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Chuck Ricketts Receives Master Model Railroader Number 562

Russ Segner

4DPNR Superintendent Russ Segner presented MMR Certificate #562 at Chuck’s recent layout open house in Olympia. Congratulations, Chuck!

Chuck’s railroad is the Sherwood, Shelton, & Sarazen Railway set in the early 1900’s on Washington’s Olympic Peninsula. It occupies two downstairs rooms (11 X 20 ft. and 13.5 X 13.5 ft.) with staging in the Operators Lounge and Dispatch Office. Read More

Welcome to the New 4DPNR Website

Cliff Green

You may notice the “visual look” of the Grab Iron e-mail notifications has changed, and if you click on the “read more” link you may notice that the 4DPNR website look has changed as well.

Welcome to the new 4th Division website!

(Note – “” and “” are now both pointing to the new website. It’s possible, however, that the transition hasn’t made it everywhere in the Internet and if you visit “” you will be seeing the old website. You may also want to “refresh” your browser.)

Why did we update the 4th Division website?

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Russ Segner Layout in August Trackside Model Railroading Online Magazine

JJ Johnston

We are proud to announce our 4th Division Superintendent Russ Segner’s Sn3 masterful layout of the Coal Creek Lumber Company has been selected as one of two layouts in the August 2015 issue of the digital railroad magazine, Trackside Model Railroading. Lots of pictures and a video highlight this fine modeling along with extra coverage of Bill Zickerts HO scale Montana Rail Link layout. The photography is outstanding.

The online magazine is subscription based, and you can get the Segner August issue for $1.89 or a year subscription for $14.99.

NMRA National Layout Directory Project

Bob Chaparro, Chairman

Work is now underway on a member Layout Directory to replace the visitation feature of the old NMRA Pike Registry Program. Layout owner participation will be voluntary and built-in security features will protect privacy. The Layout Directory will be an on-line system that allows NMRA members (only) to:

  • Identify the layouts of participating NMRA members by location, scale, gauge, era, prototype and area modeled, etc.
  • Review the particular features of the layouts
  • Contact layout owners to arrange visits or exchange common-interest information

A working group has been formed to develop the Directory and input is needed from NMRA members. One of the first tasks of the group is to survey layout owners from the old Pike Registry and visitors to their layouts to determine:

  • What visitation aspects worked
  • What didn’t work
  • What features they liked
  • What features they didn’t like
  • Suggestions for the new Layout Directory

Please note that this is not a registry for layout names.

Members interested in having their layouts included in the Layout Directory also should contact me by email at Of course, comments are always welcome.

Tom Enloe Passes

Steve Haas

Tom’s wife Carol and daughter Jennifer have shared that Tom passed away July 5th, due to complications following heart surgery. A memorial service is scheduled for 2:00 p.m., July 18th at Bellevue Christian Reformed Church, 1221 148th Ave NE in Bellevue. This is in the Crossroads area. A casual reception with open mike will follow in the Church Fellowship Hall. All are invited to this memorial service.

Carol and Jennifer have expressed a strong desire to keep the Pacific Northwestern Railroad up and running in the future. They will be in touch with those interested.

4th Division Election Results and Leadership Changes

Russ Segner, 4D Superintendent

Editor’s note: Updating the post to add the following note from JJ Johnston, Volunteer Chair, 2015 Election Committee: A special thanks goes to those who assisted on the election committee process of writing, designing, printing and tabulating the 2015 ballots including Russ Segner, Mike Slease, Ed Liesse, David Yadock, Mike Laughlin and JJ Johnston.

Great news! Kurt Laidlaw and Al Lowe have been re-elected to the 4D Board of Directors. Mike Highsmith was also reelected to Assistant Superintendent. These are two year terms which run from September 1 to August 31.

Now for some bad news: Assistant Mike Highsmith has resigned not only the balance of his current term, but also will not serve the term commencing September1. So …

Here is some good news: As Superintendent I have asked Kurt Laidlaw to step into Mike’s remaining term and also to fill the position for the two year term as Assistant Superintendent commencing September 1. He has accepted and will be confirmed at our Board of Directors meeting August 15. Thank you, Kurt.

More good news: Paul Pellegrino has agreed to fill the Board of Directors term which Kurt will vacate. This also will be acted on at the August board meeting. The leadership team is intact and we look forward to working on the balance of this year and preparing for 2016.

If you are interested in serving your fellow model railroaders, please give me a call at 425-228-7327.