Cliff Green

I’ve enabled comments on 4th Division Grab Iron posts (again … in the past it’s been a battle against blog spam). Besides allowing comments on general posts, we have a new Grab Iron contributor that is going to be writing posts on narrow gauge topics, and will be encouraging discussions and feedback through comments.

A name and e-mail address is required to be entered to write a comment on a Grab Iron post. The e-mail address will not be displayed to comment viewers, but the name will be. I will be asking for a real name versus an alias or handle to help keep comments spam-free and civil.

The first comment from each person requires moderation (i.e. approval) by me (or other Grab Iron admin), with subsequent comments not requiring moderation (this could change if comments start getting out of hand).

I’m looking forward to the discussions!

Discussions and Comments, Oh My!

Discussions and Comments, Oh My!