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November 2017 Eastside Get Together Clinic – Redmond

We meet this Thursday.

Doors Open at 7:00 PM and Meeting starts promptly at 7:15 PM at:
The Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center
16600 NE 80th Street
Redmond, WA 98052

The November 2017 Eastside Get Together Clinic will be on November 16, 2017. We will begin by mentioning any noteworthy, upcoming model railroad and railfan events in the area. We will also have our Model of the Month contest and Rail Photo of the Month contest. The Photo category this month will again be Prototype – B & W. So, bring your best models and photos for the contests!

Our clinic this month will be “Building the Virginia and Truckee Engine House with Plaster Castings” by Bob Oakes. Bob has just returned from the Virginia and Truckee Historical Society annual convention in Carson City where this clinic was very well received. He is also modeling the Virginia and Truckee on his home layout.

We’ll also have refreshments and snacks along with great door prizes.

An URGENT request: PLEASE bring your models to show in the Model of the Month Contest. They don’t have to be finished, we love to see in-progress work as well. Also, please bring any Black and White Prototype Railroad photos you might have to enter in the Rail Photo Contest. Both contests are in dire need of improved participation!

Meetings are the third Thursday of each month, September to June. Doors open at 7:00 PM and the program will start at 7:15 PM.
By Alex Brikoff, 11/10/17

November Tacoma Clinic

Dale G. Kraus

Photos by author

Twenty-seven model railroaders gathered at the Pierce County Library administration building on November 9 and were called to order (sort of) by Wain Miller, substituting for the ailing Gene Swanson.

The topic for the evening was  The Art of The Streamliner, a fascinating computer/slide program  narrated by railroad historian Joe Welsh.  The program covered both steam and diesel streamliners, including the Twentieth Century Limited, the Broadway Limited, the Super Chief, the Burlington Zephyr, and others.

The modeler’s showcase again had only three entrants: Warren Kerr’s Hon3 2 truck shay. Paul Vaughn’s On30  kitbashed car float, and a four building Swiss  village by yours truly.

Warren’s Shay

Paul’s Car Float

Dale’s Village

We REALLY need more models.  C’mon, guys and gals. This January bring along something to show.

Remember. the December clinic will be held   at the Puyallup Community Baptist Church, 1318 9th Ave SW, Puyallup WA 98371.  It’s the Christmas party, so bring your appetite and a gift for Dirty Santa.



Anacortes Open House

by Tom Buckingham

The Anacortes Model Railroad Club is having their annual open house on Saturday and Sunday, November 4 and 5. The location is at 419 Q Avenue. Look for the railroad crossing sign and enter the basement from the north side. No hours specified, but safe to say 10 am to 4 pm.

North End Clinic (Shoreline)

by Lisa Murray

November Meeting:
Date: Thursday, November 2, 2017
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Ronald United Methodist Church
17839 Aurora Ave N
Shoreline, WA 98133

The November 2017 North End Clinic will be on Thursday, November 2 in Shoreline. The program will begin at 7:15 with announcements of upcoming model railroad and railfan events. We will also be discussing future program ideas for the clinic.

Our program this month will be a presentation by Mitch Schoonjans on Gotthard Pass and Trains of Switzerland.
Mitch will also do a short clinic on the weathering technique he uses. If time allows, he will also talk about German Semaphore signals.

We will also take time at the end for show and tell. There will be a table for you to display what you are bringing. Please arrive at 7:00, so we can set things up prior to the start of the meeting.

Burien Clinic Meets Thursday October 26

Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive
425 SW 153rd Street
Burien, WA 98166

Last month, I tried to show pictures and videos of the recent National Narrow Gauge Convention in Denver. Unfortunately, my equipment konked out due to operator error.

So, will try again. There must have been at least forty of us from the Northwest in attendance at the Denver Tech Convention Center.  There were lots of visits to rail sites all over Colorado as well as some stops on the way there and back.

Twenty of us chartered the Parlor Car on the Cumbres & Toltec for a beautiful ride over Cumbres Pass at 10,000 feet.  I will have good video of that trip as well as our tour of the shops at Antonito where Stathi Pappas is in charge of the rebuild of locomotive 168.
There were many fine modular groups on display and excellent model building in the contest room.  And, we visited several very nice home layouts.

I will also present some shots of Sam Furakawa’s beautiful Sn3 layout which I helped prepare for shipping to Japan this November.


Maple Valley Train Show

by Mike Donnely

Maple Valley Train show this year will be

October 21-22
Saturday 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Sunday 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Gracie Hansen Community Center
27132 SE Ravensdale Way
Ravensdale, WA

For those who have not been to this show before it is a smaller show in the gym of the community center and is all trains, i.e. no vendor sales or tables.
Proceeds support the Greater Maple Valley Community Council.

Last year all scales except TT were represented.
4DNTrak, 4DHO will be there. Z scalers and live steam usually attend as well.
You can check with Ed Ives to see if the 4D Hi-Railers will be there as well (they often are).

The Footplate

Our local 4th Division of the NMRA exists to help us share with others our interests in trains, big and small.  So, we support monthly clinics throughout the Northwest as well as modular layouts.  It is all done by volunteers.  

We start  the year with some new leadership:

Robin Peel and Anton Faulk on Board of Directors and Al Lowe is Assistant Superintendent.  There are new leaders at two of our clinics:  Alex Brikoff at the Eastside clinic, Lisa Murray at the North Seattle clinic.  Mike Slease has taken over as leader of the HO Modular Group

If you want to help, contact me at 206 200 2211.

Upcoming events:
The Lynden Train Show is Saturday and Sunday
Boeing Swap Meet on November 11 at Kent Commons

Opportunities to share your interests, experience and expertise in model railroading:
New Hon3 Modular group forming Let me know if you are interested.  Contact me at 206 200 2211 or


Pennsylvania Railroad Technical and Historical Society

by David Yaddock

PRR Herald There will be a meeting of the PRRT&HS on Saturday October 21st. The meeting will be held at the Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive in Burien (425 SW 153rd St, Burien, WA). Check the website for directions.
The meeting will start at 12:30 pm with the building open earlier.
The guest speaker will be David Durkoop. He will go through the history and mechanics of the Raymond Loewy designed Broadway Limited passenger car “Mountain View”. He has firsthand knowledge of this since he owned and lived in the car for several years. This will be a very interesting presentation that will go into the fine details of passenger cars.
If time permits there may be a slide presentation from the Bill Volkmer collection.
There is no cost to attend this meeting and all are welcome.
We even welcome New York Central fans!!

After the meeting there is a no host dinner at Vince’s across the street.

Eastside Get Together Clinic – Redmond

by Alex Brikoff

Doors Open at 7:00 PM and Meeting starts promptly at 7:15 PM at:
The Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center
16600 NE 80th Street
Redmond, WA 98052

The October 2017 Eastside Get Together Clinic will be on October 19, 2017. We will begin by mentioning any noteworthy, upcoming model railroad and railfan events in the area. We will also have our Model of the Month and Rail Photo of the Month contests. The Photo category this month will again be Prototype – Color, by special request because we didn’t have any entries last month. So, bring your best models and photos for the contests!

Our clinic this month will be “Adding Prototype Operations on your Layout” by Bill Messecar. Bill is a 4th Division MMR and has a great layout that models the citrus fruit and produce industries of southern California, so I’m sure that his clinic will be very informative. The clinic will describe operations on the ATSF in the 40’s and 50’s and how he modeled those operations on his layout.

We’ll also have refreshments and snacks along with, possibly, some great door prizes.

Meetings are the third Thursday of each month, September to June.
Doors open at 7:00 PM and the program will start at 7:15 PM.