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PNR Pres & Vice-Pres Nominations Sought

David Faussett, PNR Nominating Chair

The success of the PNR depends on the active involvement of its members. Your active participation can make it successful.

I am requesting nominations for two officers to serve for a two-year period commencing September 1, 2012. All nominations should be forwarded to me postmarked no later than April 15, 2012. Ballots will be included in the Switchlist in May 2012.

We have many members who, through either personality or work experience or both, have effective leadership skills. Please consider contributing your talents to the future growth and success of the PNR and the hobby.

“Self nomination” is welcome! PNR leadership earns AP points toward Association Official. If you would like to be nominated or would like to nominate a candidate, please contact me right away: David Faussett, 5658 S. Yakima Ave., Tacoma, WA 98408,

February NMRA InfoNet News

Gerry Leone, NMRA Communications Director

News from the Winter NMRA Board of Directors meeting last week

  • Tom Draper, manager of the National Train Show, reported that the number of booth sales for the show at Grand Rails 2012 is at the same relative level now as last year’s Sacramento show.
  • After a short search by the NMRA Canada Nominating Committee when Don Hillman stepped down for health reasons, Clark Kooning volunteered for NMRA Canada Director. We wish Don all the best and thank Clark for his willingness to serve at the last minute.
  • Financially, the NMRA ended 2011 in very good standing and is currently rebuilding some of its funds from which it had borrowed in the past. In addition there is currently enough money in the budget to hire an IT professional to repair, maintain, and update the NMRA website.
  • The NMRA has announced an agreement of cooperation between itself and the Model Railroad Association of China, a community of over 100,000 railfans and model railroaders. The HRMA, a relatively young organization, is interested in learning how the NMRA is organized and will promote NMRA standards in China. Members of both organizations will be able to enjoy the many benefits of each. A press release and story will appear shortly in NMRA Magazine.
  • The Board is in the initial stages of studying electronic balloting as a way of saving on postage and encouraging member participation.

More Board meeting news next month!

In other news, the Grand Rails 2012 website at has some new features:

  • A page for the Layout Design Special Interest Group
  • The Operations Special Interest Group Sign-up sheet
  • PDF copies of all of the traditional Registration forms
  • A complete list of all of the extra fare events and tours
  • A schedule of days and times for most scheduled events
  • More Sidetracks events for the non-rails
  • The Silent Auction schedule
  • The contest room schedule

Interested in the Achievement Program? I was interviewed on The Model Railway Show about it. Trevor Marshall talked to me about the hurdles and joys of my path to MMR. Episode 32 is available for listening or downloading now at or through iTunes. After March 1, it is available via the Model Railway Show’s online archive.

Sound & Northwestern Announces GN Depot Kit

Jim Bainbridge

Seattle’s own Sound & Northwestern LLC has released an HO scale, laser-cut, multimedia kit of a Great Northern 12’x34’ Standard Portable Depot. The kit represents an important railroad structure that was built by the score and shipped by flatcar to towns all along the GN lines. Some examples of this well-documented structure survive to this day. The kit can be built with or without the bay window, and includes optional parts for multiple versions. Window sashes are positionable and have laser-cut Mylar glazing. Comes with laser-printed station signs. Footprint: 1.95” D x 4.7” W. More details at

Seattle-North – Next Meeting is Groundhog’s Day

By Jeff Moorman, Photos by Jeff Moorman

Our next meeting is Thursday, February 2, 2012. Time and place are at the end of this piece.

Robert “Bob” Stafford was our January clinician and the topic was weathering structures. Bob says structures seem to be the last thing modelers weather, yet buildings near real railroads were always pretty dirty. And Bob should know, since he worked for the prototype for many years.

