet in our usual location in the Pierce County Library Admin. Bldg., corner of Waller Road and 112 Street, at 7:30 pm. Please come and join us.

(As always, click a photo to enlarge.)

Walt's Nscale equipment

Walt’s N scale equipment

Strppied and re-painted Loco and Hopper cars

Stripped and re-painted Loco and Hopper cars

Lumber yard and Silver Streak boxcar

Lumber yard and Silver Streak boxcar

Logging shed

Logging shed

Filling lead shot

Filling lead shot