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My Pal Al Passes

Bobj Berger

Long time active 4th Division member Alfred S. Robinson, 88, passed away from a heart attack on July 30th (as reported to me this week by his wife Doreen). Al often used the term “Pal” as a term of endearment and because of that I always referred to him as “my Pal Al.” He was one of my favorites and a mentor.

Al was perhaps best known for his many years of managing the Seattle Clinic Mart, back during the days of our Beacon Hill meetings, which is where I first met him about 30 years ago. Since the Seattle-North Clinic moved to the current meeting location, he has been unlocking the church doors, preparing the room for the clinic, and participating in the clinic events. Doreen, in the spirit of continuing volunteerism has offered to continue to unlock the building for the Seattle-North Clinic if we will call and remind her! Al was the founder of the 4D G-scale module program, and he was largely responsible for those modules morphing to become what is today’s Puget Sound Garden Railway Society. He and my (then 12-year-old) daughter Ashley were featured on Spokane TV news stories during the 1991 Railfest Northwest PNR Convention with those G modules.

He had been fighting diabetes, liver failure and cancer the past couple of years, and once said to me (while discussing his diagnosis) that he’d had a wonderful life. This was quite evident when I met with his supportive family over the weekend.

The family is planning services to be held at the Ronald United Methodist Church (same location as the Seattle North Clinic) on Saturday, August 30th at 2 pm. The church is located on the west side of Hwy 99/Aurora Ave N, just North of 175th, between the Cadillac dealer and the Deseret Thrift Store (where Al shopped before every clinic!).

Al had spent much of the past couple of years selling a large part of his train collection, but was still buying up to the day he passed. A true model railroader! The family and Railfun are currently working on an in-house estate sale of his collections of G, On30, HO and other train related items, as well as his extensive military collection of tanks, uniforms, and other items. This may occur near the end of September. Another notice will be sent out when the date is chosen.

PSC Model Railroad Show Asks For Your Help With Magazine Storage

Bobj Berger

Ask not what the Annual NMRA Pacific Science Center Show can do for you, but ask what you can do for our Annual NMRA Pacific Science Center Show! For 40 years this model railroad show has been the primary source of 4th Division funding of member services and projects such as the clinics, module program, and video library (to name but a few of our member services). We have been able to do this because of the volunteer efforts of the committee and those displaying their hobby work, and the staff of the Pacific Science Center.

Each year we have magazines to give away at the NMRA-PNR-4D Membership table. These magazine “gifts” have always been well received by the kids and adults (and even a few members too!). A couple of years ago “Railfun Model Railroad Estate Services” began storing and then donating the magazines from the estates we had under contract for the show. We have not run out of magazines to give away during the show.

This year we have a new problem because we have over 15 estates in contract, another 3-4 pending, plus we no longer have one estate storage locker that was used for both trains and magazines. We are buried in model trains and related items and have run out of space to store the magazines for the PSC Show donation.

We need someone to step up and agree to store about 20 cardboard boxes of Trains, Model Railroader, MRC, etc the next 5 months until the January 2015 show. We could even store them in more than one place if one person does not have room for all 20 (or so) boxes. Currently they are stacked on my front porch and the Truly Unpleasant Mrs Berger has indicated her dissatisfaction with this arrangement! These are all clean non smelly magazines and all they need is a dry place to sit until the show. We can deliver even if need be.

So how about it, are you ready to step up and participate in the best model railroad show in the Northwest and possible the entire country? You even get to read them yourself!

Call PSC Show Board Member Bobj at 206-948-0862 or email at and begin your volunteering for your hobby. Thanks for your consideration, and keep on model railroading.


4th Division Education Committee Needs Volunteers

Alex Brikoff

The 4th Division Education Committee is in need of volunteers to work on the 4th Division Video Library. Stu Rogers, the current video librarian, is stepping down and would like to turn the video library over to someone else. The Education Committee will be taking charge of the library and making some improvements to the service coverage as well as the efficiency of the library. Here’s our plan:

The 4th Division Education Committee has several projects that it will be working on over the next several months. Improving the Video Library is one of them.

1. Find a new Video Library Chairman to work with me to find three additional dedicated volunteers to administer the library. The new video library chairman will take over Stu’s current duties that will include the following:

a. Have overseeing responsibility for the day to day operation of the library.
b. Maintenance of the library to insure there is no damage to the media when returned.
c. Maintain an online method of tracking checkouts and checkins of videos and DVDs.
d. Do periodic research and acquire new movies to keep the collection “fresh” and up to date as necessary within allocated budget.
e. Any other duties that may come up pertaining to the Video Library including communicating with the other three video librarians and setting up a way of transferring videos from a central location.

