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Grab Iron Posts

Eastside Get-Together Report

By Ken Liesse

JJ Johnston opened the evening with the announcement that our last get-together of the season in June will be a field trip to Chooch Enterprises in Maple Valley. There will be a small charge to help cover the costs of transportation, which will be determined in the coming weeks. We will be visiting the business, then going upstairs to view the layout. JJ will pass on further information when it becomes available. JJ also reminded everyone that ballots for open 4D offices need to be postmarked by May 20.

Ed Liesse made mention of the upcoming NRHS convention in Tacoma (June 20-26). Although most of us may not be able to participate (membership in the NRHS is required), there will be a lot of steam trains in the area during that time, including a trip over Stampede Pass behind SP 4449.

Ed went on to inform everyone that Pacific Northwest Region will be holding a joint convention with Pacific Coast Region next May in Medford, OR. Planning is still in the early stages, but hopefully there will be tours of Micro-Trains and Campbell Scale Models. There will also be clinics and a non-rail program. Siskiyou Summit 2012 will be held May 2-5.

Ken Liesse mentioned an item that showed up in the 4D mailbox: an announcement from the Port of Everett about an upcoming auction. They’re getting rid of two dioramas that they hope someone can re-use for modeling purposes. The auction will take place on June 2nd at the Port of Everett Conference Center. Watch for more information in the Grab Iron.

Stu Rogers brought the video library and mentioned that we now have all of Paul Scole’s videos in the library for member perusal. See the whole list of available titles on the 4D website.

There were five entries in the Model of the Month contest, which was won by Ron Cole with his scratchbuilt 1/32nd scale 12-1 Pullman. Other entries included the Washington Brewery (Di Voss), a switch tower with interior details (David Yadock), a display diorama (Bob Rorabaugh) and a handlaid, code 55, N gauge yard throat (Stu Rogers). Photos of the entries can be viewed here.

After the break, Russ Segner presented the clinic, which was an update on what’s happening at the Northwest Railway Museum in Snoqualmie through a slide/video show. There has been quite a bit of progress since last June when Eastside held a picnic at the museum. Weyerhaeuser #1, the Fairbanks-Morse, has been pretty much completed and is now awaiting lettering. There has been much progress on Chapel Car #5, the “Messenger of Peace,” and the museum has a paid staff on hand to oversee the work being done on the car. Russ himself is continuing work on coach #218, a 1912 built Barney-Smith car. A lot of work has gone into this car, and the train crew is looking forward to adding it into the regular service. The other big news is that two items from the museum collection – WRL caboose #1 and GN caboose #001 – have been moved into the new Train Shed at the Railway History Center. These are the first exhibits to be housed in the Train Shed with many more to follow. (These cabooses were moved in Thursday afternoon between School Train runs and Russ had pictures of them to show us that night.) Russ reminded everyone that anyone who is interested in restoring equipment, teaching kids about railroading or even operating the railroad can volunteer at the museum. He will keep us up-to-date as progress continues.

At the end of the evening, JJ reminded everyone of the BOD meeting on 5/21 and Michael Kavanaugh reported that he was now cancer free. A great way to end the evening.

Seattle-North Clinic Hits the Road – June 2, 2011

By Jeff Moorman

Traditionally the Seattle-North Clinic takes a railroad-related tour instead of its June meeting. This year is no different. And, like always, we are not telling you where we are going ahead of time. Yes, we can promise some variety, plus maybe something a little different. Yes, it was arranged by a self-proclaimed professional railroad tour guide. And, yes, we still have some seats left.

The cost is $5 (bring it with you) to defer the cost of the vans and we will leave the church parking lot no later than 7:00PM on June 2. See directions below. We should get back to the church by 10:00.

There are a limited number of seats, so do not just show up on June 2 without me responding that we have room.

The clinic meets at the Ronald United Methodist Church, 17839 Aurora Avenue North, Shoreline, WA. That is on the west side of Aurora (State Route 99) just north of 175th Street, between the Cadillac dealer and Deseret Industries. Note that there is still a lot of construction along this stretch of Aurora. Therefore, it might be best to be going southbound so you can make a right-hand turn into the church driveway immediately after passing the Deseret location.

Meetings are the first Thursday of each month, except July and August. In June we usually take a tour. The tour is by pre-registration only and leaves from the parking lot at the rear of the church building at 7:00PM sharp. If you are late, there is no provision for you to join the tour in progress.

