Bill Hupé

The Westside Clinic is tomorrow Tuesday December 8th, 2015. Last month Jack Hamilton presented a clinic on basic wiring.

This month’s clinic: Weathering Rolling Stock. Walt Huston is coming up to present his hands-on clinic on weathering.

This is our White Elephant gift exchange and annual food bank drive. For those of you who are new, our White Elephant exchange consists of you wrapping a model railroading related item for exchange; old or new; useful or not; Give one get one.

As always we will have a “Model Contest” and “Show And Tell.” Coffee and cookies will be provided. Please come and bring a friend.

If you are visiting the first time our clinics are held at the United Way of Kitsap Building in downtown Bremerton (647 4th Street) at 7 pm. Additional details (including a map and contact info) are on the Clinics Page.