Marion Weston

I’m not just a little late with this, but a lot late. Sorry! August 10 we had a great clinic by Pete Rowe on the building of plastic buildings from scratch. Pete does almost if not all his buildings from scratch. He makes it look so easy, but I’m not sure that I could ever make anything as good as Pete does.

Our next clinic will be September 7. Yes this is a week earlier than usual, but with the PNR Convention the second week we wanted to insure that we didn’t miss out on our clinic. Peter Maitland will be presenting the clinic and the last time I talked to Peter he was still deciding on the topic. Another surprise.

The Bremerton Northern Model Railroad Club spent most of the month at the Kitsap County Fairgrounds. We set up Aug 9 and used the time until the fair to run trains and give our old layout some much needed TLC. Our next show will be at Lynden and we hope to see you all there.