Russ Segner

JJ Johnston passed away on Friday, May 26 at his home in Bellevue with his wife, Patt, at his bedside. JJ was a friend to many of us in the Fourth Division, a leader and fine model builder. He served many years as the leader of the Eastside Clinic and built it into one of our best attended. He was honored in 2011 with our Golden Grab Iron Award. He had a high regard and respect for his fellow modelers, many of whom became valued friends over the years.

We will remember his great smile, sense of humor and positive attitude. I never heard a cross word from him. We also remember his fine HO layout, The Puget Sound Iron Goat Railway. It was covered with detailed structures and humorous scenes, many of which told a story of their own. He was author of several articles in the Narrow Gauge & Short Line Gazette, had a cover on the Model Railroad Craftsman magazine and a DVD of his layout done by Trackside Model Railroading.

JJ was well known and respected for his work for over 30 years as a real estate professional. JJ was active as an instructor for the Association of Realtors and a member of the Master Builders. He handled the sale and acquisition of our homes twice for my wife, Susan, and me. He brokered several real estate investments for us as well.

He was a valued friend and good companion as we traveled together to model railroad conventions, especially to Colorado as I tried to lure him into narrow gauge.

He is missed.

Al Lowe has a short video tour of JJ’s layout on his YouTube channel here: