Ed Liesse

As usual, JJ Johnston welcomed everyone to the February Eastside Get-Together. After his usual introduction of “notables” attending the clinic, he opened the floor for announcements. Russ Segner discussed the upcoming 4D Spring Meet on May 18-19 with an overview of the current planning, which is coming together although there could still be some tweaking and to watch for more information in the Digital Grab Iron. Frank Dekker reported on the Pacific Science Center show. We had good weather although it was cool, with attendance around 14,500. He also announced that this would be his last show as co-coordinator and that David Yadock would be taking over his position on the PSC planning committee. Ed Liesse commented on the upcoming 4D BOD meeting, the Boise PNR convention in June, and the need for continued contributions for the NMRA display at the California State Railroad Museum in Sacramento. Mike Cavanaugh suggested that the group take up a collection next month to make a donation in the group’s name to the NMRA in support of the Museum display. Everyone thought it was a good idea so we’ll do the collection in March. Russ also mentioned the Olympia Layout Tours coming up the first weekend in March, although he would be in Elsie, OR at a logging meet!

George Chambers detailed O scale gas station.

George Chambers detailed O scale gas station.

There were several items in the Model of the Month display this time. George Chambers ultimately was the winner with his detailed O scale gas station kit with a complete interior and a modified roof.

After the break, we were treated to a most interesting clinic by Todd Gamble on the making of trees for the layout. To start, he handed out rounded toothpicks and a small piece of synthetic wool filter. Then he demonstrated how to pull the wool gently apart and push the toothpick up through the wool. A dab of super glue just under the wool on the toothpick keeps it from falling off. Spray 3M “77” over the tree and sprinkle fine ground cover for foliage. When using 3M spray adhesive, do it outside or someplace with great air exhaust. The 3M spray is potent! In making background trees, use gray paint for the trunks; for foreground trees, use brown paint.

George Chambers O Scale gas station interior.

George Chambers O Scale gas station interior.

Todd did more demonstrations on how he makes trees of all sizes and for various areas of the layout. When the finished trees get dirty or dusty, he suggests mixing a small part of India ink in alcohol for a quick spray over the trees. The India ink in alcohol will refresh the trees. Todd also answered a lot of questions and, if he could, would demonstrate his technique. It was a fun clinic.

The evening was closed out with our door prize drawings purloined from Steve Depolo at The Inside Gateway hobby shop. The next Eastside Get-Together will be March 21 with a new clinic on creating proper rolling stock from CJ Riley, MMR. Come join us!