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An Encouraging Sign

Russ Segner, 4D Superintendent

The Pacific Science Center Train Show is a very busy and challenging event each year. Thousands of parents and children get to see what our modular groups have built and operate. We get a chance to explain our hobby, our interest in trains and why we are so enthusiastic about model building and operations. The public really likes what we do.

The best part of all this is the effect it has on us. We get to meet and share with our members from all over our very large region. This year, a significant number of our members have become involved for the first time. This is an opportunity for us to learn from each other and be challenged to do better ourselves. We also learn the value of sharing our hobby with others.

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4th Division Election Results and Leadership Changes

Russ Segner, 4D Superintendent

Editor’s note: Updating the post to add the following note from JJ Johnston, Volunteer Chair, 2015 Election Committee: A special thanks goes to those who assisted on the election committee process of writing, designing, printing and tabulating the 2015 ballots including Russ Segner, Mike Slease, Ed Liesse, David Yadock, Mike Laughlin and JJ Johnston.

Great news! Kurt Laidlaw and Al Lowe have been re-elected to the 4D Board of Directors. Mike Highsmith was also reelected to Assistant Superintendent. These are two year terms which run from September 1 to August 31.

Now for some bad news: Assistant Mike Highsmith has resigned not only the balance of his current term, but also will not serve the term commencing September1. So …

Here is some good news: As Superintendent I have asked Kurt Laidlaw to step into Mike’s remaining term and also to fill the position for the two year term as Assistant Superintendent commencing September 1. He has accepted and will be confirmed at our Board of Directors meeting August 15. Thank you, Kurt.

More good news: Paul Pellegrino has agreed to fill the Board of Directors term which Kurt will vacate. This also will be acted on at the August board meeting. The leadership team is intact and we look forward to working on the balance of this year and preparing for 2016.

If you are interested in serving your fellow model railroaders, please give me a call at 425-228-7327.


Russ Segner, 4D Superintendent

“How and why we build our layouts”

Our Spring Meet is tomorrow, Saturday, June 6, at the Bellevue Sheraton.

We have designed a program to give insights and ideas on building layouts.  Lots of questions will be answered, such as how big to build? Or what era and prototype to use for ideas? What about operations? Do you build alone or with others in a group or club?

Several MMRs and others will share their experiences and what inspires them in the hobby.  So, come with your questions.  Meet and share ideas with model railroaders from across the Fourth Division.

A bonus is your chance to see several layouts on Sunday afternoon.  Descriptions and locations will only be available to those attending Saturday.

During the lunch break, the Division will hold its Annual Meeting. Several awards will be presented, including The Golden Grab Iron Award.  You will also get to see our redesigned website and Grab Iron.

We sincerely hope you will attend. If you’re not already registered, you can register at the door. See you tomorrow!



Sheraton Bellevue

Registration Opens 8:00


Session Room

Session Room


Snoqualmie North

Snoqualmie South

Session One




Fast Tracks

Mike Shaw

A Prototype Layout

Bill Messecar, MMR

Session Two




Modular Operations

Rich Blake
Thomas Dye

Prototype Panel

Di Voss, MMR

Burr Stewart

Jim Younkins, MMR



Annual Report

Grab Iron Presentation


Session Three





JJ Johnston

Ron Hopkins

David Yadock

Large Layout Panel

Al Frasch

Mike Highsmith

Jim Sabol

Session Four




Trackside Details

Tom Beaton

Bridge Design

Max Maginness, MMR

Sunday’s layout information distributed at close of meeting


Board of Director Position Open

Russ Segner, Division Superintendent

The current 4D Board Secretary, Tina Ferguson-Brikoff, has submitted her resignation. Both Tina and Alex, her husband, have increased responsibilities outside the hobby and have had to step away for a while.

It is my responsibility to appoint someone to this very important position. Here is how the Secretary position is described in the 4D Policy Manual:


The duties of the Secretary include, but are not necessarily limited to:

  1. Keep minutes of all Board of Directors and General Membership meetings.
  2. Provide copies of such minutes to others as prescribed elsewhere in the Bylaws and in the Policies and Procedures Manual.
  3. Maintain corporate records as prescribed elsewhere in the Bylaws and in the Policies and Procedures Manual.
  4. Perform other secretarial duties deemed necessary or specified in the Bylaws and in the Policies and Procedures Manual.

The Secretary is also the Registered Agent with the State of Washington.