Hope to see you there or at least sometime on down the line.

Tacoma Northwestern Show a Hit

Al Lowe

The Tacoma Northwestern Model Railroaders held a successful first year show and swap meet May 14 – 15, at Freighthouse Square in Tacoma. Several modular railroads attended, including the 4dNTRAK Group. Sound Transit had a Sounder there with its cab car open. A few lucky souls even got into the locomotive (and convinced the engineer to “wind ‘er up!”) The Mount Rainier Scenic Railroad provided steam train rides on the hour to 72nd Street and back. Over $3,200 was raised for the Tacoma food bank.

On behalf of the 4dNTRAK Group, I would like to thank TNW for providing us with a wonderful place to run trains during what’s usually a slow spring for train shows. And what better place to host a show than beside working prototypes? Not to mention all the wonderful, non-franchise food places right in the building.

Photos by Ken Liesse are posted here.

And photos by William M. Kajdzik are posted here.

Tacoma Clinic

by Al Babinsky / Photo by Ken Liesse

MMR Gene Swanson opened the clinic with 36 modelers in attendance and asked for suggestions of when and to whom we should donate the money that we collect every month for charity. It was decided that we would give the donation to the Northwest Food Network at our clinic on November 10th.

Under announcements it was mentioned that the NRHS would be held in Tacoma in June. In May 2012 the PCR and PNR will hold a joint convention in Medford, OR called the Siskiyou Summit 2012. For more information go to

The TNW will hold their 1st annual swap meet and train show May 14–15 in Freighthouse Square in Tacoma. Sound Transit will have a Sounder there with its cab car open. Mount Rainier Scenic Railroad is providing train rides on the hour to 72nd Street and back.

What’s new at the Hobby shop was presented by Tacoma Trains which included items from Lionell, Kato, Atearn, Bachmann, MTH, Accurail, and Micro-Trains.

In the model of the month section, or “bring and brag” as we like to call it, we had a number of entries which included a Maerklin pre-war freight consist; a water tower; a Black Bear Co. bridge kit; a homemade easy-to-access drill index and paint brush stand; freight cars weathered with different media; a tree made from an azalea branch; a GP-39M with a depressed-center flat car and transformer load, plus caboose with a flashing red light; and a diorama with a Sierra West tool shed. The winner of the contest was Dave Faucett with his tool shed diorama.

The clinic, given by MMR Dale Kraus, was “What I Did on my Vacation.” It was a trip back in time while railfanning in the UK, beginning in London with a trip to York riding the rails behind steam power and then on to Wales to ride behind various narrow-gauge steam locomotives. A great slide show and very interesting equipment; thanks to Dale for great clinic just in time for summer to entice us to go and search for places to railfan.

Next month’s clinic will be presented by Scott Groff and Mike Shaw. We hope to see you there at our usual place, the Pierce County Library Admin. Bldg. at the corner of 112th Street and Waller Road, clinic starts at 7:30 PM.

The photo is courtesy of Ken Liesse, who has posted more photos here.

NMRA InfoNet News for May

Gerry Leone, MMR, NMRA Communications Director

Election Results Are In! The new NMRA Canada Director will be Don Hillman, replacing Clark Kooning, MMR. The new Central District Director will be Peter Magoun, MMR, replacing Bob Beatty, MMR. The new Regional Advisory Council Director will be Stephen Priest, MMR, replacing Bob Ferguson. All new Directors will take office at the Sacramento Board Meeting.

This year’s Board Meeting will be held prior to the Sacramento x2011 Convention on Friday, July 1, 2011. Current plans put the meeting in the Beavis Room in the Sacramento Grand Sheraton Hotel. Tentative starting time is 9 am. Locations and times subject to change.

Sacramento x2011 Reminders: A special “Carpet Cutting Ceremony” (the indoor equivalent of a Ground Breaking Ceremony) for the Gallery Exhibit will be held Thursday evening of the Convention. All are invited.

Convention Registrations have passed 1,500 attendees, while attendance at the Advance Section over the weekend prior to the Convention is over 150 attendees. You can still register online at You can also sign up for tours and operating sessions and purchase convention cars and shirts.

2012 Elections: Open for election in 2012: President, Vice President-Administration, Vice President-Special Projects, Eastern District Director, Pacific District Director, and At-Large North America Director. Please check the NMRA Executive Handbook, located here, for the extent of the districts affected and qualifications. All candidate names for consideration by the Nominations Committee shall be submitted to Didrik Voss,, no later than June 15, 2011.

