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Grab Iron Posts

Westside Clinic in Bremerton on Tuesday, March 8th

Bill Hupé

The Westside Clinic is Tuesday March 8th, 2016.

This month’s clinic: TBA. Any volunteers?

Please bring a Model Railroad friend and an item you’ve been working on. As always we will have a “Model Contest” and “Show And Tell.” Coffee and cookies will be provided.

If you are visiting the first time our clinics are held at the United Way of Kitsap Building in downtown Bremerton (647 4th Street) at 7 pm. Additional details (including a map and contact info) are on the Clinics Page.

Eastside Get Together This Thursday, 3/10

Russ Segner

Note – The Eastside Get Together is on the 2nd Thursday in March (instead of the usual 3rd).

This month John Morrison will present The Mt. Pilatus Railway (Pilatusbahn) which operates from a Luzern suburb to an altitude of 6,778 feet on Mt. Pilatus. It climbs a continuous grade of up to 48% and is the steepest rack (cogwheel) railway in the world. All the other railways with grades above approximately 25% use a cable and are called funiculars.

The Pilatusbahn uses a unique Locher rack, together with some very interesting switches. It was built in 1886 and most of the original infrastructure is still in use. It operated under steam until 1937 when it was converted to electric traction. John’s presentation was a result of his second visit to Switzerland last September. He will also be prepared to discuss any of the other mountain railways he has visited on his trips.

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Seattle-North: Next Clinic is March 3, 2016

By Jeff Moorman

Next Clinic:

The next Seattle-North clinic is this Thursday, March 3. The program will include the continuing series on fallen flags and a report on January’s Pacific Science Center model railroad show along with a discussion of the likely nature of future shows.

Astute readers will recognize that the proposed program is what was scheduled for the last clinic. But, as explained below, that meeting did not playout as planned. So, we will try it again.

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Next Mt. Vernon Clinic is March 10

By John O’Connell, Photos by Ted Becker and Kevin Klettke

Thursday, March 10, 7:00 PM, Mount Vernon Senior Center, 1401 Cleveland Street, Mount Vernon. Click here for map & directions.

The Program
Southern 4-6-2

Southern 4-6-2

What is all that “stuff” hanging all over this locomotive? They’re called appliances and Ted Becker will decode these as the main attraction in the March Clinic.

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UNW Model Train Show in Monroe, WA this Weekend

Beth Wangen, Volunteer Development Coordinator

Don’t miss the big train show this weekend at the fairgrounds in Monroe! It is Saturday 10 to 5 and Sunday 10 to 4. Click here to see the clinics that are scheduled all weekend long and for additional information such as driving directions.

The United Northwest Model Railroad Club is proud to host this 24th Annual Model Train Show and Marketplace. This show benefits the Snohomish County 4-H Foundation.


Tell Your Model Train or Railroad Story

Cliff Green, Grab Iron Editor

If you’re a new 4th Division (PNR) NMRA member (or a former member that has recently renewed), welcome! Every time a new Grab Iron post is made, e-mail notifications are sent out to those on the notification list. We have a lot of information and some great model train photos on the 4D web site (including all Grab Iron posts) – click here to navigate to the front page.

Photo by Cliff Green

Ron Hopkins On30 layout, under construction with mock-up buildings, in Edmonds, WA.

My job as Grab Iron editor is to publicize info relating to model and prototype railroading in the 4th Division and surrounding areas. I get paid well for this. Not in money (definitely not, hah!), but in the hobby relationships I’ve made and in the personal satisfaction of helping this organization. And I’m guessing that every 4D volunteer would say something similar.

But I don’t produce the content for the Grab Iron and the 4D web site – the articles and posts and web page content (mostly) come from other people. I may organize and edit and manage it, but I don’t originate it. For that I rely on our 4D members and Grab Iron subscribers.

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Mount Vernon NMRA Clinic Report February 11, 2016

By John O’Connell, Photos by Kevin Klettke, Nick Muff and John O’Connell

Eighteen members and one visitor were in attendance at the Mt. Vernon Senior Center when Ted Becker opened the Clinic with welcoming comments and announcements.


February 27, 28, Monroe Model Railroad Show and Swap Meet. Visit for details.
March 5, Milwaukee Road Meet. Burien, WA. Visit for updates.
March 10, Mt. Vernon Clinic. Ted Becker, “Steam Locomotive Appliances”
March 19, Santa Fe Mini-Meet, Burien. Visit for more information.
April 2, Pennsylvania Rail Road Meet, Burien.
April 14, Mt. Vernon Clinic. Dioramas and Mini-Clinics.
May 12, Mt. Vernon Clinic. Kevin Klettke “Fleet Weathering.” This is a reprise of his well-received Clinic at PDX 2015 on efficiently weathering large fleets of rolling stock. Not to be missed. Visit his website at


Here’s a sample of Kevin’s work. Weathering a truck.

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Eastside Get Together February 18

Russ Segner

This month at the Eastside Get Together clinic Burr Stewart will present his program “The 1970 merger of the NP, GN, CB&Q and SP&S into the BN”.

Burr has been railfanning around the Puget Sound area since 1976. One of his motivations for railfanning is for quick and easy ways to incorporate what he sees into his 800 square foot basement HO layout. In this clinic he shares how much fun this has been, and many of the easy ways you can copy the prototype in your model railroading, including rolling stock, right of way, and operations. There will be many pictures of those old paint schemes before they disappeared.

The meeting is at the Redmond Library located at 15990 NE 85th Street (click here for a map). We will start the meeting at 6:45 and end at 8:45. Bring a model or railroad item to share.

Thanks to Dave Cook for leading the meeting and CJ Turner for bringing the refreshments.