If you are interested in serving, this is a great opportunity to help our membership. The Board meets six times each year, usually in Kent, and last about two hours. The next Board meeting is October 25 at 9:00 a.m.

Please contact me as soon as possible: 425-228-7327 or I intend to make my selection no later than October 1st.

4D Balance Sheet & Budget for 2014-15

Mike Donnelly

As your new 4D Treasurer, I am pleased to submit the following Balance Sheet as of July 31, 2014, plus the Budget for the 2014-2015 fiscal year that was approved by the Board at its June 14, 2014 meeting.

Balance Sheet as of 31 July 2014
Old Checking  $       2,370.55
New Checking  $       1,000.00
Savings  $    29,276.70
CD Account  $    30,961.16
PSX2004 Trust  $       7,872.36
PNR2014  $       6,207.65
Total Checking/Savings  $    77,688.42
Other Assets
Prepaid Expense  $       1,000.00 Omni Trailer Downpayment
Total Current Assets  $    78,688.42
Other Assets
Patch Inventory  $          419.31
Trailers/Videos  $       7,680.52
Total Other Assets  $       8,099.83
Total Assets  $    86,788.25
Liabilities & Equity
HO Modular Liability  $       2,591.59
PNR2014 Liability  $       6,207.65
Total Liabilities  $       8,799.24
Prior Year  $    80,453.56
Net Assets -$750.00 (Fast Track Jigs)
Net Income -$1,714.55
Total Equity  $    77,989.01
Total Liabilities & Equity  $    86,788.25


Budget Fiscal Year 2014-2015
Cash from Savings  $       5,636.00
Membership rebate  $       1,600.00
Interest and Other Income  $          400.00
Sales  $            50.00
Spring Meet Income  $          500.00
Science Center Income  $    11,050.00
Ho Modular Income  $       1,500.00
Total Income  $    20,736.00
Admin  $       1,000.00
Insurance -Directors & Officers  $       1,500.00
Insurance-Trailers  $       2,500.00
Bond for Bank Acct Signers  $                   –
Membership Promotion  $       2,000.00
Publicisty (Public Relations)  $       1,500.00
Wash State Vehicle Registration  $          250.00
Website  $          150.00
Spring Meet (Annual Meeting)  $          500.00
Education  $       1,000.00
Memberhip  $            36.00
Science Center Show  $       1,000.00
Video Library  $       2,800.00
Bremertom Northern Modular Group  $       1,000.00
Hi-Railers Modular Group  $       1,000.00
HO Modular Group  $       1,000.00
OmNi-Rail Modular Group  $       1,000.00
NTRAK Modular Group  $       1,000.00
East  Side Clinic  $          500.00
Seattle Clinic  $          400.00
Skagit Clinic  $          250.00
Tacoma Clinic  $          100.00
Whidbey Clinic  $          250.00
Total Expense  $    20,736.00
Other Income Expense
OmNi-Rail Trailer  $       9,486.00
Fast Track Jigs  $          750.00
Total Other Expense  $    10,236.00



4D BOD Meeting

By Ken Liesse

The 4D Board of Director’s meeting originally scheduled for Saturday, August 10th has been postponed to Saturday, August 17th. This is to accommodate anyone wishing to attend Bob Beise’s memorial service on the 10th. The meeting will still take place at Mitzel’s in Kent at 1:00 pm. Note we do not have the room before 1:00 for lunch like we normally do, so anyone wishing to eat before the meeting will have to do so in the main restaurant.

Special BOD Meeting Called

Ken Liesse

There will be a special BOD meeting immediately preceding the Eastside Get-Together on Thursday, April 19. The meeting will begin at 7:30pm. All 4D members are invited to attend this meeting. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss 4D’s possible co-sponsorship of the Narrow Gauge Convention in September. Representatives from the convention will be on hand to answer questions.

Nominations Deadline

Ken Liesse

We have a volunteer who has stepped forward to handle the ballots for this year’s election. A big hand to Di Voss for taking on this role.

Deadlines for nominations for this year’s ballot is Sunday, April 1st. We have two open positions: Superintendent and one Director. We also have two candidates for each office. If you would like to nominate someone or self-nominate, please make sure you have a short candidate statement to Di ( before next Sunday.

There will also be a ballot measure to approve a revision to the 4D By-Laws. These revisions (which amount to a complete makeover) can be found on the 4D website under the Members Only section. Please take the time to read them and vote when you receive your ballot.