David Yadock

There are several good reasons to attend a convention. I’m sure you have heard all of them before. None of which mean anything unless you attend! What other venue allows “behind the scenes” access to several local notable attractions? Is there another venue that gives the visitor unfettered access to multiple detailed how-to clinics? Where do you get to see home layouts and actually see how others are working in the hobby? There isn’t any, except at a convention. This is only part of a convention, there is much more!

Where else can you meet fellow modelers from places both near and far? This is one way to increase fellowship in the hobby. You can meet and greet with old friends. More importantly, you can make new friends in the hobby at a convention. New members to the NMRA can become acquainted with fellow members and find ways to become more active in the hobby. The convention allows members both new and old an open line of communication and put a “face with a name”. Sure, there is the internet, Grab Iron, and other forms of electronic communication but a convention allows fellow modelers a time to learn, to socialize, and to expand the hobby. All this and a bargain price!

PSX2014 Logo I think the above mentioned items are the important aspects of attending convention. Sure, they sound like a sales pitch but they are true. I admit going to a convention takes some time out of an otherwise busy schedule. The important thing is to make the time available and be an active part of the convention. Everyone needs to seek out the newer members and introduce them to your circle of friends. I feel this action helps promote the hobby from within that is bound to expand the hobby to more than just the NMRA. A convention is a good way to accomplish the social part of our hobby. It is a necessary part of this hobby we call model railroading.

Get the details at the PSX2014 website: http://www.wnrr.net/PSX2014/