Russ Segner, 4D Superintendent

Editor’s note: Updating the post to add the following note from JJ Johnston, Volunteer Chair, 2015 Election Committee: A special thanks goes to those who assisted on the election committee process of writing, designing, printing and tabulating the 2015 ballots including Russ Segner, Mike Slease, Ed Liesse, David Yadock, Mike Laughlin and JJ Johnston.

Great news! Kurt Laidlaw and Al Lowe have been re-elected to the 4D Board of Directors. Mike Highsmith was also reelected to Assistant Superintendent. These are two year terms which run from September 1 to August 31.

Now for some bad news: Assistant Mike Highsmith has resigned not only the balance of his current term, but also will not serve the term commencing September1. So …

Here is some good news: As Superintendent I have asked Kurt Laidlaw to step into Mike’s remaining term and also to fill the position for the two year term as Assistant Superintendent commencing September 1. He has accepted and will be confirmed at our Board of Directors meeting August 15. Thank you, Kurt.

More good news: Paul Pellegrino has agreed to fill the Board of Directors term which Kurt will vacate. This also will be acted on at the August board meeting. The leadership team is intact and we look forward to working on the balance of this year and preparing for 2016.

If you are interested in serving your fellow model railroaders, please give me a call at 425-228-7327.