Cliff Green, Grab Iron Editor

If you haven’t made plans to attend the Pacific Science Center Model Railroad show here in Seattle, now’s the time! As noted on the 4th Division PSC web page, the show is Saturday January 17 (today) through Monday January 19 (MLK weekend).

I also want to extend a welcome to the new 4th Division members (or those that have renewed their NMRA membership). I add new members to the Grab Iron e-mail distribution list on a monthly basis. Please e-mail me at if you would like to be removed from the Grab Iron distribution list, or have feedback you’d like to make.

There are many helpful clinics and members across the 4th Division (which includes Alaska). I encourage everyone to take advantage of the skill sharing and fellowship available (it’s the main reason I belong to the NMRA). More information can be found on the 4D Clinics Page.