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Grab Iron Posts

Achievement Program Moments

Jack Hamilton

The following individuals have received Achievement Program recognition during the last quarter. Congratulations to each awardee. Keep up the good work!

  • Jack Tingstad – AP Certificates for Structures, Electrical, and Scenery; Merit Award (6) Structures
  • Richard Bide – AP Certificate for Electrical
  • Jack Hamilton, MMR – AP Certificate for Official
  • Allen Frasch – AP Certificates for Electrical, Volunteer, and Author
  • Susan Gonzales – Golden Spike
  • Phillip Gonzales – Golden Spike
  • Roger Nulton – Golden Spike
  • Gordon Jones – Merit Award Structures
  • Allen Frasch – Merit Award (3) Structures
  • Roger Nulton – Merit Award (2) Motive Power; Merit Award (5) Cars; Merit Award (6) Structures; Merit Award (3) Civil;  Merit Award Scenery; Merit Award Prototype Model

It appears that Roger Nulton has completed all requirements for MMR and is only awaiting submission of copies of supporting documentation for Prototype so that the final SOQ can be submitted. Walt Huston continues with six AP certificates, looking for that elusive seventh. Allen Frasch is closing fast with five certificates. Keep on trucking, guys!

This period saw a major breakthrough when a visit was arranged to one of our long time reluctant modelers. Besides getting to see a really great layout, the AP crew was able to write paper for six merit awards and three AP certificates. It really is worth while to invite the local crew over to take a look. Ask Jack Tingstad and Roger Nulton.

For the good of the hobby.

Join the TrainTools YahooGroup

Al Lowe

Walt Huston suggested I share Traintools with you. It’s a YahooGroup focused on model train tools and the techniques used to build models. It has helpful advice, tools you’ve never heard of, new product reviews, and more. It’s in its 8th year and has 1,500 members. If you’re a tool junkie (and you know who you are! <grin>), check them out. I joined. You should, too.

Issaquah Train Show, August 14th

Mark Anderson

Mark your calendars for August 14, 2010, from 10 AM to 5 PM for a train show at the Issaquah Depot Museum. The depot is located at 40 Rainier Blvd N in historic Issaquah. Train show admission is free with museum admission $2 per adult, $1 per child. Activities include riding the pump car, blowing the air horn, play areas for children, and viewing the garden railroad and modular railroads. For additional details about the depot and museum, see or 425-392-3500.

I’m taking over the reigns from another organizer that has been running the train show in partnership with the Issaquah History Museum for the past three years. I’ve been a member of the NMRA for about ten years and Secretary of the 4D Hi-Rail group. We would like other modular groups to participate. Please contact me no later than August 1st at 425-427-8686 or

Bobj Runs for PNR Veep

Roger Ferris

Bobj Berger, long-time member of NMRA, PNR, and 4D, is running for PNR Vice-President. He tirelessly serves where needed. Bobj is an active participant in the 4D Pacific Science Center train show for over 35 years; a club founder; museum creator; professional railroad tour guide in the US, Canada, South America, China and Russia; Chair of the 4D Seattle-North Clinic; promoter and creator of Make-N-Take clinics to get modelers modeling; a retired social worker who pours himself energetically into whatever he undertakes. If you haven’t yet mailed in your PNR ballot (it came in the recent Switchlist), please vote for Bobj for PNR VP!

Fathers Ride Free at Northwest Railway Museum

Sue VanGerpen

On Father’s Day weekend, June 19–20, at the Northwest Railway Museum in Snoqualmie, fathers ride free all weekend, when accompanied by their paying children of any age! Last year over 500 dads enjoyed a free ride with their children during the two-day event.

Trains depart from the Snoqualmie Depot, 38625 SE King Street, every 75 minutes beginning at 11:01 AM, and from the North Bend Depot, 205 McClellan Street, beginning at 11:26 AM. Roundtrip fares are $8 for children ages 2-12, $12 for children ages 13-61, and $10 for children ages 62 and up!

Ride Speeders & Trains and Eat BBQ, All For Just $10

JJ Johnston

Reserve Saturday, June 26, at 10 AM, for a day-long train celebration at the Snoqualmie Northwest Railway Museum and the Snoqualmie Valley Railroad. Join Scott Buckley, Olympia Clinic Chair and his GOPHERS (Greater Olympia Prototype History & Engineering Research Society) and the Eastside Get Together Clinic in a day of festivities at the NWRM. Activities include speeder rides from the restored Victorian depot to the Conservation & Resource Center, where you will be guided by Eastside member and museum volunteer Russ Segner to see the current coach being restored and the amazing preservation workshop and facilities. Russ will then direct you to the recently completed 25,000 square foot equipment shelter building for the Museum’s collection of Northwest locomotives and historic rolling stock. You can catch the train ride there or return to the depot by speeder where you can also board the train.

