This April meeting of the North End clinic is Thursday, April 1, at 7pm.

For those of you who have been following Larry Sloan as he builds his new layout and are amazed at the quick progress he is making…be prepared to be amazed even further.

Larry will be presenting a clinic on how to build turnouts for your layout.

Why, you may ask, does someone hand build turnouts when they can easily be purchased? Well, as most modelers say, why not?!

Below is the Zoom link for the meeting. Doors will open by 6:45pm.

Topic: 4dPNR NMRA North End Clinic Virtual Meeting
Time: Apr 1, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 938 9458 3463
Passcode: 254424

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow night.

Lisa Murray
Chair, North End Clinic