Article and Photos by Syd Schofield
The East Side Get-Together North Clinic (Redmond), held on 15 December 2016 at the Old Redmond School House, had the usual Bring-and-Brag plus the annual Dirty Santa gift exchange. Dave Cook brought things together after the coffee and doughnuts warmup.
Dave Enger displayed seven of his side dump gondolas for the evening’s viewers choice, and first (and last) gift pick. Russ Segner also brought in a dandy steam critter in Sn3 scale to show. Then on to the main event for the evening, the railroad-themed gift exchange.
The “Dirty Santa” exchange rules established way back when steam was king (I’m told) had some strategy to somehow finagle one’s choice during the proceedings. Early picks were at a disadvantage as maybe their choice for the evening may not have been revealed. Each item has to be unwrapped at the time of selection thus exposing it to a pack rat exchange. However, the pirated “victim” then has the choice of any other item that has been picked.