There were lots of little tips in Bob’s presentation. Here are a few from my notes:

  • People often add onto a building over time. A little seen trick is to do more weathering on the older parts of a building than on the more recent additions.
  • It is always nice to do something different to a kit-built building, so it doesn’t look just like everyone else’s. Bob’s clinic sample was a Walther’s coal dealer’s silo to which he added a roof over the unloading chutes.
  • You really don’t always need specific “model railroad” paints for coloring and weathering structures. Spray paint often works well for basic color. Craft paints offer many colors for buildings and scenery, and at a very attractive price. One brand Bob likes is Delta Ceramcoat. Hint: they have a metallic silver that is quite useful as a general color for metal.
  • Weathering chalks do wonders to make structures look like they have been out in the real weather. And usually, if you don’t like the results, you can wipe them off and try again.

Bob left us with the observation that structure weathering is not hard, you just have to pitch in and “do it.”


Show and Tell was initiated with a home-built resistance soldering unit, however yours truly failed to get the builder’s name. The workmanship and appearance of the final product was very clean. Apparently the plans for this were the subject of a clinic some years ago.

Michael P showed a watch that once belonged to a street car conductor. Chris F had both a powered and a dummy Athearn GN diesel in the same blue and white color scheme with the same cab number. The number wasn’t so unusual as was the fact that the colors didn’t really match, nor was the lettering applied the same. It would appear that they were from 2 different production runs.

Tom had an un-built Vau-pe cardboard building kit from the late 50’s or early 60’s. He also talked about the evolution of European kits paralleling the rebuilding of their industrial base following WWII.

Dennis T talked about his recent experience doing coupler conversions on some locos he acquired at the clinic mart a couple of months ago. He will expand on this at the next meeting.

We meet at the Ronald United Methodist Church, 17839 Aurora Avenue North, Shoreline, WA. That is on the west side of Aurora (State Route 99) between 175th and 185th Streets and more specifically, between the Cadillac dealer on the south and Deseret Industries to the north. You can no longer make cross-traffic turns on Aurora, so you need to be going southbound (so you can make a right-hand turn into the church driveway immediately after passing the Deseret location).

Meetings are the first Thursday of each month, except July and August. In June we usually do a tour. For regular meetings enter the lower level of the church from the parking lot at the rear. Doors open around 7:00 PM and the program starts about 7:30. Hope to see you there or at least sometime on down the line.

Remember the next meeting is February 2 and the one after that is March 1.

2012 Olympia Model Railroad Layout Tour Scheduled

Scott Buckley

Be sure to mark your calendars for Saturday, April 14th, for the Ninth Annual Olympia Model Railroad Layout Tour.

There will be at least eight layouts representing various scale and gauge combinations, including N, HO, On30 and 3/8n20. Jim Younkins’ N scale Mud Bay & Southern and Greg Wright’s 3/8n20 Consolidated Republic Mining Railroad have been featured in national publications. Most of the layouts are in various stages of construction, which will give visitors an opportunity to see each builder’s construction methods.

As with previous years, a few layouts will be open early and a few will stay open late, giving visitors the opportunity to see as many layouts as possible.

We hope that you will take the opportunity to visit our layouts. There aren’t many chances to see these many layouts at one time without spending the money to attend a convention.

Additional information, including how to request a tour map, will be provided soon. Meanwhile, if you have any questions, please contact me, Scott Buckley,

Eastside Get Together Canceled

By JJ Johnston

Our meeting scheduled for tomorrow, January 19th of the Eastside Get Together has been cancelled due to weather reports of more storms and potentially unsafe driving conditions. The Inside Gateway is also closed so I am unable to get door prizes and I know that’s a big reason you all come. Just kidding.

Mark your calendars now for February 16 as we will have a clinic presented by someone no one has seen before and it’s one of those
“can’t miss clinics” so watch for our announcements. We will re-schedule Ron Cole for a future clinic too. Be safe. JJ

NMRA InfoNet News for January

Gerry Leone, NMRA Communications Director

The Kalmbach Library’s immensely popular The Postwar Freight Car Fleet book has sold out.

