The January clinic will have your news letter editor Cliff Aaker presenting a clinic on a Train Ferry that was scratch built to function much like a turntable at one end of a end-to-end layout. The ferry is scratch built to insure it’s function is thoroughly served. Topics will include aligning the track on a turntable like structure. the animation/control which in this case is an Arduino/servo and planning or lack thereof. If you have some “mini-clinic” material to share also that would be perfect.

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Reaching out to you to see if you would be interested in taking a look at a recently deceased friend’s HO layout in Bellingham. The person is Terry Zeri, he passed in December. He was an outstanding HO modeler and his family is trying to figure out what to do with the layout. It is not real large, but is very detailed and has some quality structures. Terry also had some excellent brass engines and some beautiful rolling stock. I think the family plans to give some of that to grandchildren. I have been told that the family is very open to donating the layout to a club or group that would appreciate it.
I live in Colorado, but have had a long relationship with Terry and a shared interest in HO trains and motorcycles; so I do have a number of pictures Terry sent me and would be willing to share those and also I can provide you contact information for Terry’s widow, Bernadette.
My email is Hope to hear from you. Thanks