Roger Johnson / Photos by Roger Johnson
The November Mount Vernon clinic of the local Fourth Division, PNR, NMRA was attended by 22 folks, one of which was the 4th Division Superintendent, Russ Segner. Thank you, Russ, for taking the time and effort to battle the traffic from Newcastle to attend our clinic. You will always be welcome here.

Our distinguished visitor Russ Segner, 4th Div Superintendent
The Mt Vernon Model Railroad Clinic is a NMRA sanctioned event with the 4th Division of NMRA providing a modest sum of seed money to help us get started. While NMRA membership is not required to attend the clinics, it was once again heartily encouraged. Please let Al Carter or Roger Johnson know if you wish to join the NMRA.
There were several announcements of upcoming events (editor added a couple):
- The next Skagit Valley & Whidbey clinic December 10, 2014 will feature Susan Gonzales presenting “Make & Take Windswept Trees.” Email Rich Blake.
- 15th Annual Model Train Festival at the Washington State History Museum, December 26, 2014 – January 1, 2015. Info at
- 4th Division’s 41st Annual Train Show at Pacific Science Center January 17-19, 2015. This is the divisions principal source of income for the year so support of the show will be appreciated. Contact: Jeff Moorman, 206-367-2377 or
- 24th Annual Model Train Show and Marketplace at the Evergreen State Fairgrounds in Monroe February 28 & March 1, 2015.
- 30th Annual Sn3 Symposium in Bellevue April 16-18, 2015. Info at
- 2015 NMRA National Convention “Portland Daylight Express” in Portland, OR August 23 – 29, 2015. Info at
Other announcements included:
- Marv Hall brought to our attention a paint chart by Microscale cross referencing most of the lost Floquil railroad colors to paints of several other manufacturers.
- Mike Pettruzzelli brought several old Model Railroader magazines available for the taking.
- Tom Buckingham brought newspapers for our perusal from the Grand Canyon Railway, brought back from his recent trip thereon.
- Russ Segner reminded us of the restorations taking place at the Northwest Railway Museum in Snoqualmie. He also brought several railroad paintings recently donated to the 4th Division that are for sale (prices negotiable) to benefit the Division.
Our Show & Tell (or Bring & Brag) segment featured:
- A disassembled Santa Fe passenger car in the process of being super detailed by Nick Muff. Included are carpeting, table Formica and seat back headrests all pattered after the real car, lower level constant lighting and a Tsunami rolling stock sound decoder to replicate the sound of the two diesel generators with which these cars were equipped
- A scratch built gas station in progress by Al Carter, with excellent detailing in the office/waiting room. This building has special significance for Al as it was started for him by a fellow who has since died. When complete it will bear his name.

Nick Muff’s passenger car detailing in process

Al Carter’s service station interior detail
The Tool of the Month was silent this month. Hopefully it will have found its voice at the next clinic.
The evening’s presentation was a demonstration of casting rocks in geodesic foam by our own MMR (mistakenly noted as MRR in the earlier clinic reminder notice) Nick Muff. Over the course of an hour or so we watched as he prepared a mold, mixed the two part resin material, poured it into the mold, made sure it was evenly covered and eventually removed from the mold. The result is highly detailed rock castings that are very light weight and can be cut with scissors and, with some heat, can be reshaped to fit the specific intended space.
In addition to showing how to make the castings, he also demonstrated coloring techniques, starting with white artists’ gesso and then black tempera paint powder. When he first applied the dry powder to the casting it took on a somewhat uniform dark grey color. Next he misted the casting with water then washed much of the tempera from the high spots leaving the cracks and crevices in deep shadow. To this writer’s eye it was like magic—in seconds the casting had been changed from a pure white casting into what looked very much like a real rock cliff side. Further coloring with acrylic artists’ tube paints and a random dusting of greenery completes the look.
Nick uses and recommends the products of Bragdon Enterprises because, as he says “If you buy from Bragdon you not only get the materials—you also get Joel Bragdon” to answer questions and provide hints along the way, if needed. This writer would be remiss to not mention how entertaining Nick can be while educating us to new techniques and modeling tips. It is no wonder he has been designated as a Master Model Railroader! We are very lucky to have him as an active participant in our group.

Nick Muff’s foam rock molding presentation materials laid out and ready

Nick Muff demonstrating foam rock molding

Nick Muff answers questions following his foam rock molding presentation

Jim Tartas explains his rock casting technique to Jon Wilbert
For future clinics, if the front door of the Senior Center is locked, entry will be through the rear door on the south (erroneously stated in an earlier report as west) side of the building which is kept open in the evening. This passes through a kitchen, then into the hallway. A sign will be posted at the correct door.
It was decided last month to not have a December Clinic (two days before the Christmas holiday). Therefore, our next clinic will be January 27, 2015 (fourth Tuesday) at 7:00 PM at the Mount Vernon Senior Canter. Roger Johnson will demonstrate how to put “Structures on a Diet,” reducing the footprint (and sometimes mass) of plastic building kits.