Cliff Green

Welcome, new (and renewed) 4th Division NMRA members! I’ve updated the Grab Iron e-mail notification list with new members as well as members that have renewed or changed their e-mail addresses. Any time a Grab Iron blog post is created and published you will receive an e-mail notification. If you do not wish to receive these notifications, let me (Cliff, know and I’ll be happy to remove you.

Many train related events are happening over the next couple of months. A list of events in the NMRA Pacific Northwest Region (PNR) can be found here. Events of particular 4D interest include:

  • The Narrow Gauge Symposium is less than a week away, their website is
  • The 4D spring meet will be held on June 6th in Bellevue.
  • Portland Daylight Express, the NMRA national convention, will be held August 23 – 28, 2015. Additional information is available at
  • The annual Olympia area layout tours will take place May 16th. Per the NMRA Pacific Northwest Region calendar, additional information will be available from Scott Buckley,

There is a wealth of model railroading expertise available in this area, and a good place to encounter it is at one of the 4th Div clinics (see the 4D web site “Clinics” page for more info). I urge everyone to take advantage of it whenever possible. Most of the clinic organizers provide overviews and reports in the Grab Iron, but reading blog posts can’t compare to attending in person.