If you’re not too busy attending the PNR convention in Eugene this weekend, (or even if you are!), join us for May’s virtual layout tour Zoom at 10am on Saturday, May 14. Keith Jordan will take us on a tour of his famous HO scale shelf layout, the “Patch,” which features the industrial switching of downtown Los Angeles by the Santa Fe, with a number of scratchbuilt structures and other interesting features. The layout is well known, having been covered in recent issues of Model Railroad Planning and Great Model Railroads.

As usual, we’ll open the meeting at 9:30am and start the program at 10am. Here is the Zoom info for joining the meeting:

Topic: May’s 4dPNR Layout Tour Zoom Meeting
Time: May 14, 2022 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 859 8961 5159
Passcode: 593403
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