By Dennis Terpstra / Photos by Dennis Terpstra

Di Describes DCC

At our meeting on Nov 3rd, Di Voss gave us an introduction to setting up a DCC system using a Digitrax Zepher system. He also brought other command systems from Lenz, NCE and said that all will work. He also said that all decoders should work with different command systems.  During his presentation, Di primarily used the Digitrax Zepher and Digitrax decoders.

When modifying, remember to isolate both leads of the motor from the frame before installing the decoder and to find a good location for the decoder or modify the loco frame. A simplified wiring diagram (courtesy of is below.

Click for larger image

Click for larger image

Di showed examples of programing decoders using DecoderPro, a free program. After programing the decoder, he demoed running the loco on a test track and also ran two different locos on the same track.

Next month, at the December 1st meeting, we will continue the DCC discussions, hopefully getting into sound decoders and locomotive programming.

We meet at the Ronald United Methodist Church, 17839 Aurora Avenue North, Shoreline, on the west side of Aurora (SR 99) between 175th and 185th Streets, between the Cadillac dealer on the south and Deseret Industries to the north. Enter the lower level of the church from the parking lot at the rear. Doors open around 7:00 PM, announcements are at 7:15, and the program starts about 7:30.

Remember the next meeting is December 1 and the one after that is on January 5.

Show and Tell:

Norm C - HO T-TRAK Module


Stu R - N Scratchbuilt Buildings


Bob R - Utility Poles and Mold


Dennis T – N T-TRAK Modular Layout