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Whidbey Clinic 13 April on Zoom – Rust Never Sleeps

Clinic chairman Rich Blake will be presenting the April clinic. This one will be on techniques for creating rust and other weathering effects using paint layering, salt and hairspray. Clinic will be on April 13th at 7PM. 


4dpnrOrganizer SkagitValleyWhidbey is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: SV&W April Clinic
Time: Apr 13, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 814 9775 5526
Passcode: 783700
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Whidbey Clinic 9 March 2022 – Double Feature – Restoring Prototype Equipment and a Mini-Layout Tour

Join us this Wednesday 9 March at 7:00 on ZOOM for a special double feature. We start with Jon Wilbert showing some items from his prototype equipment collection that has been nicely restored for display and functionality. Our second feature will be Al Frasch sharing a tour of his new layout in Arizona – the Modesto Empire and Traction in N-scale. Will be an interesting clinic covering a wide spectrum of big and small subjects.

Zoom Link

4dpnrOrganizer SkagitValleyWhidbey is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Whidbey March Clinic
Time: Mar 9, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 828 8900 0829
Passcode: 120810
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Whidbey Clinic February 9th 7:00PM – Rolling Stock Smash and Bash

Following on with our theme of show and tell about your favorite projects, we are focusing on rolling stock for the February clinic.  Do you have a favorite piece of rolling stock that you have scratchbuilt, kit bashed or simply super detailed and weathered.  Let’s see it in an open forum. 

Looking for volunteers to show off their work in about 5-10 minute segments.  This will be a similar format that we have done with our Caboose Clinic (youtube link).  Please contact Rich Blake at email “slugsmasher – At –” and get on the crew list.  Looking for about five volunteers, first come first served.

Standard Zoom protocol for presenting, Powerpoint or photos preferred. Limit use of video as it doesn’t present very well in zoom. Holding up project in front of webcam or phone/tablet cam works also.

Zoom link

4dpnrOrganizer SkagitValleyWhidbey is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Whidbey Clinic – Rolling Stock Bash

Time: Feb 9, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 819 0376 0543

Passcode: 731737

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        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Whidbey Clinic on ZOOM 12JAN2022 – Scratch-building an Operating Rail Ferry

The January clinic will have your news letter editor Cliff Aaker presenting a clinic on a Train Ferry that was scratch built to function much like a turntable at one end of a end-to-end layout. The ferry is scratch built to insure it’s function is thoroughly served. Topics will include aligning the track on a turntable like structure. the animation/control which in this case is an Arduino/servo and planning or lack thereof. If you have some “mini-clinic” material to share also that would be perfect.

Cliff Aaker’s On30 rail ferry that also operates as a turntable to provide variable operational opportunities on his Salmon Bay Railway and Navigation layout.


4dpnrOrganizer SkagitValleyWhidbey is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Time: Jan 12, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 825 2254 2827
Passcode: 290017
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Whidbey Clinic 10 November 2021 with Stathi Pappas

We are looking forward to another visit (virtual) from our old friend Stathi Pappas. He will be catching us up on his activities at the railroad museum in Chehalis on the Cowlitz, Centralia, & Cascade Locomotive 15 Restoration and hopefully the Cumbres and Toltec.   Clinic starts at 7:00 PM on Wednesday 10 November.

Stathi riding on the footboard of his personal loco – an 0-4-0t Porter engine affectionately called the “Chiggen”.

Some of you in the Pacific Northwest Region may remember Stathi when he worked at the Snoqualmie Railroad Museum and previously on the Mount Rainier Scenic Railroad as Chief Mechanical Officer. His locomotive restoration skills are legendary and well respected nationally. If you are interested in the technical aspects of prototype steam locomotives this will be a clinic not to miss.

ZOOM Link provided:

4dpnrOrganizer SkagitValleyWhidbey is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: SV&W November Clinic

Time: Nov 10, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 876 2631 9599

Passcode: 439536

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Whidbey Clinic 13 October – Locomotive Kitbashing, Superdetailing and Scratchbuilding

At 7:00PM 13 October (this Wednesday) we will have a fantastic lineup of master model builders to showcase their work in locomotive motive power.

Ron Hopkins MMR

Jon Bentz

Gary Jordan MMR

Yoshi Ueda

Our presenters will share their building and detailing methods on some exquisite examples of finescale motive power.  These models are all top level “contest” models that exhibit high quality craftsmanship and attention to detail.  Some of which were built to acquire the NMRA Master Builder – Motive Power certificate which is arguably the most difficult NMRA achievement to complete.  This will be a clinic not to be missed for anyone interested in locomotive detailing and scratchbuilding. 

ZOOM Link:

Topic: Whidbey October 2021 Clinic

Time: Oct 13, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 860 9773 8847

Passcode: 298320

An example of Yoshi Ueda’s work, Mich-Cal Shay #2.
Scratchbuilt Rail Truck by Ron Hopkins
Superdetailed Climax locomotive by Rich Blake

Whidbey Clinic – October 13th 700pm on Zoom – Loco for Locos!

We’re Loco for Locos – Open Forum on Locomotive Kitbashing, Superdetailing and Scratchbuilding!

Superdetailed Bay Lumber Company No. 2 15 ton “Tee” boiler shay. (Model by Rich Blake)

Our last clinic of the last season was on the last thing on the tail end of the train – the Caboose.  It was a very successful clinic with many volunteers to describe and share their work.  Just incase you missed it, YouTube link here

We are kicking off the beginning of the virtual season with the Front End of the train – the LOCOMOTIVE!

Volunteers are needed – keep reading.

