By Alex Brikoff

Announcing the Eastside Virtual Get Together Clinic to be held on THURSDAY, June 18, 2020 at 7:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time

Hello, everyone!  Yes, the Eastside Get Together Clinic is alive and well during the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic.  Although for the time being (and that may be a while), the Eastside Clinic has become the Eastside Virtual Get Together Clinic.  Our first virtual Clinic will be held using ZOOM next Thursday, 06/18, (We are switching back to Thursdays by popular demand!).  One of the benefits of virtual clinics and meetings is that the barriers of geographic distances (and traffic woes) are removed.  All you need is a computer and an internet connection!  So I would like to extend an invitation to ALL of the 4th Division and ESPECIALLY our fellow 4th Division members in the state of Alaska, to join our Clinic next Thursday, meet some of the modelers here in the Puget Sound area and see some outstanding model work that has been done in this area.  Here is the log in info:

Check your Grab Iron email for the Zoom meeting information.

Our virtual Layout Tour will feature Lee Marsh’s outstanding layout depicting the Great Northern Railway’s Cascade Division during the transition era of the early 50’s.  Lee is an outstanding modeler and that certainly comes out in his layout.  Of late, Lee has gained additional notoriety by having his layout featured in the June 2020 Model Railroader magazine. 

After the Clinic, we will have some time for other folks to show off their latest model work in our “Show and Brag” segment.  The Clinic will wrap up with some administrative comments and quick discussion about our virtual Clinics. 

Alex Brikoff