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Seattle-North – Clinic Season Starts October 2, 2014

By Jeff Moorman

This Thursday (October 2) it is time to kick off the 2014-15 clinic season in North Seattle. We will still be meeting at the same place, but in a different room. Please review the “Directions” section below.

Bring along your tales of what you did (railroad-wise) this summer, any projects you’d like to share for Show & Tell, and one modelling tip. Hopefully it will be a tip we haven’t heard before, but regardless, there will be a prize for the best one we hear.

Our last regular meeting was back in May. And if you missed that you missed a classic Bobj presentation. As you may know Bobj seems to collect everything, including different brands of toilet paper and full size fire engines. Most of his collections are railroad related which he shares with us from time to time.

Bobj brought along what he claimed was a little less than half of his railroad hat collection. He then proceeded to tell a story (or two, or three) about each one. All were fascinating. Look at the included photos. Make up a story about any hat you see and it probably will not be half as good as the tale Bobj told.

Bobj's Hats 1

Bobj’s Hats 1

Bobj's Hats 2

Bobj’s Hats 2


Bobj's Hats 3


Thanks, Bobj, for sharing.

Directions: We meet at the Ronald United Methodist Church, 17839 Aurora Avenue North, Shoreline, WA. That is on the west side of Aurora (State Route 99) between 175th and 185th Streets and more specifically, between the Cadillac dealer on the south and Deseret Industries to the north. Going southbound on Aurora, make a right-hand turn into the church driveway immediately after passing the Deseret location. The parking lot is at the rear of the church. For regular meetings go up the steps to the main entrance. We meet in the Fireside room which is immediately to the left inside the door.

Meetings are the first Thursday of each month, usually September – June. However in June we often do something different, so there may be no “regular” meeting. Doors open at 7:00 PM and the program starts at 7:30.

Remember the next regular evening meeting is October 2. The one after that will be November 6. Hope to see you there or at least sometime on down the line.

Inaugural Mt Vernon NMRA Clinic Big Success!

Roger Johnson

The Mt. Vernon NMRA Clinics got off to a great start with 21 attendees, including several dignitaries from “down South:” PNR President Mike Highsmith, Ed and Ken Liesse, Bob Rohrbach, and Sherman Stevens. Such an honor to have them at our first clinic!

A “Show And Tell” segment included models from Nick Muff, Al Carter, Ted Becker, Mike Pettruzzelli, Roger Johnson, and Paul Koren. This is not a competition, but is designed to get folks to share their modeling projects and techniques and, in the process, hopefully discover new clinicians. Please see the photos below.

Nick Muff's 4300th scale layout

Nick Muff’s 4300th scale layout

Paul Koren's urethane box car

Paul Koren’s urethane box car





Ted Becker had the honor of being our first clinician, with his “How To Hobby Shop Outside The Hobby Shop” program. Ted has a great eye when it comes to recognizing items from sources other than the traditional hobby shop that we model railroaders can use. He came with what seemed like a bottomless box out of which he pulled a plethora of tools, supplies and ideas.

Ted Becker, Clinician 09-23-2014

Ted Becker, Our First Clinician

Among His Hints
  • Use 3M Brand #218 masking tape (available at auto paint supply stores) for masking models. It makes a very clean edge and the narrower tape curves easily.
  • Use MEK (methyl-ethyl-ketone) available from hardware stores as an adhesive for styrene.
  • Other hardware store finds
    • Acrylic caulk (non silicone!) for gluing down track to cork roadbed
    • Pliobond glue or Barge Cement – use like Walther’s Goo
    • Water based contact cement – great for adhering cork roadbed to wood sub roadbed.
    • Steel wool dissolved in vinegar makes a nice “brew” with which to stain strip wood.
    • A silicone BBQ basting brush for use in “painting” plaster and such, easily cleaned after use.
    • From the craft store
      • Craft sticks
      • Craft paint (when thinning, add the thinner in small increments and stir thoroughly)
      • Clothespins for clamps, including miniature clothespins
      • Decorative sand (black makes great coal and cinders)
    • From the “Dollar Store”
      • Spray bottles
      • Brushes
      • Storage boxes
      • Make-up brushes (for dusting models, and also for applying weathering powders)
      • Shot glasses (used inverted to put a small puddle of glue in which to dip toothpicks, etc)

Other hints included visiting Harbor Freight for needle files, heat shrink tubing assortments, and miniature vacuum hoses (to attach to a shop vacuum). From Grizzly Tools, Ted found a great digital caliper measuring both inches and metric and small 4” Jorgensen clamps.

