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Tacoma Clinic March 2015

Al Babinsky, photos by Chip Van Gilder

Master Model Railroader Gene Swanson started the clinic on time with 46 modelers present including several new attendees. Gene started a discussion about the rules pertaining to the use of the Library facilities. Since this is a public facility we cannot stop anyone from attending because he is not a member of NMRA. They also do not allow solicitations of any kind which we feel that we are not doing. We collect donations for our refreshments and for the food network which are entirely voluntary. Our PNR president and several clinic members will talk with the Library staff and explain our position which we feel do not violate their rules.

Several announcements were made concerning upcoming events:

  • The Narrow Gauge Symposium is being held next month, their website is
  • The 4D spring meet will be held on June 6th with location to be determined.
  • Portland Daylight Express, the NMRA national convention, will be held August 23 – 28, 2015. Additional information is available at
  • The Tacoma NW model railroad show and swap meet is being held March 21st-22nd at Freighthouse Square in Tacoma.
  • The annual Olympia area layout tours will take place May 16th. Per the NMRA Pacific Northwest Region calendar, additional information will be available from Scott Buckley,

“What’s New at the Hobby Shop” was presented by Bill Sandstrom from Tacoma Trains & Hobbies and had only a few items: beer cars from Atlas, Milwaukee boxcar from Athearn, reefers from Roundhouse and N scale cars from Microtrains.

The “Model of the Month” contest included the following: Chris brought in a EMD SD38 that he obtained and weathered it heavily along with a set of gondolas and the loads for them consisting chunks of a rusted metal can as a scrap metal load, an item from a dishwasher that looked like a tank, a load of granite blocks that used to be tiles for a counter and a load of black and grey rocks to represent broken up asphalt and concrete. Tyler brought a barge that had a load of vehicles and a tug boat and vehicle that were part of the clinic. Walt brought a pair of weathered gondolas that carried a pipe load. Gene presented a Labelle 3-in-1 kit of a vegetable reefer that he hand painted. Dave brought a water tank kit for a town on his layout and Scott brought three ACF 3650 hoppers, two of which were shortened and equipped with discharge shuts that were 3D printed. The winner of the “Model of the Month” was Scott Taylor.

Scott Taylor's modified hoppers with 3D printed discharge gates, the Model Of the Month winner.

Scott Taylor’s modified hoppers with 3D printed discharge gates, the Model Of the Month winner.

The clinic for this month was on weathering vehicles and was given by Jim Sabol, Dale Kraus, Walt Huston and Tyler Whitcomb. Each had his version on weathering and the basic thread was using alcohol or water to create a wash with weathering powders or acrylic paints. The hand-out was prepared by Mike Shaw and had photos to accompany the text. All in all an excellent clinic with very useful information.

Next month’s clinic will be on April 9th at our usual location in the Pierce County Library Admin. Bldg., the corner of Waller Road and 112th Street. Our clinician will be Steve Carter and he will talk about operating train order boards which he is building for PSMRE.

Chris Clancey's SD-38 and gondola loads

Chris Clancey’s SD-38 and gondola loads

Coors Brewing Company track plan

Coors Brewing Company track plan

Dave Faucett's D&D shops water tower kit

Dave Faucett’s D&D shops water tower kit

Gene Swanson's hand painted LaBelle reefer kit

Gene Swanson’s hand painted LaBelle reefer kit

Tyler Whitcomb barge and tug boat with vehicle load

Tyler Whitcomb barge and tug boat with vehicle load

Walt Huston's gondolas with pipe load

Walt Huston’s gondolas with pipe load

Help Wanted Constructing Layouts at Foss Waterway Seaport

Bud Thompson

Help Wanted!

Use all of your model railroading skills to help construct two layouts in the Foss Waterway Seaport (FWS) at 705 Dock Street, Tacoma, WA. We are building an HO scale model of the Northern Pacific’s “Half Moon Yard” that is located across the street from the FWS. We are also building a G scale layout that visitors to the FWS can use to demonstrate their switching abilities.

Both layouts are funded and we have building materials and tools on hand for volunteers to use. The next workshop will be Sunday, Mar 15th from 9 am to 5 pm, followed by workshops on Monday from 10 am to 3 pm and Tue through Friday from 8 am to 1 pm. Come and work as long as you wish. Attendees will be able to use existing skills and possibly learn some new ones, all while we are building the HO and G scale layouts.

Please contact me (Bud Thompson) to let us know if you can help, at 206-310-9414 or

Fur Rendezvous 2015 in Anchorage Alaska

Marty Quaas, Photos by BJ and Roy Foster

The annual Winter Festival known as the Rondy ran from February 27th through March 8th. With a total lack of snow in Anchorage, the attendance for this years Fur Rendezvous was down from that of previous years. Many of the crowd drawing events such as the Sprint Dog Races and Cross Country Skiing had to be canceled. This lead to lower than usual visitor attendance at the Model Railroad events at the Alaska Railroad Depot and at Russian Jack Springs Park. However those that did attend were given a great show at both venues.

