Syd Schofield, Photos by Syd

4th Division, Eastside Get Together North Branch (Redmond) Clinic, Thursday October 20, 2016

Russ Segner's Sn3 scale blacksmith shop, built out of individual planks.

Russ Segner’s Sn3 scale blacksmith shop, built out of individual planks.

At the Redmond Old School House admin building, Dave Cook brought things to a muted roar around seven PM. There were two “Bring-and-Brag” models, several door prize drawings, and a slide presentation on individual stick construction of model buildings. All this plus coffee and donuts and announcements of upcoming area events.

The show models were several railroad cars with LED FRED devices by Dave Enger and an individual plank-sided blacksmith shop by Russ Segner.

Russ Segner gave the slide presentation of his Sn3 sawmill made from individual wood planks and pieces. The model was inspired by photographs of a facility and is complete with mill pond and rail service. The building was stick-built post and beam with materials from Kappler, a local (Arlington) scale model wood supplier, with all the pertinent internal structure and external siding. The only sheet material was the corrugated iron roofing material. Russ described his methods of staining the materials as well as fastening them. Aleene’s Tacky Glue and Barge cement were favorably mentioned.

The next Redmond Clinic meeting will be on November 17th. Additional clinic information (including maps) can be viewed by clicking here.

Dave Enger's railroad cars with LED FRED (flashing end-of-train) devices.

Dave Enger’s railroad cars with LED FRED (flashing end-of-train) devices.

Russ Segner giving a presentation on scratch building with individual planks, at the October 2016 Redmond Clinic.

Russ Segner giving a presentation on scratch building with individual planks, at the October 2016 Redmond Clinic.