by Al Babinsky

MMR Gene Swanson opened the clinic on time as usual and dispensed with the usual announcements. The “Model of the Month” or “Bring and Brag” was held with several models being shown. We had 41 modelers attending this clinic, our “Dirty Santa” clinic.

Paul Vaughn brought two versions of molds, a hard rubber and a soft rubber mold. He explained the difference, which is the hard rubber mold is made to be used many times to create soft metal parts and the soft rubber is usually a one-time use.

Leo Scafturon brought a HO kit of Western Welding shop mounted on a corner module. The shop is complete with equipment welding hoses, shop personnel, forklifts, material, and a siding.

Chris Clancy brought some of his finds from antique shops including a gondola and an F7 A and B unit, all heavily weathered.

John Miller brought a Model Diecasting 0-6-0 with tender and a lengthy story of all the problems he addressed to make the model work properly. Very interesting.

Walt Huston brought a dual gauge track switch to show how the narrow gauge track diverged from the dual gauge track.

The “Model of the Month” winner was Leo Scafturon with his Western Welding module.

The next item on the agenda was our food, appreciated by all and attacked with great gusto. We then waited with anticipation for Dirty Santa to arrive which he did. As the program progressed many items switched hands and several modelers opened presents since someone had stolen theirs. Of special interest were a couple of power tools that seemed to change hands a number of times. The evening ended with the drawing of door prizes, enough for all attendees to receive one. The clinic was closed with the clinic committee singing “We Wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.”

Our next clinic will at 7:30 PM on January 8th in our usual place, the Pierce County Library Admin. Bldg on the corner of 112th Street and Waller Road. The presenter is Steve Cox on the subject of Model and Prototype Roadbed. Hope to see you there in 2015.

I don’t know how many of you know about an online publication called Trackside Model Rail Roading (TSMRR), their website is: It is run by a husband and wife team. The reason that I’m mentioning this is that three members of the Tacoma Clinic have been published in that publication: Dale Kraus and his layout are in the November issue and Walt Huston and Al Babinsky are in the December issue. Each layout article has an embedded video to give you a rail fan tour. In order to view you must purchase it, the cost is $1.89 per issue or $14.99 for a year. Check it out you may like what you see.

From all of us to all of you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.