Just in time for Christmas… an original LGB Christmas Train set, complete, about 15 years old, but unused the last 13 years, and hardly run in the first 2 years. Includes 4 additional LGB Christmas cars plus lots, and I mean lots, of extra track. Also available separately is an Aristocraft Howe Truss bridge (G scale, assembled), and also available separately are 7 G scale turnouts, two of which are “wide radius”. $300 for the train set and extra cars – that is a great deal (check eBay prices). Package deal for the set, cars, track, bridge, and turnouts is possible. Contact Al Carter at: tabooma10@gmail.com or leave a message at: 425-577-1570. I’m in Mount Vernon; prefer pickup in person or I’ll go a short distance to meet the buyer. I can’t figure out how to post photos, so if interested, I can email photos.