We’re Loco for Locos – Open Forum on Locomotive Kitbashing, Superdetailing and Scratchbuilding!

Our last clinic of the last season was on the last thing on the tail end of the train – the Caboose. It was a very successful clinic with many volunteers to describe and share their work. Just incase you missed it, YouTube link here https://youtu.be/fTJzl5ZYfrM
We are kicking off the beginning of the virtual season with the Front End of the train – the LOCOMOTIVE!
Volunteers are needed – keep reading.
The locomotive is arguably (and because physics) the most important part of the train – Motive Power is needed to move goods and passengers to their destinations, without which we would not have railroads!
What have you built or detailed? There are endless subjects out there from steam to diesel to electrics. We want to see those superdetailed and kitbashed locos that are the stars of the model railroading show.
NMRA AP for Master Builder Motive Power (MBMP) requires three locomotives – two kitbashed/superdetailed and at least one that is scratchbuilt. If you have achieved MBMP merit awards or hold the Master Builder – Motive Power certificate – we would all be interested in seeing your work for this clinic. The MBMP is one of the most challenging NMRA achievements. https://www.nmra.org/master-builder-motive-power
Many regional and national “Best of Show” models fall into this category. This is a great opportunity to show off your work!
All you need to be able to do to share your work is participate in zoom with a web cam or share pictures/Powerpoint slides from your computer with screen share. You could simply hold up your project and talk about your work. Alternatively, if you have an external webcam or phone/tablet you could show off your model on your layout or workbench. Whatever the case, we need volunteers to make this work so please RSVP via email and I will put you on the crew list for this clinic. Looking for 5-10 minute presentations and up to 10 volunteers. First come first serve, THANK YOU in Advance!!! Let’s make this happen.
RSVP to : slugsmasher@oakharbor.net
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4dpnrOrganizer SkagitValleyWhidbey is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Whidbey October 2021 Clinic
Time: Oct 13, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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