Bob Kenworthy

Your Nominating Committee has completed its work and we’re proud to announce that we have two candidates for the office of Superintendent (Mike Slease and Mike Stepner) and one candidate for the open Board of Directors position (Ed Ives).

Our election will again be held via ElectionBuddy. You should have received an email notice with your electronic ballot.

Besides the election of officers, the 4D Board of Directors would like to change our Bylaws so we have five Directors instead of three so we can provide members with more opportunity to participate in 4D leadership. The current policy and the proposed policy are shown below, with the only changes shown in boldface italic type.

If you have questions, contact Bob Kenworthy,

Candidates for Superintendent

Mike Stepner

I have been an NMRA member since about 2008 when I belonged to the Denver Area N Scalers. I was a volunteer at the Colorado Railroad Museum from 2007–2010. When I moved to Washington in 2010, I joined the 4dNTRAK group (2010–2012). I was a member (2012–2018) and president (2016–2018) of the 4D OmniRail group and currently belong to 4D Freemo HO group (2023–current). I have also belonged to some non-NMRA clubs over the years, including the PSMRE (2022–current) at the Washington State History Museum. I helped with the 2014 and 2023 PNR conventions, contest room and layout tour committees, and other things here and there. I have modeled almost continuously for about 45 years. I model in N, HO (currently) and On30 and working on a Z scale layout for my wife.

Mike Slease

I have been actively involved in the NMRA and the 4th Division since 2002. My primary focus has been with the 4D HO Modular Group, which I led for 5 years. In my professional life, I’m the owner of a small printing and sign-making business. I don’t claim any special knowledge that would make me the best choice for Superintendent of the Division, but I am willing to do all I can to make this amazing hobby of ours as much fun as possible for all the 4D members.

Candidate for Director

Ed Ives

I have held a position as Board of Director for several years and am open for reelection again this year. The past pandemic forced change in what the 4D does and how we do it. The question is: what should we do now? The Board has been and will continue to be working on that over the next years. I wish to be part of that effort. Another wish of mine is that there will be more of you 40-, 50- and 60-year-olds joining the Board, replacing us gray hairs and no hairs, to lead us into the future.

ByLaws Changes

(Existing Wording)

Article IV

Officers and Directors

2. The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers and directors of the Division.

a. The officers of the Division shall consist of a Superintendent, an Assistant Superintendent, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.

(1) The Superintendent and Assistant shall be determined by popular election by the Division members.

(2) The Secretary and Treasurer shall be appointed by the Superintendent and approved by majority vote of the Board of Directors.

b. There shall be three directors elected at large by the Division members.

3. Officers and directors shall each serve a term of 2 years.

a. The Superintendent and one director shall be elected in even-numbered years.

b. The Assistant Superintendent and two directors shall be elected in odd-numbered years.

c. All elected terms of office shall run from September 1 to August 31.

d. The Secretary and Treasurer will serve terms concurrent with that of the Superintendent.

(Proposed Wording)

Article IV

Officers and Directors

2. The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers and directors of the Division.

a. The officers of the Division shall consist of a Superintendent, an Assistant Superintendent, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.

(1) The Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent shall be determined by popular election by the Division members.

(2) The Secretary and Treasurer shall be appointed by the Superintendent and approved by majority vote of the Board of Directors.

b. There shall five directors elected at large by the Division members.

3. Officers and directors shall each serve a term of 2 years.

a. The Superintendent and two directors shall be elected in even-numbered years.

b. The Assistant Superintendent and three directors shall be elected in odd-numbered years.

c. All elected terms of office shall run from September 1 to August 31.

d. The Secretary and Treasurer will serve terms concurrent with that of the Superintendent.