The Grand Rails 2012 Convention still has space left for modular layouts at the National Train Show. If you want to show the world what you’ve done, contact Tom Draper, Chairman of the National Train Show, at either, or call 602-953-1681.

More Grand Rails 2012 news: They have great things planned for non-rails: a cooking demo that will make attendees think they’re watching a stand-up comedian do a cooking show; great entertainment at the luncheon in one of the most beautiful ballrooms in the country; even a ride on a dune schooner to see the 1,100 acre Saugatuck Dunes! Send your non-rail to for details.

Repeats From Recent Months

This year registration for Grand Rails 2012 will be handled in a new way: instead of the large registration package inserted into NMRA Magazine, the full package can be downloaded from Those who prefer printed paper can send their request, name and address to: GR 2012 Registrar, 4165 Costa NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525.

NMRA Elections. The official ballot was prepared by the National Nominating Committee according to the procedures laid out in the Regulations and the Executive Handbook (available at It will appear as an insert in the center of the February issue of NMRA Magazine, which will be mailed to all voting members. Ballots must be postmarked by April 10, 2012 and received at NMRA headquarters by April 15, 2012.

These jobs and candidates will appear on the ballot:


Charles W. Getz, IV, HLM

Vice President – Administration

Howard Goodwin
Clark Kooning, MMR
Dave Thornton

Vice President – Special Projects

Bill Kaufman
James “Lump” Lupfer

At-Large North American Director

Mike Brestel
Miles Hale, MMR

Eastern District Director

John Roberts, MMR, HLM

Pacific District Director

Mike Bartlett
Kelly Loyd
Rob Peterson

Tacoma Clinic

By Al Babinsky, Photos by Al Babinsky

MMR Gene Swanson opened the clinic and wished all a Happy New Year. There were 49 attendees and no newcomers. Several announcements were made about the Science Center Show this weekend and that the PNR nominations committee is looking for volunteers. Dave Fausette, the nominating committee chair, is seeking nominees for both President and Vice-President. 4D Superintendent Ken Liesse is also seeking nominees for positions in the 4th Division. Jim Sabol who suggested that whoever stopped at Tacoma Trains put some money in a can in order to purchase a train set or two for a needy child. Bill Deutscher from Tacoma Trains reported that $165 was collected and the money spent to give sets to several children. They received two thank you letters, which were read at the clinic.

What’s New at the Hobby Shop was presented by Bill Deutscher with many new items from a wide variety of manufacturers.

In the Model of the Month category we had a number of entries: Dale Kraus with a mostly scratchbuilt sanding tower and coaling facility; Tony Dell a works in progress Milwaukee Road Bridge near Avery, ID; Walt Huston with two entries a HO scale scratchbuilt tree and 4 N scale bulkhead flat cars, 3 with load and 1 empty; Jim Sabol with two O scale passenger cars by Atlas; and Kurt Laidlaw with an N scale winter scene layout built to wrap around a stove pipe. The Model of the Month winner was Kurt Laidlaw with his winter scene layout.

We were also treated with tip on how to make a no-glue box for storing rolling stock and other things made from recycled cereal boxes.

This month clinic on mines and mining was presented by Duane Damgaard. He put together a slide show from photos he had taken on trips some 30 years ago along with some archival photos of mines, mining equipment, mining rail equipment, and structures.

Next month’s clinic on February 9th will be freight yard design by Jim Sabol, and will be at our usual place in the Pierce County Library Bldg. at the corner of 112th St. and Waller Rd. We hope to see you there and bring a newcomer, friend, spouse or significant other and find out what’s going on.

Model of the Month winner Kurt Laidlaw with his winter scene layout

Model of the Month winner Kurt Laidlaw with his winter scene layout

Tony Dell's bridge near Avery, ID with photo of the actual bridge

Tony Dell’s bridge near Avery, ID with photo of the actual bridge

Walt Houston's HO scratch built tree

Walt Houston’s HO scratch built tree