The bottom line: keep your eyes open when shopping and you’ll be surprised what you find that can help you in your modeling efforts.

The next clinic is October 28 when Tom Buckingham will show “up close and personal” photos of his recent trip to Germany and Miniature Wonderland, that fantastic layout we’ve all seen in the model magazines. Then, on November 25, Nick Muff will show us how to do geodesic foam rocks and landforms.

Skagit Valley and Whidbey Clinic Kicks Off 2014-15 Season

Rich Thom

The Skagit Valley and Whidbey (SV&W) Clinic got off to a great start at its first meeting in Oak Harbor on September 10th, with Chairperson Rich Blake welcoming everyone back after the summer break. Actually most members met in August at John and Felicia Marshall’s home for a BBQ, also featuring John’s growing (they always do!) outdoor G-scale railroad. This added “bonus” meeting has become a tradition thanks to the Marshalls’ hospitality.

Rich noted tonight’s attendance was 27, a good beginning for the season (last year’s average was 28). New member Steve Shelley—modeling in HO scale—was introduced and welcomed. Rich reviewed the season’s clinic topics and regional calendar of NMRA and other events. Clinic members again plan to support many of the events such as the Pacific Science Center Show, the Monroe Train Show, and others.

Rich Blake presented the evening’s clinic, “The Art of Ops.” Several members already host regular operating sessions; and others plan to. The theme of Rich’s talk was how guest operators should prepare themselves to help make the session run smoothly. It also improves your chances of getting invited back!

SV&W Clinic 9-10-14

Homework Before the Op Session

If you are invited to operate on an unfamiliar layout, there’s a lot you can do before showing up, anxious to move your first train. Most hosts have abundant material available describing the things you need to know about their railroad. They will email it to you, refer you to a website, or perhaps reference published articles. In addition to this layout-specific information, guest operators should know basic railroad operating practices.

  • Prototype or Theme/era for the Layout—The host will tell you the location and timeframe his layout recreates, and will appreciate guests having some basic familiarity with it, which can be researched on the internet.
  • What, When, Where and How—The host will almost always provide a Track Plan, Timetable, or often an entire Employee Timetable. Study these carefully. There’s nothing more frustrating than being handed a throttle and told to take a train from A to B, and not having the slightest idea where A and B are.
  • General Rules of the Road—Be familiar with general rules, such as can be found in the General Code of Operating Rules, which can be downloaded from the internet.
  • Layout Owner Rule Set—Sometimes provided in advance, sometimes not. If they are, read them. How are cars uncoupled on the layout? Is sound used, and does the host want you to use realistic whistle signals? (Know them.) Does he want you to not touch his cars and locos under any circumstances? Does he wish nothing to be placed on the layout, even “harmless” paper? Owners can be very sensitive about such things, and guests should know them.
  • Train Control—How is traffic controlled, TT&TO, Track Warrants, CTC etc? Know the basics of these methods, and refresh yourself with the details of the one used.
  • Car Forwarding—The host will usually specify the method used: car cards, switch lists, tab-on-car, etc. Know how to use them beforehand.
  • DCC/DC—The host will specify whether he uses Lenz, Digitrax, MRC etc. If you are not familiar with the manufacturer’s equipment, do your homework. Instruction manuals can be found on the internet. Also don’t forget how to operate on a DC layout—there are still some around!

At the Layout

Encountering an unfamiliar layout, especially a large and fully-scenicked one, you’ll usually be wowed and start looking at all the details. But right after the orientation tour, you’ll be expected to run a train. Focus on what is operationally important first!

