By Jeff Moorman

Next Clinic:

Our next clinic will be this Thursday, May 7. Our clinician will be Dave Honan, a Civil Railroad Engineer. You may remember Dave from last year when he came to talk about some of the 12 inch to the foot railroad projects he had worked on.

This time it will be a two-part presentation. The first will take a look at the Steam Program at the Northwest Railway Museum, featuring operations with SCPC No. 2 and also the early restoration work on NP 924.

The second part will be a short multimedia show on urban rail transit.

We also intend to do a short preview of the June tour (see below).

The church continues its remodeling effort. We will not know what room we will be in until after this is posted. So, just come in the main door and we’ll have someone direct you.

Prior Clinic:

Last month we showed the first cut video of Dr. Scott Campbell’s layout, done by none other than Scott himself. The home and layout have since been sold and Scott has moved away, but it was a real treat for those who had previously seen it in person.

Scott called his railroad “The Great Burlington Northern” and it was full of scenes of the Pacific Northwest. Many of the places were instantly recognizable and some represented places related to Scott’s life. Almost everything on the layout had a story and hearing Scott relate those stories was very interesting.

Only Michael P brought a completed name tag to the last meeting. For those who picked up a name tag blank at either of the last two meetings, don’t forget to wear it and show everyone what a marvelous job of decorating you did.

A Few Words About the June Clinic:

Thanks to the efforts of Bobj Berger we will not have a regular clinic in June. Instead we will participate in a North End Train Room Tour. We will have the opportunity to see four locations, none of which have ever been open to the public before. And two of these will likely never be open again, since they are for sale.

Here is how it will work. We’ll provide you the address of the first stop (either at the next clinic meeting or via a later Grab Iron blurb). Once there, we’ll provide the addresses to the other three locations. All locations are in the Edmonds / Lake Forest Park area.

The start time is 7:00PM on June 4. Carpooling is highly encouraged, since these are all residences without special parking facilities. And hopefully, if we do not run over any lawns or irritate too many neighbors, we’ll get future opportunities to visit more of these never-before-seen train rooms.

Oh, and if you see Bobj, don’t forget to thank him for setting this all up.

Directions: We meet at the Ronald United Methodist Church, 17839 Aurora Avenue North, Shoreline, WA. That is on the west side of Aurora (State Route 99) between 175th and 185th Streets and more specifically, between the Cadillac dealer on the south and Deseret Industries to the north. Going southbound on Aurora, make a right-hand turn into the church driveway immediately after passing the Deseret location. The parking lot is at the rear of the church. From the parking lot go up the steps to the main entrance.

Meetings are the first Thursday of each month, usually September – June. However in June we often do something different, so there may be no “regular” meeting. Doors open at 7:00 PM and the program starts at 7:30.

Remember the next regular evening meeting is May 7. The last meeting of the clinic year will be a specially arranged North End Train Room Tour on June 4. Hope to see you there or at least sometime on down the line.