by John O’Connell, Photos by Ted Becker and John O’Connell
Ted Becker opened the Clinic with seventeen in attendance including guests David and Paulette Sitzenstock of Ferndale and Mark and Chris Malmkar from Oak Harbor. During the announcements, Ted asked how many in attendance joined the NMRA due to their participation in the Mt Vernon Clinic. The answer: Six!
Upcoming Programs and Events
December 8 – Mini-Clinics, a virtual dim sum of railroad and modeling topics in bite size doses, including Al Carter, “Yet Another Way to Make Streets and Roads;” John O’Connell, “Catenary Poles.” There is still room on the agenda so let Ted know if you have a 10-15 minute topic.
January 12 – Nick Muff, “It’s All in the Details,” a clinic on how to add those important final touches to your model scene that take realism to the next level.
February 9 – Bob Stafford, Retired BNSF Trainmaster will speak on Operations on the Bellingham Sub.