• Electrical Panels—Some are user friendly with clear diagrams, others less so. Ask if some are confusing to you.

  • Turnout Controls—Know where they are and how to use them.
  • DCC/DC—Locate the DCC plug-in panels.
  • Signals—Know the indications! On a CTC layout, for example, if you don’t know what yellow over red means, ask the host for a cheat sheet. Most have them available.
  • Problem Trackwork—This refers to complex, not poorly laid, track. Locate complex trackwork that you will need to negotiate, such as three-way and slip switches. If they are aligned by the road crews, know how to throw them to avoid embarrassment when your train gets there!
  • Defer admiring the layout until after you are comfortable with the things above.
  • Self-Prep—Take with you the accessories that you may need. Operating usually requires four or five hands, to hold train orders, throttle, radio, car cards etc. Pack an apron with pockets and/or neck lanyard; small flashlight; pens/pencils, spare uncoupling picks. If you take your own throttle, pack spare batteries.
  • Give Feedback to the Host—He will appreciate knowing the bugs that you’ve encountered. Remove bad order cars, and fill out bad order forms if provided. Blue flag problem trackwork. Identify any locos that need attention. Taking photos of bad order items and sending later also works. Always stay for and contribute to the debriefing at the end of the session.

And Slow Down!

The final section of Rich’s talk addressed slowing down for more realistic operation, illustrated with video clips, some of which Rich shot on his On30 modules. It’s common to see switching moves performed in an op session at a speed impossible in the real world, without brakemen moving at the speed of light that is. Using “one potato two potato” counting to insert simulated time for releasing hand brakes, uncoupling, walking to and from ground throws, etc., Rich demonstrated how these operations can be done much more realistically, more than doubling the time usually seen in typical sessions. Simulating brake tests, setting retainers, and other prototype operations can also add interest and slow things down. Finally, several video clips showed some of the bad habits that even experienced operators can develop over time. One of the best: grabbing a freight car with your left hand to create slack (probably moving the loco at the end of the cut in the process) while uncoupling with a pick in your right hand

Operating can be fun for both guests and host, but guests need to do their half of the work: do the homework!

Inaugural Mount Vernon Clinic is Next Week

Al Carter

The inaugural meeting of the new Mount Vernon Clinic, sponsored by the Fourth Division, is next Tuesday, September 23, 2014. The meeting is at the Mount Vernon Senior Center, starting at 7:00 p.m. The address of the Senior Center is 1401 S. Cleveland Street, easily accessible from I-5 via the Kincaid Street exit. Click here for a map and directions.

Our first program will be by long time Fourth Division member Ted Becker, titled “How To Hobby Shop Outside the (Hobby Shop) Box.” We’ll learn about sources for modelling stuff not found in a hobby shop. A lot of old ideas, maybe some new ideas and, best of all, ideas new to you that you can use.

We encourage attendees to bring along a model they’ve completed (or even models in progress) to share with the group. Perhaps it will inspire others to start a new project.

We cannot unlock the door nor are we permitted to leave it propped open, but we will have someone at the entrance until 7:00 p.m. If you arrive after that, please ring the “Model Railroaders” doorbell that will be on a board by the door and wait for someone to come and let you in.

If you have any questions, call me at 360-399-1226, or email If you wish to be on the list for the monthly e-mailed newsletter, email Roger Johnson at or call 360-770-5944.

We hope to see you there!

Board of Director Position Open

Russ Segner, Division Superintendent

The current 4D Board Secretary, Tina Ferguson-Brikoff, has submitted her resignation. Both Tina and Alex, her husband, have increased responsibilities outside the hobby and have had to step away for a while.

It is my responsibility to appoint someone to this very important position. Here is how the Secretary position is described in the 4D Policy Manual:


The duties of the Secretary include, but are not necessarily limited to:

  1. Keep minutes of all Board of Directors and General Membership meetings.
  2. Provide copies of such minutes to others as prescribed elsewhere in the Bylaws and in the Policies and Procedures Manual.
  3. Maintain corporate records as prescribed elsewhere in the Bylaws and in the Policies and Procedures Manual.
  4. Perform other secretarial duties deemed necessary or specified in the Bylaws and in the Policies and Procedures Manual.