Next comes the Snoqualmie train ride to North Bend and Snoqualmie Falls. Round trip train rides are available from noon until 3 PM. There you may have an hour or so stopover in North Bend before returning to the Depot. Don’t eat too much; you need to be ready for the Sabol family BBQ.

Jim “The Grillinator” Sabol and his capable assistant chef, Mary, will serve kosher hot dogs, salads and soft drinks. We will congregate at the Depot’s park picnic tables, meet new friends and modelers, and indulge in the Sabol food fest. There’s still time to photograph the extensive array of historical rolling stock and locomotives, tour the turn-of-the-century depot with its library and historical exhibits, video the train, view the vintage sawmill equipment on the premises, or even go across the street to a micro-brewery or have dinner in town (if you could possibly still be hungry).

Here’s the deal:

  1. Wear suitable shoes for stepping over the rails (never on) and for boarding speeders, trains, car steps, and treading on ties and ballast.
  2. Arrive and park near the depot area between 10:00 and 10:30 AM.
  3. Immediately register with JJ Johnston at the 4D registration table.
  4. Pay $10 per person and JJ will give you your Train Ride Ticket and your Registration Name Tag. You’ll need your Name Tag for all the day’s events and the Sabol dog spectacular. Your $10 only pays for the train ride ticket. We ask you to consider a donation to the museum. The museum would like you to volunteer and get involved in the numerous activities available, from restoration to conductor to running speeders. We can do important work to help preserve this amazing historical landmark, a working railroad and its equipment, for future generations.
  5. Give generously!

We’ll see you there. For more information and driving directions visit

Update Your Email Address Today!

Ed and Gay Liesse, PNR Office Managers

Is your email address correct? Many in the PNR membership data base are not.

We recently became aware of this when the PNR mailing about the upcoming convention got bounced because of bad email addresses. As we move toward fully electronic communication, the need for the keeping your email addresses up-to-date becomes imperative .

Here’s what to do: email us at either or from your current email address and give us your full name and NMRA number, if possible. We’ll update our database and the NMRA’s database for you. It’s so simple. Just send an email today!

Still Room For a Few Good Layouts at CI2010

Clay Hanson, Layout Tour Manager

CI2010 still has a few openings left for those willing to share their efforts with visitors from all over the West. Layout tours will be from September 16–18, or your layout may be shown as a Layout Open House from Wednesday the 15th through Sunday the 18th. We plan to group the layouts into clusters to avoid long drives between layouts. Car pooling will be strongly encouraged.

If you are willing to share, contact me right now at and tell me:

  • Name of layout, size and scale
  • A brief description of the layout and the period you are modeling
  • The number of persons that can view the layout at one time
  • Access for wheelchair and other physically challenged persons
  • The day(s) and times the layout will be available for viewing

It’s desirable if you could provide cold drinks, cookies, or other snacks.

Announcing the new Digital Grab Iron

Al Lowe

At the February Board of Directors meeting, the 4D Board voted to move the Grab Iron to a new improved format. Rather than continue our current method of digitally “printing” a new “issue” in a magazine format each month and storing it on the web, we will now take full advantage of the benefits of the Internet. Come September, your new Digital Grab Iron will be 100% web-based, with all the advantages of the net.

Rather than twelve pages, we’ll have unlimited space. Instead of waiting weeks until an arbitrary end of the month publishing date, updates will be published immediately. Instead of a monthly email notification, you’ll receive an email instantly whenever areas you are interested in change. No more postage-stamp photos; instead you’ll see high-res, large-format photographs where you can actually see details. No more downloading a large PDF; everything will be instantly accessible in your browser.

Every article will include space for comments, suggestions, hints, and tips. Every link and email address will be clickable. We’ll even include videos! You’ll receive timely Treasurer’s reports and Secretary’s minutes. We’ll have unlimited room for articles and submissions. Instead of formatting for 8.5″ x 11″ paper, everything will be formatted for your browser.