The Military club at the Alaska Depot estimated 5000 visitors, many coming back several times. In Russian Jack Springs Park, with no other events in the park to draw crowds, the attendance this year was around 700, mostly of regular visitors.

Future Model Railroaders are watching Thomas at the Alaska Railroad Depot.

Future Model Railroaders are watching Thomas at the Alaska Railroad Depot.

At the Alaska Railroad Depot, the crowds are watching the N Scale trains on the right and HOn3 trains to the left.

At the Alaska Railroad Depot, the crowds are watching the N Scale trains on the right and HOn3 trains to the left.

Youngsters are watching the Z Scale display at the Alaska Railroad Depot.

Youngsters are watching the Z Scale display at the Alaska Railroad Depot.

A family is watching the HO Trains at the Northern Lights Model Railroad Club in Russian Jack Springs Park.

A family is watching the HO Trains at the Northern Lights Model Railroad Club in Russian Jack Springs Park.


Al Lowe

Remember: one of the benefits of NMRA membership and especially membership in the 4th Division, you receive free advertising in the Digital Grab Iron for any model railroad items you want (or want to get rid of).

And, unlike old-fashioned classified ads, there’s no limit to word count or number of photographs. You can even provide links to your website, to photo sharing sites, or even YouTube videos!

Plus, you know that your audience is 100% fellow model railroaders!

So, once you’re organized, send your information either to me or to Cliff Green and we’ll post it for you.

Westside Clinic March 10th, Bremerton

Bill Hupé

This coming Tuesday, March 10th, is our Westside Clinic in Bremerton.

Steve Neupert is presenting our clinic and the subject is “Making Sure Your Freight Cars Are Layout Ready.” Steve will work on any troubled children (freight cars). If you want to bring one or two freight cars he will see what they might need.

Bob Jensen / Tom Barrett will talk about “What’s Happening” in the upcoming Bremerton Northern Model Railroad Club Swap Meet and last weekend’s UNW Monroe Show.

Jack Hamilton will be there and hopefully he will bring some new tools he discovered and talk about what’s going on in the PNR and NMRA.

If someone from the 4th Division Board of Directors is there, I’m sure they will be happy to talk about what’s happening at the Division level.

The clinic is held at the United Way of Kitsap Building in downtown Bremerton (647 4th Street) at 7:00 PM.

As usual there will be a “Show and Tell” and “Model of the Month”. If you have a friend or family member who is interested in model railroading, they are welcome.

See you there. For more information contact me (Bill Hupé) at or 360-621-5041.

Bremerton Northern Model Railroad Club Annual Swap Meet On June 20

Bill Hupé

The Bremerton Northern Model Railroad Club (a 100% NMRA club) will be having their Annual Swap Meet on June 20, 2015. The location is West Side Improvement Club, 4109 West “E” Street, Bremerton, Washington. The swap meet will be from 9 am to 3 pm. General admission is $5, children under 12 are free. For more information contact me (Bill Hupé) at or 360-621-5041. To acquire a table please contact Dan Reilly at or 360-286-5088.

Seattle-North on March 5, 2015 – Operation on Small Layouts

By Jeff Moorman

Next Clinic:

Our next clinic meeting is this Thursday, March 5. The topic will be exploring how to put some interest into running on very small layouts. So, if you are tired of going in circles (or back and forth a couple of feet, or swapping the same couple of cars through the same turnout), this may be for you.

Note that the church where we hold our clinics continues its extensive remodeling. Our temporary third floor room is not going to be available this week so when you show up, prepare to be flexible.


Prior Clinic:

Last month the planned video on the building of a local layout was a no-show. Instead we watched an entertaining video on UP Challenger 3985.

“Show and Tell” had Dennis T showing one of his N scale T-TRAK modules. This was a town scene with many of the buildings named after family members. Dennis explained that most of the buildings and rolling stock had been acquired over time via the Seattle-North “Mart.”

Dennis T T-Trak Module pic 1

Dennis T T-Trak Module pic 1

Dennis T T-Trak Module pic 2

Dennis T T-Trak Module pic 2

Dennis T T-Trak Module pic 3

Dennis T T-Trak Module pic 3


Directions: We meet at the Ronald United Methodist Church, 17839 Aurora Avenue North, Shoreline, WA. That is on the west side of Aurora (State Route 99) between 175th and 185th Streets and more specifically, between the Cadillac dealer on the south and Deseret Industries to the north. Going southbound on Aurora, make a right-hand turn into the church driveway immediately after passing the Deseret location. The parking lot is at the rear of the church. From the parking lot go up the steps to the main entrance.

Meetings are the first Thursday of each month, usually September – June. However in June we often do something different, so there may be no “regular” meeting. Doors open at 7:00 PM and the program starts at 7:30.

Remember the next regular evening meeting is March 5. And the one after that is April 2. Hope to see you there or at least sometime on down the line.

Grab Iron Editor E-mail Back in Service

Cliff Green

(If you receive multiple notifications about this post, please excuse the duplication. I’ve been trying to figure out how to “re-publish” a post, but am running into difficulties.)