The Secretary is also the Registered Agent with the State of Washington.

If you are interested in serving, this is a great opportunity to help our membership. The Board meets six times each year, usually in Kent, and last about two hours. The next Board meeting is October 25 at 9:00 a.m.

Please contact me as soon as possible: 425-228-7327 or I intend to make my selection no later than October 1st.

Eastside Get-Together Clinic Receives National Recognition

Al Lowe

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

The 4th Division’s very own JJ Johnston was recently honored in the August issue of the national NMRA Magazine, in the Division Business Car section. In case you missed it, here’s a scan of the article.

Remember: when you’re traveling, check the Magazine’s Club Car section for clinics to attend. This month’s Eastside Get-Together will include an NMRA member from Texas who is traveling in this area!

Last Day to Save on Sn3 Symposium

Russ Segner, Convention Chair

Sn3 2015The 30th Annual Sn3 Symposium will be held in Bellevue, Washington next April 16 – 19, 2015. If you REGISTER TODAY, you’ll save big bucks!

It will be hosted by the same bunch that brought you the great 2012 National Narrow Gauge Convention. With over 15 narrow gauge layouts, 16 great clinics, and lots of time with fellow narrow-gaugers. At least seven Sn3 layouts will be open for operating sessions, with slots filled first-come, first-served.

Held at the excellent Bellevue Sheraton, there will be plenty of room for clinics and contest entries. 75 rooms have been reserved at very good rates for attendees.

For more information, see, or email Registrar Robin Peel.

Today is the last day to get the early registration rate!

Wain Miller Surgery Update

Mike Highsmith

Wain Miller ended up having a quadruple by-pass and was in surgery for nearly 6 hours. He came out of it very well and will be in ICU for at least 24 hours. He reports a sore throat but is able to speak and the doctors are very pleased with how things have gone. The family wishes to thank the railroad community for its kind words, thoughts and prayers.

Anacortes Antique Machinery Show Sept. 13

Keith Sternberg

I’d like to invite all 4th Division members to the annual Anacortes Antique Machinery Show this Saturday, September 13, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., at 6th and Market, near the old Great Northern depot and the sternwheel steamer “W T Preston.”

Keith Sternberg's model 4-6-0

Keith Sternberg’s model 4-6-0

There will be exhibits of steam power (both stationary and marine), antique tractors, model builders with engine models, and a handcar operating on the old Great Northern track along Market Street. I will have a temporary short-line railroad of 7-1/2″ gauge track alongside of the steamboat “W T Preston.” My coal-fired ten-wheeler will be in steam with a single-car train. There will be several steam launches on display, wood-fired and oil-fired boats of 18 – 25 foot length. The “W T Preston,” a fine old steamboat built for the Army Corps of Engineers in 1914, will be open for visitors. She has cylinders about 14″ bore and 6-foot stroke, and a locomotive-type boiler.

Admission to the show is free. Admission to board the “W T Preston” is $3.

I built the locomotive using castings from Allen Models. It is 9′ long overall and weighs about 600 pounds. The boiler is state-inspected and allowed 150 psi. Cylinders are 1-3/4″ bore and 3-1/4″ stroke. I often pull a passenger train at the Great Northern & Cascade Railway at Skykomish. I have fired with several types of coal, lately a mix of Pennsylvania anthracite and Utah bituminous. A full head of steam is easily maintained all day, no matter how heavy the load.

I hope you come by Saturday for some really large-scale model railroading!

Wain Miller Hospitalized

Mike Highsmith

One of the 4th Division’s best friends and most active members, Wain Miller is facing at least triple by-pass surgery Monday morning at Swedish. Many of us have friends and family who’ve gone through this and know the road ahead. Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family at this time. I will update you on his progress.