By Al Babinsky, Photos by Dale Kraus

N scale semis detailed and weathered by Tyler, "Bring and Brag" winner

N scale semis detailed and weathered by Tyler, “Bring and Brag” winner

MMR Gene Swanson opened the clinic on time as always, we had 33 in attendance including one newcomer. MMR Dale Kraus presented a Merit Award in Scenery to Wain Miller.

Other announcements included requests for mailing in your 4D ballots, a Rail Day show on May 14, 2016 in Oregon, and a plastic model show in Renton.

A discussion was held about changing the start time for the clinic from 1930 hrs (7:30 PM) to 1900 hrs (7:00 PM) due to the fact that the doors must be locked before 2200 hrs (10:00 PM). The computer system will set the alarm at that time. By starting a half hour earlier we will be able to finish around 2100 hrs (9:00 PM) and have time to clean up and stack the chairs. The new start time will begin with the September clinic.

Bill Sandstrom from Tacoma Trains presented a number of new items from Rivarossi, Athearn, Intermountain, BLI, and Microtrains. He also carries some items from Chip Van Gilder including 3D printed log cars in N scale and the Morton Station.

Bring and Brag (Model of the Month), presented by Herb Buhler included the following items: Chip converted a Boxcar into a log car which was 3D printed and a decal printed in gold lettering printed with an Alps printer. John Miller brought his dockside motor to show what parts he needed to rebuild it. Dale Kraus brought a 0-6-0 which he kit bashed into a 2-6-2T logging loco. Mitch showed a Faller Bridge constructed from five bridge kits along with three flatcars loaded with KOEF locomotives pulled by a German V212 diesel. Tyler had a series of N scale semi-trucks and trailers and some layout photos. The winner was Tyler Whitcomb with his weathered and detailed N scale trucks.

Mike Shaw was our last minute clinician due to a no show. His clinic had a video on the use of the NMRA standards gauge, and how to use the NMRA website to get information on standards and links to vendors as well as the use of the library. It was well done for a last minute show.

Next month’s Clinic is presented by Dave Liesse on the Railroads of Hawaii. The date is May 12, 2016 at 1930 hrs (7:30 PM) in our usual location, Pierce County Library Admin. Bldg. on the corner of 112th Street and Waller Road.

Bridge constructed from 5 Faller kits by Mitch with a German V212 Diesel pulling three flatcars KOEF Diesel loads

Bridge constructed from 5 Faller kits by Mitch with a German V212 Diesel pulling three flatcars KOEF Diesel loads

A 0-6-0 kitbashed into a 2-6-2T by Dale Kraus

A 0-6-0 kitbashed into a 2-6-2T by Dale Kraus

A 3D printed log car and the Alps printed Gold decal on a passenger car by Chip

A 3D printed log car and the Alps printed Gold decal on a passenger car by Chip

Bill Sandstrom showing "What's New at the Hobby Shop"

Bill Sandstrom showing “What’s New at the Hobby Shop”