Skagit Valley and Whidbey Clinic

by Gordon Garnhart

There were 31 people gathered at the Summer Hill Retirement Community conference room on Wednesday, May 11th. The mini swap meet brought some interesting HO freight cars.

The meeting was opened by John White distributing copies of a tentative line-up of programs for the coming year. The proposed plan was well received.

The guest speaker for the evening was Glendale historian Craig Williams of the community organization Friends of Glendale and also the South Whidbey Historical Society. Glendale is a very small community on the eastern shore of Whidbey Island, near the south end below Clinton. His topic, “The Glendale Logging Railroad and other Whidbey Island Shortlines” was well received. Craig illustrated his presentation with many interesting slides, and described fascinating historical details of equipment, structures, operations and the careers of logging entrepreneurs.

Craig has been researching the history of shortline railroad operations on Whidbey Island for over ten years. He talked about the early logging operations on South Whidbey Island, how these activities shaped the community of Glendale and the logging railroad that once ran through the Glendale area. Most of his material covered the Glendale Logging Railroad which followed the ravine of Glendale Creek northwest and then north into what was, in the nineteenth century, a densely wooded area. He also discussed a less extensive logging railroad that operated in the Keystone vicinity. Very little evidence of these operations exists today  At the conclusion of his slide presentation, Craig passed around examples of old growth wood, a fish plate, a rail bolt and a length of chain used to link rail cars.

Craig is a founding partner of West Street Associates, and is a veteran of over 30 years of International Event planning and operations. He has held top management roles for Local Organizing Committees (LOC) of several International Sporting Events, including the Olympic Games, and currently provides specialist advice to Olympic Organizing and Bid Committees. Craig has a BA degree in History from UCLA and is a Board Member of both Friends of Glendale (FOG) and the South Whidbey Historical Society. His interest in local history and in the Glendale watershed combined when he discovered remnants of an old logging railroad grade on his property and on several local trails in the Glendale watershed. He has been researching the history of the area for over 10 years and has given presentations to the South Whidbey Historical Society and to history classes at South Whidbey High School. For additional info on FOG please visit the website at

We look forward to Wednesday, June 8th, when Jack Hamilton MMR will visit our clinic and act as chief judge of our scratch built “Dilapidated Building Competition”. This contest was originally announced in September of last year, and promises some very interesting and unusual entries.

Board Meeting Next Saturday

Ken Liesse

There will be a meeting of the 4D Board of Directors next Saturday, May 21st. The meeting will be held starting at 1:00pm at the Yankee Grill, located at the corner of Rainier Ave. and Grady Way in Renton (just north of the I-405/167 Valley Fwy intersection next to the Holiday Inn). All members of the 4D are invited to attend the meeting.

Anyone who has business they would like to have discussed at the meeting should send their item(s) to Superintendent Jim Byerley before Thursday, May 19th to have it placed on the agenda.

NMRA Data Sheets Available at

M. David Johnson

The NMRA Data Sheets are a resource for modelers with information on General Modeling, Scenery, Trackwork, Motive Power, Rolling Stock, Structures, Electrical Work, Operations, and Prototype Information. The Data Sheets are available on the new Members-Only Section of the NMRA website.

However, many Data Sheets are out of date, originally prepared in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. For example, Data Sheet D4g (Diesel-Electric Locomotive Specifications) was first issued in April of 1960 and doesn’t include data on any locomotive newer than a GP-9. So the NMRA Data Sheets Managers are going to bring the Data Sheets up to date and add new sheets when possible.

We’ve already added four new Data Sheets which were published in the NMRA Magazine, two of which are also on the website and we’re working on three more.

If you have ideas for improvements or new Sheets, email me at

Ballots for Directors

By Ken Liesse

Due to the passing of 4D Superintendent Dennis Hill, the process of getting ballots in the mail for the open Board of Director positions was derailed. The ballots are back on track and will be in the mail this week. Please read the instructions for the ballot carefully and return them according to the deadline printed on the ballot.

There are three positions up for election: Assistant Superintendent, Director Position One, and Director Position Three. Rob Jones and John Salzetti are running for Asst. Supt., while Al Lowe and Ethan “Stu” Rogers are seeking reelection for Director Positions One and Three respectively. Space for write-in candidates is available for all three races.