Article & Photos By Russ Segner
The year we honor Burr Stewart for his very significant contribution of skill and time to make our virtual world of meetings effective. Burr has tirelessly worked to record, edit and display the many layout tours produced within the Fourth Division over the last year. He has worked to organize and train many of us in conducting our meetings online. This takes a lot of time and requires patience with us as we have learned the necessary computer skills.
While doing all this, he has been actively producing many fine videos of his own extensive HO layout. His creative skills include many videos on one screen showing multiple views of the same scene, including onboard cameras. He has hosted several remotely controlled operating sessions with operators working trains from different locations. Count on him to lead the way in adopting new and more effective ways we can share our hobby.
Thank you Burr on behalf of all of us in the 4D.
Russ Segner, Superintendent