Whidbey Island Clinic — Virtual
Topic TBD
Topic TBD
“Unit Grain Trains, Burlington Northern Railroad, 1980 – 1990 Era” presented by Bob Stafford. Lobby opens at 6:45
The modelling work of Clint Brown https://zoom.us/j/96629177665?pwd=SUpYU2l4NzF0YlpTbUZIS3BOOWpOQT09 Meeting ID: 966 2917 7665 Passcode: 254053
"Skagit Valley Lines - Layout Tour/Progress Report" presented by Jim Betz.
"Rubber Rocks, a Better Alternative?" presented by Rich Thom
Greg Price will be showing us how he constructs asphalt roads. Everyone is invited to share their projects they have been working on. Hope to see you online!
The January Olympia Clinic is historically a prototype presentation from a person that has worked on the railroad. This year, Bill Busacca will share his restoration work on the C&TS. […]
Virtual tour of Nick Muff's layout.