2. These four volunteers should be able to meet the following requirements:

a. Have the time and desire to work on an ongoing project for the 4th Division. The time commitment shouldn’t be more than a few days each month.
b. Have dependable transportation.
c. Be able to attend local clinics in their respective areas.
d. Have an email account and at least a basic computer proficiency and software knowledge, such as Microsoft Office.

3. Each of these four video librarians should live in each of the four geographic directions with Seattle being at the center. By this I mean, one should live north of Seattle, another east of Seattle and the third and fourth should live in the other two directions respectively.

If you would like to be a part of this project and participate in this 4th Division opportunity, or just to find out more about it, please contact me, 425-466-1490 or

Next Board of Directors Meeting March 8

Russ Segner, Superintendent of 4D/PNR/NMRA

I am calling a meeting of the 4th Division Board of Directors to be held March 8, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. at Mitzel’s Restaurant, 22330 84th Ave S, Kent (253) 395-3635.

The major business of this meeting is to deal with two vacancies on the Board. One will be the Director position held by Mike Highsmith prior to his move up to Assistant Superintendent. The term of the position runs through August 31, 2015. The second position is that of Secretary. This is a position appointed by the Superintendent with the concurrence of the BOD.

I have put forward the name of Tina Brikoff for Secretary. If you wish to put your name forth for the vacant Director position, please contact me at Please be prepared to be at the meeting with a statement of qualifications and why you are interested in serving in the position. After discussion, the BOD will make a selection.

Glenn Farley Presented with MMR Plaque

Russ Segner

Glenn Farley was presented with his Master Model Railroader plaque this week at an open house of fellow MMR, Dave Woodrell. Glenn models in On3, but has won many awards for his modeling in HO, including a Best of Show at a NMRA Convention for a scratch built HO steam locomotive.

His home On3 layout includes a complete Gunnison roundhouse which he created in collaboration with Clint Crow.

Glenn will present clinics on working with brass and illustrate his techniques at our upcoming PNR Convention this June. Congratulations, Glenn.

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Presentation Available Online for Eastside Get-Together Clinic

Brian Pickering

At the last Eastside Get-Together Clinic I didn’t have time to complete the presentation on Decoder Pro, so I’m making it available online (it has been online before when I presented it for the HO Modular Group).

If you have questions, feel free to e-mail me (Brian) at

The presentation (in PDF format) is available by clicking here.

PSC Show 40th Anniversary Banquet Interest Query

David Yadock

The Pacific Science Center Model Railroad show will be happening next January 18-20, 2014. It will be the 40th anniversary of this event. Since this will be a very important anniversary year it has been suggested that a banquet be held. The banquet would be on Sunday evening following the closing of the show. The cost per person would be around $10-15. Since the banquet would be held at their facility we would be required to use one of their caterers.

At this time I would like to assess how many people would like to attend the banquet. If there is enough interest then we will have it at the Pacific Science Center. If there isn’t sufficient interest then we may need to re-think the plan and look for other options. We would need approximately 75 people in attendance. Please email me (David Yadock) at

Thank you.


Some Disassembly Required!

Russ Segner

Here is a chance to get some exercise and help the Snoqualmie Museum. I am recruiting a crew to help me disassemble steel shelving at a building in Kent over the weekend of August 3 and 4. The shelving is not particularly heavy or difficult to handle, I just want it to be handled carefully. It will be used in the new display hall at the museum.

If I get enough volunteers, it will get done in one day. So, if you can help part of either day, contact me at 425-228-7327 or

PNR 2014 Layout Organizers Needed

Russ Segner

Memorial Day weekend is a time for us all to reflect on all those who have given so much of their lives to keep us free and safe. So, when we are asked to volunteer for the small stuff, it is good to keep it all in perspective.

So, I offer some of you an opportunity to help with next year’s PNR Convention. I need some help organizing the layouts for tours. We need a list of those who are interested in holding open houses and what days will work best for them to be open. It is currently envisioned that any one layout will be open only one day, so the layout open houses will be organized by area; north, south, east and west of Puget Sound.
If you have questions, call me at 425 228-7327 or email me.