This also means the end of the paper Grab Iron. We can stop paying thousands of dollars of your money to print, stamp, address, and mail it to fewer than fifty members at a cost greater than $25 per year! We will keep our Yahoo Group for discussions, but I suspect much of its traffic will move to the Digital Grab Iron.

We see this not as a step back, but as a vast improvement to our Division’s communications and we think you will, too. This issue will be posted as a starter. It and all future Grab Irons will be at Stop by now and check it out. Compare it with this PDF. We think you’ll love it.

The Grab Iron is dead; long live the Grab Iron!

From the President’s Desk

Jack Hamilton

You are no doubt aware that I was a candidate for the position of NMRA Western District Director. Those elections were held in April and the results are in. I have been notified that I was successful in my bid for that position and will assume the Directorship at the NMRA Annual Board meeting in July. I want to thank each and every one of you who placed your confidence and trust in me through your vote. I promised to be the members Director on the NMRA Board and I will keep that promise.

In order to accept the NMRA Director position, I must step down as your PNR President. I do so with reluctance and some degree of sadness. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with what I consider to be one of the most active, interested, and energized group of individuals that I have had the honor to serve. Your individual Division Superintendents are “pick of the litter” folk and we are all very fortunate to have them in leadership roles. The individual Committee Chairs have performed well beyond reasonable expectation for normal all volunteer groups. They simply “took charge and marched off” to get the job done. Your Region has been much better because of their individual efforts. The stalwarts of the Region, who actually get the day to day stuff done, Dirk Kruysman our Treasurer and the Office Managers, first Steve Prevette and now Ed and Gay Liesse, are exceptional in every aspect and make contributions to the success of the Region that few understand. I will miss the enjoyment of working with them.

Our Vice President, Walt Huston, the quiet power of excellence in both modeling and leadership will now assume the role of leadership for the Region. I know Walt well and have worked with him over a number of years. You can expect that his exceptional leadership and understanding will continue to move the region forward and that service to the members will remain the hallmark of PNR. I will remain available to assist Walt in any way that he may desire.

I want to extend my personal thanks to each and every member of PNR for their participation, interest and support of Division and Region activities. I greatly appreciate the courtesy and assistance you have extended to me. You have made the job of being your President fun. We have something very special here in our very large corner of the world because you made it special. You are showing the way for others in the hobby. Keep up the good work. Thank you!

Cascadian International 2010

The PNR 2010 convention Host Committee has undergone some shifting around of positions and is now totally invested in bringing you a premier event in September. If you have not already done so, now is the time to make plans to attend and to register. The convention is September 16-18, 2010 at the Embassy Suites Hotel, Lynnwood, WA (12 miles north of downtown Seattle). It is especially important for our Canadian members to make sure that they have the appropriate documentation to cross the border. See for additional information.

Contest Regulations

As many of you who attended the Edmonton 2009 Northern Lights convention are aware, we tried some different things with respect to Contest and Achievement Program. They appeared to be successful. In addition, NMRA National Contest Chair Bob Hamm has been revising the national contest rules and general approach to try to increase interest in the membership. John DeSteese (your PNR Contest Chair) and I (in my role as AP Chair) have reviewed and revised our PNR Contest policies and rules to more closely align our general approach to National and to incorporate our process for AP and Contest to maximize benefit and opportunity for our members. We intend to use the revised policies and rules at the 2010 Convention in order to “proof” them and to iron out any wrinkles. The “interim” policies and rules should be posted to the web site in the very near future.

Elections of PNR Officers

I cannot stress how important your participation is in this essential process. When only 5 or 10 percent of the members participate in election, and when finding candidates is worse than getting your wife to let you buy a new engine, we all suffer. This is our organization but more important it is your organization. In addition to elected positions, a few of those who have served in appointed positions have indicated their intention to move back to actual modeling (what a concept!). The new President and his Board will need individuals ready and willing to step up to those positions of responsibility. A lesson I learned a long time ago is: if you want things to be better, you have to be willing to work for that change. The adjunct to that rule is that it is always easier to bring about change from the inside rather than the outside.

NMRA 75th Anniversary Convention in Milwaukee

This is a repeat because it deserves repeating. Our NMRA celebrates its 75th year in operation in 2010. The National Convention in Milwaukee in July is looking to be both a super event and a great party. If you have been to a national convention in the past you might consider this as a very good way to do it again and enjoy the celebration. If you have never been to a national, going this year will certainly give you talking points and bragging rights for some time to come. Convention information is in the February Scale Rails and on the NMRA web site. Give it a look.