The locomotive is arguably (and because physics) the most important part of the train – Motive Power is needed to move goods and passengers to their destinations, without which we would not have railroads!

What have you built or detailed?  There are endless subjects out there from steam to diesel to electrics.  We want to see those superdetailed and kitbashed locos that are the stars of the model railroading show. 

NMRA AP for Master Builder Motive Power (MBMP) requires three locomotives – two kitbashed/superdetailed and at least one that is scratchbuilt.  If you have achieved MBMP merit awards or hold the Master Builder – Motive Power certificate – we would all be interested in seeing your work for this clinic.  The MBMP is one of the most challenging NMRA achievements.

Many regional and national “Best of Show” models fall into this category.  This is a great opportunity to show off your work!

All you need to be able to do to share your work is participate in zoom with a web cam or share pictures/Powerpoint slides from your computer with screen share.  You could simply hold up your project and talk about your work.  Alternatively, if you have an external webcam or phone/tablet you could show off your model on your layout or workbench.  Whatever the case, we need volunteers to make this work so please RSVP via email and I will put you on the crew list for this clinic.  Looking for 5-10 minute presentations and up to 10 volunteers.  First come first serve, THANK YOU in Advance!!!  Let’s make this happen. 

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ZOOM Link:

4dpnrOrganizer SkagitValleyWhidbey is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Whidbey October 2021 Clinic

Time: Oct 13, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 860 9773 8847

Passcode: 298320

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        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 860 9773 8847 Passcode: 298320

Back to the Beach, Clamshell Days in Ilwaco with the PNW On30 Modular Group

After a Covid induced cancellation for 2020, the PNW On30 Modular Group is back on the train show circuit for 2021 starting with arguably our favorite venue – Clamshell Days at the Pacific Columbia Heritage Museum in Ilwaco WA.  The annual event was held on the typical second weekend of July 17-18th.  “Clamshell Days” is the celebration of the narrow gauge Ilwaco Railway and Navigation Co history which ran along the length of the Long Beach peninsula.  The museum hosts the event where a small model railroad exhibition is provided with several modular displays, railroad centric kids activities and tours of the various historic structures along the original line of the IR&N.

Overview of the layout in the main exhibition hall of the Columbia Pacific Heritage Museum.

This would be our first train show since Monroe in February 2020 and the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.  We certainly appreciated the opportunity to get back together here in Ilwaco and owe a huge thanks to the Pacific Columbia Heritage Museum staff for making the event happen.  Although we remained masked up the entire weekend for precautions, this show was a good indicator that we are finally in the initial stages of putting the pandemic behind us and getting back to normal routines which is having fun with friends and trains!

View from Bay Lumber Company Camp 4 to the far side of the room where Ed Konchar is operating a train illustrates the vast expanse of the layout.
On18 locomotive working Rich Blake’s cranberry bog module. The loco is built on an N-scale mechanism which runs on Peco HOn30 track. Rail vehicles were frequently used over roads in early cranberry bog farming as the ties would keep equipment from sinking into the soft soil.
A majority of our time on the layout is spent running operations. Left to right, Masked up operations veterans Stephen Winter, Paul Vaughn and Byron Osborn conducing a passing move on the wye.
A small Baldwin 2-6-2 tank loco detailed by David Brockmeier for the Shoalwater Bay Railway and Navigation Company. Shoalwater Bay was the early settler’s name for Willapa Bay.
View of the Shoalwater Bay module set built by newest PNWOn30 member David Brockmeier.
Trim little Class-A Climax locomotive built by Jim Elder stretching out some skeleton cars.
View of newly built coaling module built by Budd Lather.


Whidbey CABEESE Clinic Tonight 9 JUN 7:00pm

Update to the clinic tonight. This should be a very interesting clinic as we have a wide array of fantastic modelers to show off their train backside – the Caboose!!!

Thanks to all the volunteers who stepped up for this unique event.

Presenter Line-Up

Rich Blake

Ted Becker

Phil Gonzales

Ron Hopkins MMR

Lee Marsh

Gary Jordan MMR

Jon Bentz

Jake Swaney

Terry Kandzor

Zoom Link:

Topic: SVW June Clinic
Time: Jun 9, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 923 4218 4361
Passcode: 576499
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+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Meeting ID: 923 4218 4361
Passcode: 576499

Whidbey Clinic 9 June 2021 – CABEESE!!!!

Our last clinic before the summer break will be on June 9th at 7:00pm on Zoom.

Our topic – and volunteers needed – is on the last car of the train – THE CABOOSE.

We want to see your crummies.  What do you have, what have you done, lets see those train tushies!!!!

I will kick off the clinic with some examples of my own work in O scale (On30).  We also have a couple other volunteers lined up but a few more 5-10 minute segments are needed.

Would like to see models of any scale that have been weathered, kitbashed and/or super detailed or scratchbuilt. NMRA AP Merit award models are certainly of interest.

This is a great opportunity to show off your train’s back side!!!

All you need to be able to do to share your work is participate in zoom with a web cam or share pictures from your computer with screen share.  You could simply hold up your project and talk about your work.  Alternatively, if you have an external webcam or phone/tablet you could show off your model on your layout or workbench.  Whatever the case, we need volunteers to make this work so please RSVP via email and I will put you on the crew list for this clinic. 

RSVP to :


4dpnrOrganizer SkagitValleyWhidbey is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: SVW June Clinic
Time: Jun 9, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 923 4218 4361
Passcode: 576499
Dial by your location
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Meeting ID: 923 4218 4361
Passcode: 576499