If you tried e-mailing me (Grab Iron editor Cliff Green) sometime in the last week and it bounced back to you, my e-mail ( is back up and working. A re-send is appreciated, and I’ll respond as quick as possible.

I learned a lesson: When switching a domain name from one service provider to another, and they say it will take up to seven days to switch, they really mean seven days. In this day of (almost) instantaneous transactions over the Internet, apparently there are some things that move at the speed of … ummm, not-light (as in, slower than snail mail!).

Why does it take so long?

Why does it take so long?

If you’re curious about what a “domain name” is, it is the “” or “” or “whatever.whatever” identifier used for web sites, e-mail, and other Internet functionality. People or organizations can register their own domain names instead of using one provided by their Internet service provider (e.g. Comcast) or e-mail provider (e.g. gmail). My personal domain is “”, which I use both for my own web site (currently under construction – it will soon include a software development blog and a model railroading blog, among other things) as well as my personal e-mail. The 4th Division’s domain name is 4dpnr (and there are other 4D domain names including and We manage these through a hosting and domain provider named A couple of additional definitions for domains names are here and here.

What is the advantage of a personal or organizational domain name? It’s unique and will always be your own (as long as you keep it current and paid for), no matter who you use for your actual Internet connection (e.g. Comcast, CenturyLink, Frontier Communications, etc).

Mt Vernon February 24, 2015 NMRA Clinic Report

Roger Johnson

The February 2015 Mount Vernon clinic of the 4th Division, PNR, NMRA was attended by nine fellows. While a small turnout no one was disappointed they were there.

The Mt Vernon Model Railroad Clinic is a NMRA sanctioned event with the 4th Division of NMRA providing a modest sum of seed money to help us get started. While NMRA membership is not required to attend the clinics, it was once again heartily encouraged. Please let Al Carter or Roger Johnson know if you wish to join NMRA.

There were several announcements of upcoming events (editor added a couple):

  • First up is the Monroe Model Railroad show & swap meet to be held at the fairgrounds in Monroe Saturday and Sunday February 28th & March 1st. Info at All proceeds go to 4H.
  • 30th Annual Sn3 Symposium in Bellevue April 16-18, 2015. Info at
  • The annual Olympia area layout tours will take place May 16th. Per the NMRA Pacific Northwest Region calendar, additional information will be available from Scott Buckley,
  • 4th Division spring meet is scheduled for Saturday June 6th. Contact Russ Segner through the 4th Divvision web site for more information.
  • Portland Daylight Express, the NMRA national convention, will be held August 23 – 28, 2015. Additional information is available at

Our Show & Tell (or Bring & Brag) segment featured another of Paul Koren’s fine resin box cars, this one an outside braced “sawtooth” type by Speedwitch. The model is very nicely painted with TruColor paint sprayed on with an airbrush. Unfortunately I could not get any photos this month due to my camera being out of town with my wife.

The presentation this month was “Weathering Buildings with Bragdon Weathering Chalk” by Bob Stafford. He put together a Power Point presentation on weathering buildings using Bragdon Weathering Chalks. The program shows how some buildings were finished using oil stains and dry brushing before applying chalk. We learned what kinds of brushes he uses to apply the chalk and the use of over spray when needed. Also included was making and weathering of roads. He brought several examples of his work and of the brushes he uses. As indicated earlier I was unable to take any photos.

Next up March 24th is “Slim Rails to (Almost) Anywhere” by Rich Thom. As many of you know Rich is not only a very good model railroader, he is also an excellent photographer. Rich offered what he called “shameless promotion” of his presentation:

Was there anything even close to any of Colorado’s magnificent narrow-gauge railroads (insert your favorite here) in Latin America? Yes! To prove it, we’ll see American-style narrow-gauge steam in Central and South America — Baldwin locos and American-style equipment and operations. Also, some inspirational scenes showing there’s a prototype for everything. Attempting to cover all of Latin American steam in one evening is impossible. Included in the program will be five of the very best narrow gauge railroads.

16th Northwest Santa Fe Mini-Meet Saturday, March 21, Auburn

John Thompson

This is your invitation to attend the 16th annual Mini-Meet of Santa Fe Railway fans and modelers in the US Pacific Northwest. It will take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sat., March 21, 2015, at the Messiah Lutheran Church, 410 H Street NE, Auburn, WA, 98002.

Presentations include Bill Messecar on “Traveling the Santa Fe System in 1953” (from Keith Jordan and Wally Abbey), Bill James on “Modeling the Super C (Freight Train)”, John Thompson on “Santa Fe’s E-Units” (from Steve Sandifer), Colin Kikawa on “Upgrading Brass Steam with DCC and LEDs”, and Greg Martin on “Modeling a Santa Fe Bx-40/Fe-25 Boxcar in HO”.

Cost for the event and handouts is now $10 to cover our costs of renting the room and copying the handouts. Sale tables are available for a $10 fee per table.

For additional information contact me at