By Ted Becker

The series of Arduino sessions that were a spinoff of the introduction to Arduino clinic I presented earlier this year took a break for the summer.  Your input is needed to determine if the Arduino sessions will resume and if so, what form will they take.  The following questions need to be answered:

  1. How many people will participate?  Especially asking questions.
  2. What topics to cover?
  3. Go back to basics?
  4. Get into more advanced topics?
  5. A mix of the two?
  6. Repeat previous lessons?  Which ones?
  7. What day of the week and time of day works best?
  8. Other suggestions?

Send your replies to Ted Becker

FYI, on August 18 at 4:00pm I will be presenting an Introduction to Arduino and how I have been using them on the New Tracks Modeling show.  If you are interested search for New Tracks Modeling and sign up for their emails or, if you email me Wednesday before the show I will email you the Zoom link.

Ted Becker