By Ken Liesse

The NMRA National Convention will be held in Portland in 2015 with PNR’s 2nd Division playing host for that event. Because of that, 2nd Division asked to be relieved of their obligation to host the PNR convention next year. Anyone who has ever been involved with a National convention can certainly understand that request, knowing what’s involved in putting on something of that magnitude. 4th Division has stepped up and volunteered to take 2014 off 2nd Division’s hands, even though we know we’re already at least a year behind in planning for such an event. (2nd Division will take over 4th’s next PNR obligation in 2018.)

I’d like to thank the Board of Director’s for voting in favor of putting on next year’s convention, and I’d especially like to thank those who have already raised their hands and said “I can help.” Russ Segner has agreed to take on the role of Convention Chairman (or at least co-chair) and planning is underway. Now here’s where the rest of 4th Division comes in.

Putting on a convention requires several people in key roles and Russ needs to start putting his committee together. The following list shows just some of the positions that need to be filled in order for us to pull this off. If you’d like to get involved in any of these areas, contact Russ at Some positions have already been filled, but there will be a lot of opportunity to lend a hand and help the division. And remember, you can always earn Volunteer points by helping out.

  • Clinic Chair
  • Non-Rail Chair
  • Layout Tours Chair
  • Prototype Tours Chair
  • Publicity Chair
  • Program Chair
  • Banquet Chair
  • AV Equipment Chair/Coordinator/Clinic Support
  • Door Prize Chair
  • Webmaster
  • Security
  • Hotel liaison
  • Convention Advisor/Consultant