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Grab Iron Posts

Halloween Stream Train at Snoqualmie

Peggy Barchi, Marketing/Events Manager

Family Halloween fun that’s right on track at the Northwest Railway Museum October 24th, 25th and 31st. Everyone in costume receives a $2 discount.

Looking for a Halloween adventure that’s fun for families? Then gather everyone, wear your favorite costumes and enjoy the fall festivities at the Snoqualmie Depot on October 24, 25 and 31. Take a Steam Train with the 100+ year old Santa Cruz Portland Cement Co. #2 Steam Locomotive. Check out the Cider Press demonstrations and even try your hand with one! Sip hot apple cider to banish the autumn chill as you enjoy your special Halloween trip. The Halloween Train takes you on a scenic excursion through the Cascade foothills of the Upper Snoqualmie Valley aboard a vintage train. Receive a $2 discount when dressed in costume. Everyone dressed in full costume will receive a prize. Trains depart every 90 minutes beginning at 11:30 AM from the Snoqualmie Depot at 38625 SE King Street and at Noon from the North Bend Depot at 205 McClellan Street. Roundtrip fares: $12 children (ages 2-12), $20 adults (ages 13-61), and $18 (ages 62 and up)!

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Mt. Vernon NMRA Clinic Report Sept 22

By John O’Connell / Photos by Roger Johnson

The Meeting was opened at 7:05 PM by Ted Becker. Sixteen were in attendance. Ted advised that this is an NMRA, Pacific Northwest Region, 4th Division, sponsored event.


Ted mentioned to Clinic attendees that Suzy, owner of Performance R/C Hobbies in Burlington, confided to him and Al Carter that the business is not doing well financially. He reminded us that hers is one of the few shops in the area willing and able to support our hobby and that we consider giving our business to her rather than to internet vendors.

She has since announced the business will be closed November 30, but she will still accept special orders until November 1 and will attempt to fulfill them before she closes.  It is unknown at this time if there will be a going out of business sale.
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Seattle-North Mines Coal October 1, 2015  

By Jeff Moorman

Next Clinic:

Our next clinic is this Thursday, October 1. Our topic will be coal mining in the northwest, presented by Russ Segner, our Fourth Division Superintendent.

Prior Clinic:

September’s clinic was mostly a round table discussion. One topic was the traditional “what did you do this summer (railroad-wise)”. This was followed by a lengthier dialog regarding trends in the hobby. The initial list of trends came from what was seen and heard at the National Convention in Portland.

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A Narrower View – Rolling with a Purpose

Syd Schofield

Editors note: Welcome to the eighth article of a series on narrow gauge by Syd Schofield. The previous article is available by clicking here, or by filtering with the category “Narrow Gauge”. Syd welcomes discussions and feedback, which can be made by clicking on the comment link at the bottom of the post.

Transportation for supporting human needs and wants has evolved from walking to rockets in space. In the not-too-distant past we managed to develop materials and technology to enhance this transportation. For the most part we move along the surface of the earth – land and water. Moving on water, once the buoyancy problems were solved, required an application of power. Wind and current were free if the direction of travel was favorable. Travelling on still water, going against the wind or moving upstream, required some extra effort.

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Reimbursement Mileage Rate Increased for 4D Members

Mike Donnelly, 4D Treasurer

Recently the 4th Division Board of Directors voted to increase the mileage reimbursement rate for 4D members from the federal rate for non-profits to the federal rate for businesses (currently 57 ½ cents per mile – note that this is the current federal rate and will change in the future). Please use the federal rate for businesses in all future mileage reimbursements and future year budget estimates. All other rules for mileage reimbursement remain unchanged.

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A New Season of Model Railroading in the 4th Division

Cliff Green, Grab Iron Editor

The 2015-2016 4th Division (PNR, NMRA) model railroading season is under way and I anticipate another good year of clinics, train shows, layout tours, meets, and conventions. If you haven’t attended one of the many excellent clinics in this Division I highly recommend them – the presenters are skilled modelers and most of the clinics have at least one (if not more) MMR (Master Model Railroader) attending. More information on 4D clinics is available here.

Every month I add new (or re-newed) 4D members to the Grab Iron subscriber list. If you are seeing a Grab Iron post (or e-mail notification) for the first time: Welcome!

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Tacoma Clinic

By Al Babinsky, Photos by Al Babinsky

MMR Gene Swanson opened our first clinic after the summer break and welcomed all. We had 34 modelers including one newcomer in attendance. Gene announced that Bill Sandstrom is Tacoma Trains new owner and we wish him well in his new endeavor. Bill brought in several “thank you” letters from kids that received a gift certificate from Tacoma Trains. These certificates are funded by donations from Tacoma Clinic attendees that visit Tacoma Trains for purchases. The certificates are given out to kids that have an interest in model trains but have limited funds to pursue the hobby. Bill Sandstrom presented new arrivals at the store that included a Walthers power and light building kit, a ready-to-use depot from Woodlands Scenics that comes in all scales, some coal cars from Atlas, and a 4-pack of grain cars from Micro-Trains.

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Eastside Get Together next Thursday, 9/17

JJ Johnston

Here we go. The first Eastside Get Together of the season will be held next Thursday, September 17th, 7:30 p.m., in the Bellevue Foursquare Church. Our guest presenter will be Bob Oates speaking about selecting and building a historically-based model railroad. We have all seen stunning examples of Bob’s modeling and he will show us how he used old photos to plan and build bridges and structures. What a fabulous way to start our Fall meetings!

I hope everybody built something over the summer to bring as your Model of the Month entry. Don’t forget the free coffee and donuts (donations always encouraged), door prizes, stuff to buy and sell, and an all-around good time.

For Eastside Get Together location and other information, see the 4D Clinics page.

See ya there!

Westside Clinic Today – Tue, Sep 8th

Bill Hupé

The September 2015 Westside Clinic is Tuesday the 8th (today).

Last month’s clinic was interesting. We had only five 4th Division modelers. Jack Hamilton pulled a clinic out of his back pocket and put it back in for presentation.

Jack took over the meeting and updated us on what was going on in the PNR and NMRA. He encouraged us to attend the PNR and NMRA membership meetings. He talked about several NMRA initiatives: partnering with Scenic Railroads to provide NMRA members discounts; hobby shops giving NMRA members discounts; and changing the way manufactures can certify their products in compliance with NMRA Standards. He also touched briefly on Revisions to the NMRA By-Laws and Executive Handbook.

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