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Grab Iron Posts

Skagit Valley and Whidbey Island Clinic Oct 2015 Report, Mini-Clinics

Rich Thom / Photos by Rich (unless noted)

Clinic Chair Rich Blake welcomed 25 folks to the Skagit Valley & Whidbey Island Clinic’s October meeting at the Summer Hill facility in Oak Harbor, especially welcoming new guests Glen Sherwood, Doug Seward, and James Golder. Jim has acquired two second-hand HO layouts and is busy planning how to combine them in the available space offered by a three-car garage. Rich reviewed the calendar of upcoming events, highlighting the 42nd annual Pacific Science Center Model Railroad Show, 16-18 January 2016. SV & W clinic members have supported this popular show for years and continued volunteering was encouraged. Susan Gonzales, our energetic program chair, first mentioned the Oct. 24th self-drive visit to the Northwest Railway Museum, Snoqualmie for a personalized tour of the Conservation & Restoration Center and other facilities, and train ride. (As this is written, a successful outing completed.) Susan then reviewed the season’s line-up of clinics. On November 11th a brand new program by Bob Stafford, retired BNSF trainmaster, will describe prototype operations in Bellingham, Everett’s Delta Yard, and other places. In December, Dick Haines tackles a weighty question which many of us of a certain age ponder: “just what exactly will become of my treasures when I no longer need them?” In January, a “make and take” is on the program (item to be “made and taken” still undecided).

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Pacific Science Center Train Show Volunteers Needed

David Yadock

Volunteers Needed??

You bet! Yes, the Pacific Science Center Show is not very far away. We will be requiring lots of volunteers this year to help during the 3-day event. So, please mark your calendars for January 16-18, 2016 (MLK weekend) and be ready to help out the 4D model railroad community. Please don’t forget that some assistance will be needed on Friday evening January 15th for exhibit set-up. This train show is a great way to promote the hobby to a diverse audience. The Pacific Science Center provides the perfect venue to give non-model railroaders a chance to see trains up close. Let those folks experience the fun in model railroading as well as learn about our hobby.

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Dr. Roger Ferris Honored as NMRA Fellow

Jack Hamilton / Photos by Jeff Moorman

(Editors note: Jack presented this award to Dr. Ferris at the Seattle North Clinic on November 5, 2015.)

Photo by Jeff Moorman

Three Fellow of the NMRA award winners; from L to R: Gay Liesse, Dr. Roger Ferris, and Ed Liesse

From time to time, the National Model Railroad Association takes special notice of the service and contributions of members and recognizes that contribution through one or more of several special awards. Tonight, on behalf of the NMRA president Charlie Getz, the Board of Directors, and the membership association, I have the honor of recognizing one of our own. Tonight’s honoree is well known to all of us in the Pacific Northwest Region for his years of dedicated service and his boundless energy and willingness to undertake any challenge. His personal leadership has been a mainstay in the success we all enjoy in our hobby and through our membership in the NMRA. He has served as a personal role model for all of us in our dealings with each other and in finding the ways to get the most out of our NMRA fellowship.

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Mining Continues at Seattle North in November

By Jeff Moorman

Next Clinic:

Our next clinic is this Thursday, November 5. Our general topic will be mining, continuing the theme started last month.

Important Warning: Construction work at the church continues. You must now enter the property from Aurora Avenue N. The back entrance off Linden Avenue, which many found so convenient, is currently fenced off.

Prior Clinic:

October’s clinic was about coal mining in the Pacific Northwest presented by our 4D Superintendent, Russ Segner. This was an expansion (with some new material) of Russ’ clinic about coal mining in Newcastle, WA, which some of us may have seen previously. It seems like no matter how much you think you know, someone will dig up (pun intended) something new and interesting.

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Skagit Valley & Whidbey Ridin’ with the Chiggen at Snoqualmie

Rich Blake / Photos by Rich unless otherwise indicated

Former Santa Cruz Portland Cement #2 0-4-0T AKA "The Chiggen" under steam at the Northwest Railway Museum

Former Santa Cruz Portland Cement #2 0-4-0T AKA “The Chiggen” under steam at the Northwest Railway Museum.

SV&W members, friends and family were treated to a special shop tour October 24th at the Northwest Railway Museum in Snoqualmie, WA. This event was set up by our own Susan Gonzales, SV&W Program Coordinator with Northwest Railway Museum Curator Stathi Pappas. Stathi is also owner of the now famous Porter 0-4-0T locomotive affectionately named the “Chiggen” which is being used by the NWRM for their special steam excursion weekends. This locomotive started its service for the NWRM in 2014 and is the first steam operation that the museum has had since 1989.

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Westside Clinic October Report

Bill Hupé

October’s Westside Clinic was one of the best in a long time. Eight long time participants – Jack Hamilton, Reed Cranmore, Steve Neupert, Tom Brittell, Jim Byerley, Pete Rowe, John Pichler, and I (Bill Hupé) – were joined by first timers Mike Hunt and Bob Wojcikowski.

As Clinic Chair I welcomed the new members. Both Mike and Bob are long time modelers who have been out of the hobby and looking forward to learning what is new in the hobby. When they stopped working on their railroads, mountains were made out of papier–mâché and rock faces were hand carved from Hydrocal®. John mentioned he was in the same place.

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An Introduction to Free-mo, Part 1: Exploring this Form of Model Railroading

by Alan Ashton

Editors note: Alan Ashton is the former 5th Division newsletter editor and is now promoting and explaining Free-mo. This article has been updated to clarify the Digitrix Loconet requirements as noted by Mark Clemmens in his comment. Articles on Free-mo from other authors are very appreciated and can be sent to Alan can be reached at

I have been a model railroader for many years and it didn’t take too long for me to decide that I would like to build a Free-mo module. My reasons for doing so include:

  1. Building and storing a module won’t take up much space
  2. Having a module will enable me to meet and interact with more people who share a common interest
  3. Construction costs won’t be prohibitive
  4. I will learn about new materials and techniques
  5. I have the time and interest to learn about a new aspect of my favorite hobby

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4D Members Only: Free Videos

Al Lowe

The 4D Board of Directors met last Saturday and, among other business, decided that the 4D Video Library’s time has come … and gone. Since most of the videos were on VHS tape, they’ve mostly sat in storage for years. It was a great idea in its day.

“But our loss is your gain.” We’re going to offer them for free to any 4D member. Take anything and everything you want for your very own.

All you have to do is email Superintendent Russ Segner before November 11 and specify exactly which titles you’d like. Those not claimed will be disposed of at the Boeing Swap Meet on Saturday, November 14.

Everything is on a “first request, first dibs” basis. So email Russ now.

For a (allegedly) complete list of what’s available, click here.

Halloween Train at Snoqualmie This Weekend

Peggy Barchi, Marketing/Events Manager

The Halloween Train will be running this weekend and next (24th, 25th, and 31st) at the Northwest Railway Museum in Snoqualmie. Watch an old-fashioned cider press demonstration, enjoy the depot and train decorations, and sip warm apple cider. Take a Steam Train with the 100+ year old Santa Cruz Portland Cement Co. #2 Steam Locomotive. Everyone in costume receives a $2 discount.

Click here for additional details and contact info.