Please join us for the first Cab Chatter event for North End virtual clinic tonight, April 7, at 7pm via Zoom. We are going to give everyone a chance to share their thoughts on a model railroading topic. So many of our members have knowledge to share but aren’t quite sure they want to do a formal presentation at a clinic. This will give everyone a chance to “present” without so much pressure. Who knows, you may end up liking it!

Tonight’s topic is one to which everyone in the hobby can relate: What advice or tips would I give my younger self if I was just starting out in the hobby?

Everyone has a few woulda coulda shoulda things they wish they would have done differently in the hobby — whether it has to do with building a layout, purchasing of rolling stock, or using a specific code of track. The list goes on…..

So grab a beverage of your choice and log in for a relaxing Thursday night of Cab Chatter. See you there!

Topic: April North End Virtual NMRA Clinic
Time: Apr 7, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 898 6672 9483
Passcode: 856410

Lisa Murray
North End Clinic Chair