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Arduino Session #7, MV Clinic Special Edition

By Ted Becker

Topic for this week is I2C devices with an introduction to how to use them. I2C devices can open up a world of additional uses using only 2 pins on the Arduino. We will touch on using a LCD display for debugging.

Videos of previous sessions are in an unlisted YouTube list. Links to these videos can be found in or email Ted Becker for the link.

4dpnrOrganizer MountVernon is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Arduino Class
Time: May 3, 2021 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 957 1056 6451
Passcode: 356548

Bridge No. 4, Where are You? Come Find Out this Thursday, May 6, at 7pm

UPDATE (5/2/21 5:00pm): This post was updated to include a biography of our guest presenter.

The North Seattle NMRA Clinic (also known as the North End Clinic) will be holding its May meeting this coming Thursday, May 6, at 7:00pm.

This month Mike Intlekofer will be presenting on A Few Things You Didn’t Know About the Railroad Bridge at the Locks. His presentation on the history of the single-leaf bascule bridge at the Ballard Locks includes rare photos and maps of the area.

Mike Intlekofer was born in St. Paul, and his family followed the GN westward, spending some time in Minot, N.D., before finally settling in Seattle in the Magnolia neighborhood. He attended the UW and received degrees in Physics and Electrical Engineering before embarking on a career in marine electronics and medical devices. Mike now spends his time volunteering for the Newcastle Historical Society, hobby farming, restoring antique equipment, and dabbling in ham radio.

A huge thank you to Russ Segner for organizing this talk for our group.

Of course, the clinic will be virtual. The Zoom meeting will start at 7:00pm, and the lobby will open no later than 6:45 pm. Here is the information for the meeting:

Topic: North Seattle NMRA May Clinic
Time: May 6, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 922 7551 5173
Passcode: 157588

Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday!

Lisa Murray
Chair, North Seattle Clinic
(P.S. Before you get too impressed I had to google the type of bridge….ha ha!)

A Northwest Railroad Archives Special Program

By Russ Segner

I am pleased to announce a very Special Event presented by Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive in Burien, WA. In partnership with Newcastle Historical Society and the the Newcastle Library, King County Library System.
This is an Online Event May 12th, 2021 at 6pm, “Uncovering Community Stories from Railroad History”.

This is a program featuring Gary Tarbox of the Pacific Northwest Railway Archives. Gary will discuss our local Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive and the stories and treasures it holds. Access to railroad records and maps can expose new dimensions to research, local history and communities. This presentation will help all of us interested in Northwest railway history with particular emphasis on the Northern Pacific, Great Northern, SP&S and Milwaukee Road.

Space is limited, so register early. Please register at this link to receive the Zoom invite.
Here is the Registration Link:
Facebook Event for sharing:


Vote! Now, please.

By Al Lowe

The 4D’s annual election of officers ends this Friday evening. You received your ballot via email on April 1. That’s a whole month for you to vote. But time is running out. Please do so.

Remember: voting ends this Friday evening, April 30th, just before midnight. So dig through your old emails, find the one that came just after midnight on April Fool’s Day, open it, click the link inside, and VOTE!


Arduino Session #6, MV Clinic Special Edition

By Ted Becker

Sixth in the series on using Arduino in model railroading. Topic this week will cover a grade crossing controller and how to analyze a project to break it down into parts to start writing the code. The end result should be a sketch you can use to control your crossing gates and lights.

Videos of previous sessions are in an unlisted YouTube list. Links to these videos can be found in or email Ted Becker for the link.

Topic: Arduino Session, MV Clinic Special Edition #6
Time: Apr 26, 2021 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 942 9588 2390
Passcode: 486577


Spring Meet 2021 Announced

By Al Lowe

The 4th Division’s annual Spring Meet 2021 will be held online on Saturday, May 22 via Zoom.

We have some good clinics planned plus our Annual Meeting of all 4D members, the announcement of the 2021 Golden Grab Iron winner, the introduction of the new 4D MMRs, plus much more. All squeezed into two hours on a Saturday morning — and you don’t even have to leave the house, let alone shave!

Stay tuned to the Grab Iron and Wazz Up! for more information. For now, just add the morning of May 22nd to your calendar. There’s lots more information coming!


April 2021 Mount Vernon Virtual Clinic

By Ted Becker

Mount Vernon Virtual Clinic will be held on Monday, April 19, 2021 at 7:00pm. Meeting opens at 6:30ish.

Topic this month is Nick Muff’s adventures on the Westside Lumber Lines. You can expect an interesting and entertaining presentation.

4dpnrOrganizer MountVernon is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Mount Vernon Clinic for April 2021
Time: Apr 19, 2021 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 980 3910 9676
Passcode: 558074


Query For Interest in a “Loaning Library” 3D Printer

By Brian Pickering

I have the opportunity to acquire, at no charge, a Printrbot Metal Simple 3D printer. I already have adequate 3D printing capabilities of my own, but thought that the 4D might be interested in having one available for checking out, in the same manner as the Turnout Construction Jigs and Tools which Larry Sloan holds for the 4D.

This offer is available for a fairly short time (a person in a Maker group at my company offered it for free, I responded first, but there is at least one other interested party), so if people can respond to me (Brian Pickering, to let me know of interest, I can gauge whether this would be something of interest for the 4D as a whole.


April 2021 Eastside Virtual Clinic

Eastside Virtual Clinic will be held on THURSDAY, April 15, 2021 at 7:00 PM (lobby opens at 6:45 PM ) PDT

Our next Eastside Clinic will be held virtually on ZOOM this Thursday, April 15, starting at 7:00 PM with our virtual lobby opening at 6:45 PM.  I would like to extend an invitation to all the 4th Division to virtually attend this Thursday.  So be sure and save the date for the April Eastside Clinic this Thursday, April 15 at 6:45 PM!  The log in info for the clinic is below.   

The Eastside Virtual Clinic is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting:
Topic: Eastside Virtual Clinic

Time: Apr 15, 2021 6:45 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 966 3229 2281
Passcode: 115537

Our Clinic this month is titled “How and Why to Build Resin Freight Cars”. Our clinician will be, Bill Messecar, who is an MMR and an outstanding modeler in the 4th Division.  He will discuss the building steps, tools and skills needed to build resin freight cars. He will also discuss sources of resin freight car kits.

After the Clinic, there will be an opportunity for other folks to show off their latest model work in our “Show and Brag” event. 

Alex Brikoff, 04/13/2021